Archives: Exclusive Articles

Diversifying in a changing market

Consistently rated among the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Germany, LayTec in-line GmbH is a global market leader of in-situ metrology and has made its services available to the PV industry since 2008. We’re delighted to welcome the organisation back to the magazine and to grab five minutes to put our questions to company… Read more »

Europes Big Gamble

The latest tit-for-tat EU-China trade disputes could signal worse to come, and both sides have a lot to lose if things get out of hand and harm the much-needed economic growth they seek. PES asks: with so much to lose, what’s to gain? In May this year, China and the EU have locked horns over… Read more »

Lessons from Africa

This illuminating personal insight is care of Andrew Jones, Managing Director, EMEA, of S&C Electric Company. Can the UK – not to mention other industrialised European nations – learn from Kenya when it comes to smart grids? Very much so, argues Andrew… Adoption of smart grid technology in emerging markets is rising, and fast. It… Read more »

Module cost structure update: path to profitability

With severe oversupply and recently crashing polysilicon prices, module prices have dropped precipitously – as low as $0.70/W from top-tier Chinese players. However, the cost of goods sold (COGS) for modules has largely not reached this level, resulting in massive net losses for a majority of module manufacturers. With pressure from competitors, customers, and policy-makers… Read more »

Helping solar cell producers stay ahead of the game

Longstanding contributors to the magazine, Merck, and RENA deliver an upgrade concept that opens the door to excellent profitability. PES explains more…We are living in turbulent times and, where there is overcapacity and shrinking margins, solar cell manufacturers tend to look for solutions that will improve competitiveness and profitability. And while short-term strategies are necessary,… Read more »

Looking forward to the next 20 years

A leading global supplier of solar charge controllers and inverters, Morningstar Corporation has been at the forefront of innovation, technical excellence and customer service for over two decades. We caught up with Lee Gordon, the company’s President and CEO, to ask him about his views on the industry and to discover just how he’s managed… Read more »

Are you getting the best out of your employees?

John Sylvester, motivation expert and Executive Director of P&MM Motivation, discusses how an engaged workforce can benefit the solar industry and contribute towards its growth. Maximising staff performance is fundamental to the success of any organisation, no matter what their industry, but it is of particular importance when cost controls are at a premium yet… Read more »

Efficient PV Connectors Mc3 Mc4 Why It Pays To Choose The Original

Longstanding contributors to PES, Multi-Contact is one of the leading manufacturers of PV connector systems worldwide with more than 15 years of experience in the field, offering solutions for all kinds of installations. We take a look at the MC portfolio of original connectors. MC is a true pioneer in PV connectivity; in 1996, the… Read more »

Electric Home Storage Autonomy For Private Households And Buildings

State-of-the-art battery performance and the innovative design of power electronics have created commercially viable storage systems. Combined with PV or co-generation at home, E3/DC has created significant volumes in Germany based on professional, industrial production and a new product architecture. Andreas Piepenbrink, founder and CEO, explains the company and product strategy. Demand for storage: motivationEnergy… Read more »

Gas contamination control in photovoltaic applications

Chemical purity is important to the manufacture of photovoltaic cells for many critical process steps, and acknowledging this, the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International Corporation (SEMI) PV Group has established standards for gases specifically for the photovoltaic industry. PES investigates. The standards outlined by SEMI include PV6-1110 for bulk argon, PV7-1110 for bulk hydrogen and… Read more »

Inspecting roof mounted solar panels with thermal imaging

We’re delighted to welcome FLIR to the magazine for the first time. The global leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of thermal imaging infrared cameras, the company’s products play pivotal roles in a wide range of industrial, commercial and government applications in more than 60 countries. Today, we turn the spotlight on its activities… Read more »

Monitoring and controlling photovoltaic systems for economy and reliability

We’re delighted to be joined by Gantner Instruments’ Annette Christine Kehrer, who writes about her company’s creative systems and how they can be applied to real-world PV scenarios. In large solar power plants, monitoring equipment is becoming constantly more complex and important: system operators want to find faults in modules, strings or groups quickly and… Read more »

Solar and autarky: a European symbiosis

Autarky: the quality of being self-sufficient. We’re proud to present a thought-provoking dispatch on the subject and how it’s rooted in the solar market from one of the industry’s most respected commentators… Since the 60s, people have been putting panels on their roofs with complete disregard for Feed-in Tariffs. These green pioneers were interested in… Read more »

Keeping a close eye on quality

A byword for quality in the extrusion sector, Breyer GmbH is one of Germany’s most established and forward-thinking businesses. Today, the company is recognised throughout the world as one of the leading manufacturers of systems for the processing of thermoplastics and has specialised in economically working extrusion lines. With over 320 employees, Breyer produces an… Read more »

Breaking into Europe: a user guide

When a company operating within the solar sector expands from its heartland into new territories, there’s a steep learning curve and the faint threat of failure. On the other hand, there’s an overwhelming sense of opportunity. Olivier Jacques talks us through his organisation’s expansion into Europe, and the lessons he’s learned. In less than five… Read more »

Connecting solar business

Last year, 66,000 visitors from 160 countries and 1,909 exhibitors from 49 countries descended on to Intersolar Europe 2012 and firmly established the event as the biggest and best on the industry’s calendar. Can this year’s show deliver even more of an impact? PES investigates… From June 19-21, the international solar industry will once again… Read more »

Polish PV looks promising

Renewable energy sources have finally got the attention of the Polish government. With the package of energy regulations, including Renewable Energy Law, Energy Act and Gas Act, the country may form one of the most important new markets for solar just in the heart of Europe. PES investigates. Energy regulations packageUntil recently, the Polish government… Read more »

