Archives: Exclusive Articles

单晶硅棒和多晶硅块—— 寻找最佳等级判定方法

单晶硅棒和多晶硅块的等级判定(以下简称“判定”)一直是光伏产业上游供应商最关心的问题之一。由于两种材料的生产工艺不同,它们的判定方法也有差别。 1.单晶硅棒的判定方法 对于单晶硅棒来说,业内的传统判定方法涉及多个步骤:先从硅棒头尾部切下厚晶圆,经热氧和化学腐蚀等处理步骤后,由操作员观察厚晶圆上是否有滑移线。如果有,还需继续向内切片;如果没有,也需要根据经验判断还需切除多少来让剩余部分不含任何黑边、黑环和黑心。这些都直接影响材料的最终电池效率。但是,这个方法检查一片厚晶圆不仅非常耗时,还很依赖操作员的个人经验。 为了缩短判断时间,部分生产商转而使用红外设备来纵向扫描整根硅棒,检测滑移线的位置。每根硅棒最快只需5分钟即可确定含有滑移线的部分。接下来,操作员可根据结果来切除硅棒的废料部分。但是,红外设备无法检测黑边、黑环和黑心等缺陷,因此操作员仍需根据经验向内切割。随之而来的问题是,切多少可以确保完全去除废料,并且不浪费优质部分呢? 近年来快速兴起的光致发光(PL)成像技术给这个问题带来了及时的解决方案。PL是材料吸收光子后的光辐射。 在光伏硅基材料上应用这个原理,带来了PL成像检测技术:使用模拟太阳光照射硅片或电池片,并用专用的PL镜头来获得样本的PL成像。

Work smart, not hard

VesBox launches solar energy tool to help the world Abstract: the renewable energy solar sector has seen a spike in demand for utility scale and residential solar as corporates and household owners aim to achieve energy security. VesBox has positioned itself as the ideal pre-feasibility tool to enable decision makers measure and analyse their renewable… Read more »

Backsheet or bust?

The true cost of broken backsheets in the solar industry Across the solar industry, backsheets can deliver outstanding benefits, both for performance and solar projects’ net present value (NPV) – but only when they work well. In fact, backsheet failure is all too common: in 2020, $260 million CAPEX is expected to be lost due… Read more »

Damen’s ambitions for American offshore wind

Damen Shipyards Group has established a firm foothold in the European offshore wind sector over the last decade. Now the Dutch shipbuilding and maritime services company is turning its attention to the emerging market of the American offshore wind industry. Here Damen’s Director Business Development & Market Intelligence, David Stibbe and Area Manager North America,… Read more »

Plain bearings as a viable alternative to roller bearings

In recent years, manufacturers for wind turbine gearboxes have been challenged with high expectations from OEMs to continuously increase torque density and reduce costs. As rotor sizes have increased, rotational speed has decreased (in view of tip speed limitations related to noise) and design torque for the gearbox has increased proportionally. In view of transport,… Read more »

Embracing the digital age

Wirescan has offered the innovative and non-destructive LIRA cable testing technology to the market for some years now. We have been watching the industry and looking at innovation, new technologies and how the cable testing industry can make the transition to the digital age. We came up with Wirescan Digital, a cloud-based cable test database… Read more »

Online after-sales for wind turbine spare parts and repair material excels

Hamburg-based trading company, WINDSOURCING.COM, reaches customers in the wind industry worldwide via its online presence. Seher Kaygusuz, their Business Development, Marketing and Sales manager, dropped into PES to update us on what is happening in this expanding company. Business is good and more and more partnerships are forming, which in turn provide customers with valuable… Read more »

Innovations at the Borssele Wind Farm Site V

Innovations at the Borssele Wind Farm Site V Climate change and the need to reduce CO2 emissions are drivers for the rising demand of renewable energy sources. With proven experience and an impressive 20-year track record, Van Oord is leading the way in the transition towards renewable energy by constructing offshore wind projects. With innovative… Read more »

Software enabling complex drone inspections

Geoffrey Vancassel, CEO at Sterblue, spoke to PES about this innovative company, which in 4 years has reached the serious player threshold. They provide easy to use software, complete with apps and a cloud platform, which enables off-the-shelf drones (DJI) to carry out complex inspections. PES: Hi Geoffrey, welcome to PES Wind, it’s good to… Read more »

Decommissioning, waste and recycling

The CompositeLoop project is a feasibility study that proposes short term solutions in Flanders, Belgium for the valorisation of large thermoset end-of-life GFRP (glass fiber reinforced plastics) structures such as wind turbine blades, boats and yachts, profiles, silos. The study is based on literature review and input captured during three interactive workshops with stakeholders over… Read more »

Accelerating the offshore wind industry: prototyping and collaboration at the Port of Grenaa

New methods and technologies are required in order to reach the potential of offshore wind as an economically viable and sustainable energy resource. The Port of Grenaa is internationally recognized as a wind hub, due to its special designed facilities and expertise attained by serving the industry for years. By providing innovative offshore wind stakeholders… Read more »

No compromise when it comes to safety

PES had a great catch-up with Ola Svensson, Head of Project Department at MMT Sweden AB. The Swedish culture permeates this company, where safety and employee well-being are of paramount importance. This company has expanded from being a one-man band to an over 200 strong work force. Their survey solutions have expanded as has their… Read more »

Safety, efficiency and performance support in offshore wind with digitalised ocean surface insights

