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The North Sea: the cradle of offshore access

The North Sea is the epicentre of offshore wind energy, vital for Europe’s renewable strategy with ambitious targets. Ampelmann’s innovative gangway systems have revolutionised offshore access, ensuring safe operations in challenging conditions, and are now crucial for the growing global offshore wind sector.

Unquestionably, the North Sea is the cradle of offshore wind. Even if the world’s first offshore wind farm, Vindeby, was built just outside its boundaries in the Danish Baltic Sea, it was here that offshore wind matured. 

Considered a key sea basin in the European Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy, the North Sea was recently dubbed Europe’s ‘green power plant’ in the Ostend Declaration of 2022. The declaration sets the ambitious target of 120 GW of offshore and floating wind capacity by 2030, and 300 GW by 2050. The region is a key growth area for offshore renewables and central to Europe’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions. Yet, there is a long road ahead before achieving net zero

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