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The importance of wind yield forecasts in the age of the energy transition

At a time when the energy transition is becoming increasingly urgent, accurate long-term wind resource forecasts are becoming an indispensable pillar of renewable energy planning. Not only do these forecasts serve as an indispensable tool for strategic decision-making by planners and project developers, they are also a fundamental prerequisite for fully realizing the potential of wind energy projects, even before the first sod is turned. After all, investing in a wind turbine, which can often cost as much as 5 to 7 million euros, requires sound and well-considered preparation to ensure efficient risk minimization and yield maximization.

In this context, wind power forecasts not only serve as a tool for optimizing technical operations, but also as a central means of communication with all stakeholders. With the combination of accurate forecasts and the necessary charisma, the course can be set for the success of future-oriented wind power projects in the age of energy transition.

Why are long-term wind forecasts so important?

Fundamental planning basis

Without reliable forecasts, wind turbine development is like flying blind. Long-term energy yield forecasts are essential because they provide a solid basis for several critical decisions. These include selecting investments, determining optimal sites and turbine models, and developing effective operations and maintenance plans. These forecasts are essential to minimize risk and maximize the efficiency and profitability of wind energy projects.

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