Archives: Exclusive Articles

In It For The Long Run

With oil prices going down and Power Purchase Agreements being influenced, it is now more important than ever to minimise downtime and secure the operation of wind farms in order to stay profitable and ensure continuity in operation. We are delighted to welcome back industry expert, Christian Holmgaard of WTG Partners, with his take on… Read more »

Winds World Record Holder Takes A Bow

Denmark has been long been a pioneer in wind power, having installed its first turbines in the mid-1970s when oil shocks sent the import-dependent nation on a quest for energy security. 37 years later, the country has set a new world record for wind production by getting 39.1 percent of its overall electricity from wind… Read more »

Game-changer: the Integrated Services Provider

What’s best? To outsource wind farm construction, O&M and decommissioning capabilities or to bring them in-house? And what might the model for client-supplier relationships look like for the next decade of wind energy? We examined the options, courtesy of 
one rapidly-expanding operator… If you haven’t already heard of CWind, the Colchester, UK-based offshore wind services… Read more »

Beauty in the extreme

Specialists in building high performance, fuel efficient, lightweight advanced composite vessels, Danish Yachts A/S are perhaps best known for crafting bespoke or production vessels for the superyacht sector. However, they’re also innovators in the wind arena, with Crew Transfer Vessels that deliver performance, efficiency and perhaps unbeatable stability. We caught up with the company’s CEO,… Read more »

Fanatical about O&M

We’ve welcomed DBB Jack-Up Services A/S to the magazine before and now is the perfect time to catch-up with them once again, given that they’ve just taken delivery 
of a wind-dedicated newbuild and have enjoyed a very fruitful 12-month period. We spoke to Ole Jacob Nielsen, Head of Sales & Marketing. PES: Welcome back to… Read more »

On the front line of innovation

A pioneering Finnish company whose commercial heartbeat combines the manufacture of mechanical power transmission equipment with incomparable after-sales service, Moventas is well-known for its ingenuity and reliability. We put the questions to Simon Schmidt, Senior Vice President of OEM Sales and Business Development. PES: Welcome back to the magazine. Would you mind explaining a little… Read more »

Offshore is on course

The offshore wind industry is transitioning from early development to demonstration of commercial viability. Worldwide, there are an increasing number of commercial-scale projects in operation, while in the US there are concrete plans afoot to follow the lead of Europe and elsewhere. We take a look at the Department of Energy’s very latest market assessment…. Read more »

Europe: a winning attitude to offshore policy support

The high cost of energy produced by offshore wind is the major contributing factor to the lack of cost competitiveness in certain world markets such as North America. Europe, however, has embraced a positive approach to subsidies, which has fostered an energetic market. We put the leading countries under the spotlight. The main driver of… Read more »

Offshore: where excellence meets execution

Having built over 20 years’ experience in the Oil & Gas industry, Seaway Heavy Lifting turned its extensive expertise to renewables – particularly wind energy. The offshore contractor has already gained a reputation for excellence and an impressive track record. We take a look at its project highlights. SylWin alpha Platform Transportation and installation of… Read more »

Making waves in wind

Operating out of one of the largest and busiest ports in the world, Stemat bv has been leading the way in maritime services for over a quarter of a century. We find out what makes the company tick, courtesy of Commercial and Operational Manager, Robbert Jan van Zuiden. PES: Welcome to PES magazine. Would you… Read more »

New climate economy

The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change was published in 2006 by Nicholas Stern, and swiftly became a game-changer for the wind industry. Will the economist’s latest report – published by The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate just a few days ago – have the same impact? We pick over the… Read more »

Optimising turbines for peak performance

IT report: using advanced control and communications to decrease downtime. “The world faces a once-off transition to sustainability,” says Dr Eddie O’Connor, CEO at Mainstream Renewable Power. “By reducing our dependence on imported fossil fuels and shifting to low carbon sources of power generation, we can grow the economy and lower the price the consumer… Read more »

Creating innovative everyday solutions

A multi-billion dollar engineering conglomerate with an impressive and diverse portfolio of products, solutions and services, CG has had a massive impact on the wind industry. With manufacturing facilities in nine countries across Asia, Europe and North America, the company is a global pioneer that delivers results through innovation. We spoke to the company’s Chief… Read more »

Derisking The Entrepreneur

Words: Simon Middleton of Watershed Entrepreneurs Can wind fuel a new breed of successful businesses? And is adequate funding available to start-ups? Simon answers the questions (and more). Of the 1,640 plus members of the Forbes Billionaires list, 31 are under the age of 40. With all the media attention these young billionaires have received… Read more »

US market provides a breath of fresh air

Words: , Chief Executive Officer at Tekmar It is an exciting time to be working in the renewables industry. To be operating at the forefront of a rapidly developing sector is providing opportunities to shape and secure the energy supply for years to come, ensuring the lights remain on for us and generations to come.Developers… Read more »

In search of solid foundations

Across the globe, governments are changing their policies to accommodate offshore wind energy deployment. According to the Global Wind Energy Council, market growth over the next five years will be concentrated in Asia, Latin America, and Africa – regions where ‘easy’ growth from rapidly increasing demand will come from. We take a look at the… Read more »

