Henggart, summer 2009 – Swiss Technology company MSR Electronics GmbH is launching its new MSR165 mini-datalogger with high resolution 3-axis digital accelerometer. The rugged MSR165 datalogger is capable of making 1600 acceleration (shock, vibrations) measurements per second in all three axes, up to 6 months.
Surely a candidate for the record! At the same time temperature, humidity, pressure and light can be measured. The memory capacity of this quality datalogger is over 2 000 000 measurements.
The highest performance in the smallest space! Swiss company, MSR Electronics GmbH, has always remained true to this motto. Some time ago, the developers launched the world’s first miniaturised quality datalogger, the thumb-sized MSR145. Now, with the MSR165, the range has been expanded with a logger that fulfils the requirements of many users for a higher measurement frequency of 1kHz for making shock measurements. Shock monitoring is possible up to +/- 15g – the range most requested by users. During a g-analysis for instance, it is often also necessary to investigate the events precursing the actual shock itself. In the case of a short, sharp shock for example, the parameters just before the trigger value is exceeded are also of interest. That’s why the MSR165 already records measurement parameters 32 milliseconds before the main event. The user is then not only able to define that a sharp shock occurred, but is also able to investigate the exact time-history of the shock.
Ideal for long-term measurements
The MSR165 datalogger has extremely low power requirements due to its high-performance 3-axis accelerometer (150 microamperes, 13-bit resolution). Thanks to its rechargeable 900mAh lithium-polymer battery the unit can record shock measurements over a period of six months. In addition, temperature, humidity, pressure, light and four analogue input voltages can be recorded. The installed memory is capable of storing over two million measurement parameters which is sufficient for over 10,000 shocks. Using a microSD card (>4 GB) the memory capacity can also be significantly increased which is particularly useful for recording vibration measurements. All saved measurements can be quickly transferred to a PC or laptop via the USB interface.
Innumerable applications
Its small size (39 x 23 x 72mm, approx. 69g), the five different measurement variables and its long-term measurement capability make the MSR165 highly suitable for a wide range of applications. The logger has a anodised aluminium case and is waterproof. Industrial applications deserve particular mention because between manufacture and delivery of the product to the user there is virtually no way of avoiding datalogging. In today’s climate of international ISO quality assurance standards, manufacturers have to demonstrate that they have done everything within their power to guarantee the quality and functionality of their products.
Dataloggers from MSR Electronics ensure that manufacturing stages are efficiently recorded and that evaluation of the data is fully documented and can be tracked. In order to ensure that expensive production machinery is put to optimum use the MSR 165 can for instance be used to measure vibrations in servo-axles or oscillations at a tool carousel of a manufacturing machine. These measurements allow the user to draw conclusions as to whether a tool is defective, if a machine is overloaded, if the drive is not running optimally, if a service is necessary or whether the machine can withstand the vibrations. This last point is of great relevance to industrial machines because eliminating untoward vibrations is a sure method of increasing the machines’ service life.
In monitoring the transport goods too, seamless datalogging is often unavoidable. If for example, a manufacturer has to transport machinery that is worth several hundred thousand Dollars, then he can fasten the MSR165 to the machines with three screws or a tension band and make shock, temperature, humidity and pressure measurements during the journey. In this way, possible transport damage can be identified at an early stage and events can be fully reconstructed – even questions of liability can be evaluated objectively in this manner. The light sensors even allow the user to determine whether or not the packaging was opened during the journey. Using the small datalogger can therefore save the user time, problems and of course money!
Conclusion: Currently there are no other comparable dataloggers on the market capable of recording as many measurement parameters (temperature, humidity, pressure, light and position/acceleration simultaneously) from within such a small case and which allows such meaningful long-term measurements to be carried out as can the MSR165.
About MSR Electronics GmbH
MSR Electronics GmbH, based in Henggart, Switzerland, was established in 2006 following a management buyout of prospective concepts ag (Zurich, Switzerland). MSR Electronics GmbH took over and broadened all activities of the MSR department (MSR = Modular Signal Recorder) including development, production and marketing, together with sales and support for the MSR products.
The firm’s core competencies lie in the development and sale of standard and application-specific dataloggers for a broad range of uses. MSR Electronics’ customers include well known firms such as Alstom, Novartis, W.L. Gore & Associates, EMPA, Rega (the Swiss air rescue service), Oerlikon Balzers and many more.
Please contact us should you require further information.
MSR Electronics GmbH
Juerg Mausch / PR
Oberwilerstrasse 16, CH-8444 Henggart (Switzerland)
Phone +41 79 432 02 17