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Take to the skies!

Always an exciting and interesting contributor to PES magazine, FLIR is behind a scheme to monitor photovoltaic systems’ thermography from the air using drones. We find out more… The company Paul Kitawa (www.kitawa.de) is located in Calau, Germany and specialises in film productions. In addition to advertising, training, corporate image and product films, it provides… Read more »

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PV’s recovery continues apace

The crisis of the photovoltaic industry is drawing to a close. While it is true demand for solar modules is dropping slightly in Europe, demand in many other regions is rising rapidly – even the producers of thin-layer modules which had been almost “written off” are investing in new factories again. Obviously, this is good… Read more »

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Taking module technology to the next level

An accomplished and adept organisation that is known for remaining one step ahead of the competition, GT Advanced Technologies is a leading light when it comes to innovation – and crucially, delivering a profitable outcome. We grabbed a few minutes with the company’s Jeff Nestel-Patt, Senior Director of Marketing. PES: The company is well known… Read more »

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Specialists in quality

Any company that can survive the ups and downs of over 20 years in business must be doing something very right, and for IMT Solar – Ingenieurb¸ro Mencke & Tegtmeyer GmbH – getting things right is all part of the service. After all, quality counts, argues the company’s Dirk Tegtmeyer… PES: Welcome to the magazine…. Read more »

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Smarter solar radiation monitoring

Words: Ruud Ringoir, Product Manager at Kipp & Zonen Instruments for monitoring solar radiation have been used in meteorology and climatology for almost a hundred years, but today they are also a common sight in solar energy. The data required differs for PV (Photovoltaic), CPV (Concentrated PV) and CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) applications, but they… Read more »

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Let’s Talk About Targets

Today’s solar industry is built on carbon targets, but with several key countries set to miss their 2020 obligations, we ask: is our industry in jeopardy? Policy uncertainty and grid integration risks are driving a slowdown in global renewable energy deployment, especially in OECD economies, according to a new International Energy Agency (IEA) report. Clean… Read more »

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Breaking the 19.5% barrier for multi-crystalline solar cells

Dutch specialist PV equipment manufacturer Levitech has developed a system that allowed mono-crystalline wafers to break the 20% efficiency barrier, resulting in considerable cost-of-ownership savings for high-volume solar cell manufacturers. Now they are able to demonstrate that this technology can extend to multi-crystalline wafers, taking them through the 19.5% barrier. Over the last several years,… Read more »

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Integrated recycling concepts for photovoltaic waste

Are we moving towards more efficient, more effective methods of recycling PV waste? The experts at Loser Chemie GmbH certainly believe so… “If something isn’t done, everything will transform into a mouse grey mud”. That’s the way Boulding formulated his point of view concerning the fact that human waste leads to entropy bigger than the… Read more »

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PV module output: the case for on-site optimisation

Words: Erik Lohse, Michael Fufl  The quality of solar modules is not always as expected. However, a cost-efficient way to prove the quality on-site is by using mobile test centres – under the condition that measurements are performed and test results are implemented by well-trained and knowledgeable solar experts. Testing modules on-site can establish a… Read more »

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Adapt and prosper

An undoubtedly innovative and technically-brilliant company that is well known throughout the industry, meteocontrol GmbH is nevertheless perhaps less well known for its commitment to corporate responsibility and customer care. Dr. Daniel Faltermeier, Head of Quality Services PV, spoke to us about what makes the company tick. PES: Welcome to PES. Would you like to… Read more »

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