Tech focus: how small bearings can make a huge difference

A sector of the solar market that is expected to grow from two to four gigawatts per year, CSP is currently enjoying an enviable boom. But it’s worth noting that the technology relies on a seemingly innocuous small part to work effectively, as Janaki Weiden, Global Market Manager, Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, explains. The facts speak… Read more »

Looking to the future with confidence

A worldwide brand with a formidable reputation, Diehl Controls has over 2,600 employees in the German headquarters of Wangen and Nuremberg and subsidiaries further afield (including China and the US). Outstanding engineering competence and a worldwide production volume of more than 80,000 electronic systems a day go towards building a company that is a manufacturing… Read more »

Analysis: renewables 2020

Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical arm, has just released the most recent and comprehensive analysis available of the continent’s renewables use. In this edited extract, we drill down into the latest trends. The share of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption in the EU-27 reached 12.5% in 2010 and is showing steady… Read more »

Contributing to a brighter future for wind

As Global Business Development Manager Wind Energy for TÜV Rheinland, Frank Witte is well-known throughout the industry. We secured a few minutes with the busy executive and asked him about the state of the sector, the value of technical expertise and certification challenges… PES: Welcome to the magazine. Before we get into the main issues… Read more »

Investing In Europes Future

In this exclusive dispatch, Julian takes a look at the wind industry’s contribution to EU GDP and argues that ‘Green Growth’ is central to recovery – and growth. Europe is in crisis. The economy has entered the slow lane. Jobs are vanishing. Yet Europeans are paying €700 per person per year to countries such as… Read more »

A structured approach to onshore and offshore wind turbine gearbox maintenance

Despite the scale and rapid growth of the wind industry, it has until recently been challenged by the limited service options available for the maintenance and overhaul of turbine gearboxes. We take a look one company’s forward-thinking solution. The UK wind energy market comprises more than 4,000 onshore and offshore wind turbines, with around 1,400… Read more »

New polyurethane adhesive developed

Faster rotor blade bonding thanks to new technology. The energy turnaround and the push to expand renewable energy generation is posing major challenges for manufacturers of wind energy plants. To ensure economic viability, efforts are focusing first on improving the availability and productivity of existing production facilities. One of the wind energy industry’s top priorities… Read more »

Infrastructure: keeping wind competitive

As wind energy grows in Europe, so must infrastructure development. The European Parliament has considered all the renewable energy sectors in the regions and explored how projects are financed in the current programming period of structural funding. PES took a look at the existing and future measures for renewable energy infrastructure as well as electricity… Read more »

Countdown to an internal energy market

A recent report by the European Wind Energy Association argues that EU electricity market rules must reflect the energy generation mix of the future, and help usher in a flexible power system with a large-scale uptake of wind power and other renewable energy sources. A number of recommendations have been made – many of which… Read more »

Last Word

As we head full-speed into 2013, who knows what the next 12 months will bring? Growth? A return to profitability and a stable European market? Here’s hoping. All we can be sure of is that, as far as the wind sector is concerned, there are some very strong and visionary views around… “What politicians are… Read more »

Wind from the East

The recently-unveiled RUSTEC project is set to change the face of the European wind energy market, but can Russia’s Arctic farm plan really plug Europe’s energy gap? We weigh-up the project – and consider the impact of giving Russia control of both traditional and renewable energy sources. There is no renewable energy market in Russia… Read more »

Taking blades to the next level

PES is delighted to welcome Gregor Gnaedig to the magazine to discuss the advances that his company, Modular Wind Energy, has been making in the rotor blade sector. A global veteran of the energy industry for more than 20 years, Gregor joined the company last year as it emerged from Research and Development into the… Read more »

Wind Milestone

European Union reaches 100 GW output The European Union has passed the milestone of 100 GW of installed wind power capacity, according to the European Wind Energy Association.One hundred gigawatts of wind power can generate electricity over a year to meet the total consumption of 57 million households, equivalent to the power production of 39… Read more »

Making Europes Offshore Wind Schemes Commercially Viable The Supply Chain Opportunity

It’s a fuel that will never run out. The raw material is abundantly available across many parts of Europe and the ‘extraction’ is based on clean technology. The ‘fuel’ in question, of course, is offshore wind and across the region many countries have ambitious plans to make it a key part of their future energy… Read more »

Dissecting the pros and cons of 15+ year service contracts

We’re delighted to welcome back Christian Holmgaard, CEO and Senior Consultant Project Manager for WTG Partners. In this issue, he turns his critical eye to the thorny issue of long-term contracts. Today several of the major wind turbine manufactures offer long-term OMS contracts with coverage for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, with all spare parts and… Read more »

Failure Is Not An Option

Operation, maintenance and survivability are key issues for offshore, and, as we report, software reliability is vital to those three pillars. The ‘failure’ headline is a famous and inspirational quote attributed (wrongly) to Gene Kranz during the Apollo mission in 1970. Whoever coined the phrase is not important, but 40 years on it is still… Read more »

At the heart of the industry

A world leader in offshore wind installation and service solutions, A2SEA A/S is dedicated to providing the wind industry with safer, sustainable, and more cost-efficient operations. We spoke to Kaj Lindvig, Senior Advisor. PES: Welcome to the magazine. Before we get on to the main issues of the day, would you like to introduce your… Read more »

A revolution in wind turbine safety

Wind farms are an increasingly common landscape element in many regions. And with good reason. After all, wind turbine generator systems are one of the cleanest sources of energy available. However, just like other machinery, they too must adhere to strict safety requirements. Progressive safety solutions from B&R give wind turbine manufacturers all the tools… Read more »