Archives: Exclusive Articles

Going global

In most parts of the world, renewable energy is flourishing – with wind power leading the charge into untapped markets and booming territories. We asked GE’s Peter Oram to provide us with an overview of the current situation in a number of key technologies… After a record year of installations in 2014, renewables accounted for… Read more »

Lets Meet In Paris

EWEA Annual Event, the world’s premier wind energy conference and exhibition, comes to the French capital this year. We examine what delegates can expect from the hotly-anticipated show, which is taking place just two weeks ahead of the UN Climate negotiations, guaranteeing strong international media exposure and attracting over 9,000 high-profile business and political leaders…. Read more »

State of the market: projects in Kuwait

“The use of alternative energy in Kuwait is important for three reasons: the growing demand for electricity, the high price of oil and the optimal environment for investing in alternative energy as Kuwait is abundant with bright sun and wind,” says Dr. Bader Al Taweel, Chairman of Renewable Energy at Kuwait Engineers Society. And who… Read more »

Cornering the market

EckPack Service is a company that’s build on innovation. It has developed an ingenious range of packaging solutions for the solar industry, built around a plastic corner that is unlike anything else available. But has it been successful? Definitely, says Technical Sales Manager, Marin Maras. PES: Welcome to PES. Would you care to introduce yourself… Read more »

Swiss solar panel specialist relies on FLIR thermal imaging camera to perform fail-proof inspections

Solar panels have proven to be a wise, future-proof investment in terms of economy and ecology. But just like any other technology, failures may occur. Thermal imaging cameras are an ideal for quick detection of those failures. Heinz Simmler, owner of Swiss photovoltaic inspection company Energie Netzwerk, is an avid supporter of this technology. Thermal… Read more »

German engineering, American pioneering and a global mindset: a winning combination

With almost 100 megawatt of storage installations worldwide and more than four gigawatts of qualified orders in the pipeline over the next four years, James P. McDougall, CEO of Younicos, is at the helm of a phenomenally successful organisation. We asked the inspirational American to tell us more about the company, its proven technologies and… Read more »

Quality and quantity

In order to increase the profitability of wind turbines, components also have to come down in price – and that includes the sensors. But quality must not suffer as a result. Kübler’s Markus Brunner, Global Industry Manager Wind, explains how smart design is maintaining high standards and maximising profit. Cost pressures during the construction of… Read more »

Winds New Premier League

If you thought Denmark had already won wind power’s world title, it’s time to think again. A host of pretenders are snatching at the crown, in what will become perhaps a more democratic industry with opportunities stretching far and wide. We consider the other nations waiting in the wings… Our globe-trotting journey has to begin… Read more »

Measuring change

Since being founded in 1881, G. Lufft GmbH has been the leader in the production of climatological measuring equipment – always with the motto “tradition meets innovation”. Now, they bring their wealth of experience to the offshore market with a new range of weather sensors. PES investigates… All of the digital Lufft sensors of today… Read more »

A positive outlook for recruitment opportunities

A multi-sector recruitment specialist, Mane is a rising star in the offshore arena, and has enjoyed a particularly buoyant year thus far – driven chiefly by a reinvigorated European market. We found out a little more about the organisation’s wind energy credentials and took a look at its plans for future growth… BackgroundMane provides Technical… Read more »

Hire purpose

An industry is only as good as its people. With wind energy growing and developing at a pace, finding skilled employees is just one of industry’s big challenges. PES speaks to Lars Poslednik of Mensys Group about putting the right people in the right positions. PES: Welcome back to PES. Would you like to acquaint… Read more »

Standing on the shoulders of giants

Although just over a year old, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind is already a major player in the wind industry. The company’s parent companies are two of the global leaders in wind power and offshore ventures, while its 8MW turbine is a potential game-changer. We spoke to the company’s Matt Whitby… PES: Welcome to PES. Would… Read more »

Protecting tech

As well as offering an enormous benefit to the global environment, the offshore wind industry faces huge challenges from the local environment in the shape of extremely tough operating conditions. Olaf Borgwardt of novatic talks to us about how his company is helping protect the future of wind power. PES: Welcome to PES. Would you… Read more »

Checking in

As wind farm installations get larger and more remote, the issue of housing and sustaining site workers becomes an increased burden, both in cost and logistics. PES speaks to the CEO of Site Facility, Jakob Heskjær, about how they are overcoming the issue, by bringing the workforce to the work. PES: Welcome back to the… Read more »

Engineering growth

For many years, Denmark has been at the forefront of wind technology, with manufacturers maintaining an edge on competitors through their long history in the industry. However, Danish wind power knows it has to constantly evolve and improve to keep its place at the top of the table. Denmark is home to many small and… Read more »

Energy austerity

While changes to the timing and swiftness of the UK Government’s announcement of its early withdrawal of the Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROCs) is surprising, that it was coming is not. Alan Shanks, Partner at HBJ Gateley gives PES his views on the future of wind farm subsidies. The UK government’s manifesto warned before the election… Read more »

Crossing borders

The theme of this year’s Offshore WIND Conference is “Building an industry without borders”. PES looks at how this year’s annual event will focus attention on how thinking and cooperating beyond international borders can help to break down mental and legislative barriers, and help promote the growth of the industry. According to the International Energy… Read more »

