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Offshore is on course

The offshore wind industry is transitioning from early development to demonstration of commercial viability. Worldwide, there are an increasing number of commercial-scale projects in operation, while in the US there are concrete plans afoot to follow the lead of Europe and elsewhere. We take a look at the Department of Energy’s very latest market assessment…. Read more »

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Europe: a winning attitude to offshore policy support

The high cost of energy produced by offshore wind is the major contributing factor to the lack of cost competitiveness in certain world markets such as North America. Europe, however, has embraced a positive approach to subsidies, which has fostered an energetic market. We put the leading countries under the spotlight. The main driver of… Read more »

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Offshore: where excellence meets execution

Having built over 20 years’ experience in the Oil & Gas industry, Seaway Heavy Lifting turned its extensive expertise to renewables – particularly wind energy. The offshore contractor has already gained a reputation for excellence and an impressive track record. We take a look at its project highlights. SylWin alpha Platform Transportation and installation of… Read more »

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Making waves in wind

Operating out of one of the largest and busiest ports in the world, Stemat bv has been leading the way in maritime services for over a quarter of a century. We find out what makes the company tick, courtesy of Commercial and Operational Manager, Robbert Jan van Zuiden. PES: Welcome to PES magazine. Would you… Read more »

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New climate economy

The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change was published in 2006 by Nicholas Stern, and swiftly became a game-changer for the wind industry. Will the economist’s latest report – published by The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate just a few days ago – have the same impact? We pick over the… Read more »

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Optimising turbines for peak performance

IT report: using advanced control and communications to decrease downtime. “The world faces a once-off transition to sustainability,” says Dr Eddie O’Connor, CEO at Mainstream Renewable Power. “By reducing our dependence on imported fossil fuels and shifting to low carbon sources of power generation, we can grow the economy and lower the price the consumer… Read more »

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Introducing a one-stop shop for offshore wind

In this issue, we turn our attention to Vlissingen – a bustling commercial base that’s high on the strategic agenda for wind executives throughout Europe. The North Sea is an ideal location for the generation of wind energy. The wind is favourable and thanks to the slight water depths it is relatively easy to build… Read more »

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Creating innovative everyday solutions

A multi-billion dollar engineering conglomerate with an impressive and diverse portfolio of products, solutions and services, CG has had a massive impact on the wind industry. With manufacturing facilities in nine countries across Asia, Europe and North America, the company is a global pioneer that delivers results through innovation. We spoke to the company’s Chief… Read more »

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Derisking The Entrepreneur

Words: Simon Middleton of Watershed Entrepreneurs Can wind fuel a new breed of successful businesses? And is adequate funding available to start-ups? Simon answers the questions (and more). Of the 1,640 plus members of the Forbes Billionaires list, 31 are under the age of 40. With all the media attention these young billionaires have received… Read more »

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US market provides a breath of fresh air

Words: , Chief Executive Officer at Tekmar It is an exciting time to be working in the renewables industry. To be operating at the forefront of a rapidly developing sector is providing opportunities to shape and secure the energy supply for years to come, ensuring the lights remain on for us and generations to come.Developers… Read more »

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