Energising the growing Japanese wind market

With a new government subsidy and an increasing number of certified ongoing/future projects, Japan’s wind energy industry seems to be showing positive growth. To further facilitate the expansion, Reed Exhibitions Japan will be holding WIND EXPO 2015 – Int’l Wind Energy Expo & Conference for the third time, to serve as a platform for professionals… Read more »

Cutting the cost of offshore

DNV GL has recently published a strategy for making up to 40% savings in offshore wind costs. We took a closer look at this interesting example of thought leadership to see if it can deliver on its lofty targets. Industry action on reducing offshore wind costs is widely regarded as essential to secure the future… Read more »

Distributed wind: market report

The use of wind power either at or near where it is generated – as opposed to energy from wholesale generation – is growing at a phenomenal rate, particularly in North America. We take a look at the latest figures. In the last 12 months, 30.4 megawatts (MW) of new distributed wind capacity was added,… Read more »

Europe: a new energy arena

Europe’s strategy on climate change and energy policy is at a critical juncture. The political crisis in Ukraine and the continent’s dependence on imported fossil fuels has caused energy security to rise to the top of the agenda. This provides a renewed opportunity to develop a energy policy based on alternatives to fossil fuel imports…. Read more »

Offshores Pressing Problem Funding

Europe’s energy leaders are in agreement – more offshore wind is absolutely vital if binding targets are to be met. There’s just one slight issue – who’s going to pay for it? PES investigates… The European Union has committed to a legally binding target to meet 20% of its energy consumption through renewable energy by… Read more »

A Second Wind For Indias Energy Market

There’s no doubt that there is the will to roll-out extensive wind energy initiatives in India, but is there the wherewithal? We put financing mechanisms to support the country’s national wind energy mission under the microscope. India is struggling with skyrocketing energy demands, declining energy supplies, and peak load blackouts and shortages that limit energy… Read more »

Green growth: fuelling an employment revolution

Just a few years ago, the economic situation was such that employment prospects were bleak across the board – let alone within the renewables sector. Today, however, our industry is driving record growth, as the latest figures from America’s most recent economic quarter prove… From commercial-scale solar developments to energy-efficient recycling projects, clean energy and… Read more »

US offshore: ready for takeoff

After a very late start, momentum is finally building in the American offshore wind energy industry. With 14 projects in advanced stages of development, the latest outlook for wind is extremely positive. But can the country compete with its global competitors? We investigate. Taken together, the planned projects hold out the potential to deliver some… Read more »

Navigating a course to continued success

As Director of Van Oord Offshore Wind Projects b.v., Johan van Wijland is a familiar face to many in the industry. He’s also a regular contributor to PES and joins us once again to discuss the company’s latest developments. New vessels? Massive monopiles? The Eneco Luchterduinen and Gemini projects? All are covered right here… PES:… Read more »

Solar thoughts

The PV industry is constantly evolving and new ideas and innovations are a welcome source of change and regeneration. We grabbed five minutes with LG Solar’s Sven Armbrecht to ask him where the industry is headed… PES: Can you explain a little about your background and how you ‘serve’ the solar industry? Sven Armbrecht: LG… Read more »

Taking BIPV to the next level

Here at PES, we’ve been championing the BIPV sector for many years – after all, in many ways it is the direct line to the public’s acceptance of solar. Today, we turn our attention to a new material that promises to revolutionise the industry. Façades the focal point: wafer-thin solar cells transform glass fronts into… Read more »

Navigating solar irradiance measurement issues

Words: Dr.-Ing. Joachim Jaus, Black Photon Instruments GmbH Solar irradiance measurements provide valuable information to select a site for the construction of a solar power plant, to calculate the efficiency of the plant operation, or to determine possibilities for improvements of the power plant setup. But only precise measurements can do the job well. Dr… Read more »

How to write a social media report

If you’re engaged in any way with your consumer, the chances are you’re plugged in to social media. But how effective have your efforts been? Is your content relevant? Giles Palmer, CEO of social media analytics company Brandwatch, gives us the four essential steps for putting together a useful social media report. As consumer social… Read more »

Start taking rooftop solar seriously

In many countries – Greece and Germany, for example – commercial rooftop solar is booming. Elsewhere, however, it is floundering. Gregory Barker presents his views on how big business can help boost uptake – and reap the rewards. Words: Gregory Barker, UK Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change Sola is a technology which… Read more »

Las Vegas means business

SPI – Solar Power International – is North America’s premier business-to-business event for professionals in solar energy and related fields, and this year, the event heads to Las Vegas. PES presents an exclusive preview. Solar Power International (SPI) generates success for solar energy professionals and the global solar industry through an unbeatable combination of factors…. Read more »

Land of the setting sun?

The future grows darker for solar energy growth in Japan – but innovation may light the way. On the second anniversary of a scheme aimed at boosting Japan’s renewable energy after the Fukushima crisis, its powerful industry ministry is taking steps critics say will choke off solar investment and pave the way for a return… Read more »