From Hamburg to Husum

From 15 to 18 September, Messe Husum is expecting 600 exhibitors and 20,000 visitors. This makes HUSUM Wind, with its focus on the German-speaking market, this year’s biggest wind industry event anywhere in the world. The hotly-anticipated fair is noted for its high level of practical application. The range of exhibitors covers all areas, from… Read more »

Taking the strain

With the Conquest MB1 barge, and a working partnership that brings together an array of skills and a wealth of experience, Conquest Offshore are in a critical position 
to push offshore installation to new depths. PES speaks to Jippes Huibregtse… PES: Welcome to PES. Would you like to introduce the company and tell us a… Read more »

Serbia: A rising market

Total onshore wind installed capacity in Serbia will rise from 102.5 Megawatts (MW) in 2015 to an estimated 522 MW by 2025 says a recent report, and we at PES are inclined to agree – the country has displayed an appetite for wind in recent years that is set to continue. We take a look… Read more »

Working on water

While oil and gas production may not always go hand in hand with the wind industry, shipbuilders like Damen are finding synergy across energy sectors. Peter Robert, Business Development Manager Offshore Wind talks to PES about the company’s latest developments. PES: Welcome back to PES. For the benefit of new readers, would you care to… Read more »

Predicting the future

There is no doubting the desire to move towards a more sustainable energy future, but financial and political uncertainties are clouding the renewables vision. Predicting what lies ahead can enable the industry’s innovators to push this vision forward. Europe’s KIC InnoEnergy is bringing the tools to market to do just that. For 1,200 years, the… Read more »

Fighting fires

Fire is the second leading cause of accidents in wind turbines after blade failure, with the damage caused going far beyond purely financial. Now, the launch of a new fire protection standard will protect the rapidly growing energy industry from financial, economic and reputational risks. A new fire protection standard launched by DNV GL will… Read more »

Enter the wind drones

Drones are everywhere today. Just five years ago they used to be only for the military, and cost millions. And now they are for hobbyists and even children. Now the race is on to fill the gap in the middle: startups, corporates and analysts are battling to find the most promising commercial applications for drones…. Read more »

Diving into the details of 3D subsea cable route inspection

EIVA is a pioneering Denmark-based company that provides software, hardware and integrated solutions for virtually any offshore task in the survey, construction and services industry. We asked one of the organisation’s technical experts to provide us with an in-depth look at how it meets the challenges of subsea visualisation. To ensure safe and efficient operation… Read more »

Aiming high

So much wind power is produced in one European country today that it can cover the entire electricity demand. But it’s not just Denmark that sings to the tune of wind energy’s success, it’s the entire continent. Acting EWEA CEO Malgosia Bartosik looks at the remarkable rise of wind power. Right now, wind power plants… Read more »

The boom in offshore

With offshore installations growing in size, scope and depth, the industry needs every advantage that new developments in technology can offer. The High Wind consortium is focusing on just this need. PES speaks to Johan Heiler about their latest innovation… PES: Welcome to PES. Would you like to introduce the company and tell us a… Read more »

Between a rock and a hard place

How do you install two 80 metre masts on a hill of rocky terrain in Norway? You enlist the experts. Here, Dulas Site Manager Bob Sharples recounts his experiences of being part of the team that took part in this fascinating and eye-opening recent project. With a history spanning over thirty years and experience of… Read more »

Seven energy megatrends

An outlook on determining trends in energy and related politics, courtesy of BBC Chartering. In the course of history, energy has always been a driving force for change. Nearly no other industry can claim having a more far-reaching effect on other industry sectors or society at large. The world is continually challenged to find answers… Read more »

Capturing offshore wind development from Dublin to Dubai

Alan O’Neill has spent much of the last 34 years in the North Sea, attached to a harness, photographing and filming its developing industry for his collection of 1.5m offshore images. In this illustrated feature, we present a stunning selection of his work. Alan’s job, usually at height, often at night, on overhanging vessels, turbines… Read more »

Change for the better

With organisations in the wind sector keen to enhance their competitiveness, capital growth and expansion, we are seeing an increase in small and mid-size players taking advantage of opportunities to be acquired and move forward. But the potential pitfalls must be carefully navigated to ensure successful change. PES welcomes Paul Arnold of change management experts,… Read more »

Listening, learning, leading

Edwards, a leading technology solution provider, is well known in the solar industry for its advanced manufacturing process technology. We headed to the company’s headquarters in the United Kingdom for an illuminating conversation with Ralph Loske, Edwards’ European Sales Director. PES: Welcome to PES. Would you like 
to introduce the company and explain 
a little… Read more »

Testing times

It’s true that the dropping cost of production, as well as technological advances are at the heart of growth in solar. But to continue this growth the industry must measure, as well as maintain standards. PES speaks to Stefan Roest of Eternal Sun BV about how they are putting solar to the test. PES: Welcome… Read more »

Wafer innovation: Fraunhofer CSP develops pioneering module solution

We examine the latest developments from this ground-breaking scientific and research institution as it devlivers solutions for efficient, cost-effective and reliable solar modules. ‘Emerging from the crisis stronger’ is a phenomenon that should also apply to the solar industry. And under this premise, the Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaic CSP (CSP) in Halle is carrying… Read more »

Remote control

In many remote areas or regions where the electricity supply is unstable or extremely expensive, grids powered by diesel generators are extremely common. With the PV Genset, Fronius is now offering a solution for applications that use diesel as the energy source. The key to the success of the solution is the Fronius PV system… Read more »