In a bid to access stronger and more stable winds, wind farms are moving ever farther from the shore, with current planned projects up to 210km or more out to sea. The challenges associated with increasing wind farm output, however, are many, raising flags at every stage of the wind farm lifecycle. From project delays… Read more »

The scene is set for the wind farm ‘taxi’ of the future…

With two new vessels a Danish shipping company has broken records within both safe, reliable and cost-efficient crew transfers in the offshore wind industry. But this is not all… PES is delighted to bring you a preview of MHO-Co’s ‘green’ hybrid vessels of the future, which are in the pipeline at this very moment. The… Read more »

The development of a MV power converter for FC wind turbines up to 15MW

In recent years, wind energy has become the main source of renewable energy and it is expected to be the number 1 source of power in Europe before 2030 [1]. By now, thanks to the environmental agreements signed by developed countries and being the drive to address climate change, an exponential increase of wind turbine… Read more »

Home comforts offshore

Craig Marjoribanks, the Sales and Marketing Manager for HB Rentals, met up with us at PES. It was interesting to learn that this forward-looking company already has one of the largest rental fleets of ABS PAM certified modules, a must for business. He is enthusiastic about current projects and the future. PES: Hi Craig, welcome… Read more »

Cooperative and innovative services

PES caught up with Anders Helsinghoff Fjord, CEO of Hagland Shipbrokers, Denmark, to find out about the changes and expansion in his business. Cooperation is a key factor in operations, along with local offices. It hasn’t been an easy time for this segment of our industry but Hagland are innovative and adapt their solutions to… Read more »

Purposeful innovations

The offshore wind turbine installation market has matured significantly over the last decade. For the inexperienced observer, or even for some of the seasoned offshore professionals, the applied installation methods in Europe are all more, or less the same. However, only few of the existing installation vessels will be suitably equipped to meet the demands… Read more »

Large-scale tests for efficient offshore supporting structure designs

Support structures of wind turbines have already been in serial production for a long time. There are now some 1,350 turbines installed in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea alone. The large dimensions, the high dynamic loads, and the specific environmental conditions offshore pose particular challenges and establish the limits of what design codes… Read more »

Testing and validation of large wind turbine blades

Abstract: The continuing increase in rotor diameters is pushing the structural load-carrying capabilities of turbine blades to the limit. In order to ensure reliability and structural integrity, representative testing and validation methods are now more important than ever before. Development in wind turbine blades Wind turbine manufacturers are continuing to increase rotor diameters with the… Read more »

Fast, flexible and ready to use

This is the final PES interview of 2019 with Hans Gatzemeier, the CEO at ELA Container Offshore. It has been a great pleasure to learn more about this successful German company. It has grown through listening to the customer, innovation and being able to rise to the challenge of globalisation. The future looks bright as… Read more »

Damen’s ambitions for American offshore wind

Damen Shipyards Group has established a firm foothold in the European offshore wind sector over the last decade. Now the Dutch shipbuilding and maritime services company is turning its attention to the emerging market of the American offshore wind industry. Here Damen’s Director Business Development & Market Intelligence, David Stibbe and Area Manager North America,… Read more »

A landmark 25 offshore wind projects ensure valuable experience

How does the offshore wind service and accommodation industry keep up with operators’ requirements? The industry has changed over the years and now wind farms are farther and farther from the shore, making accommodation an even more important focus for employers, who want to make sure their highly skilled workers are well rested and relaxed,… Read more »

How long does a coating protect?

The steel structures, which make up a wind farm, need protection. Importantly, those offshore need a specific type, because without the correct coating corrosion occurs. This weakens and shortens the lifespan of the parts. Jo van Montfort, from Bjond, explains to PES why the choice of coating should be made by an expert, based on… Read more »

Cutting edge on the leading edge

The growth of wind energy is exceptional, both in terms of installations and physical size. In Europe alone, it’s predicted to overtake gas installations and become the largest form of power generation by 2020, supported firmly by a mammoth addition of 4.9GW in capacity during just the first half of 2019. Meanwhile, the size of… Read more »

Partnering for the ideal accommodation solution

When it comes to sourcing an accommodation solution, which meets the requirements of all stakeholders in a renewable energy operation, the most successful approach is to work with an experienced partner. With wind farms increasingly being planned further from shore, daily transfers of technicians and crew members via vessels are becoming a thing of the… Read more »

Driven by data

When it was first introduced to the maritime market, Damen’s Fast Crew Supplier (FCS) 2710 – the successor to the FCS 2610 – hit the headlines for many reasons. Stepless and safe crew transfers, increased passenger capacity and an optimised hull are all pieces of the puzzle that illustrate the evolving design. All in all,… Read more »

Energy through knowledge

Oil & gas, offshore wind and marine energy all will play their part in the future of energy. Perhaps a bag of mixed ingredients, but combined in the right way, it will serve the future a more renewable outlook. Offshore Energy 2019 gives the energy transition a home and this will be felt in the… Read more »

New arrival for the commercial sector

Fronius has been writing commercial PV success stories for over 15 years. Tens of thousands of Fronius IG Plus, Eco & Symo systems are in use around the world and are favoured and valued by installers and end customers alike. Now this forward-looking company is launching its latest product for the commercial sector: the Fronius… Read more »

10 years in the limelight

2010, ZephIR HQ, Worcestershire, U.K: the ZephIR 300 Lidar, a remote sensing wind measurement tool capable of collecting wind data remotely from its installed location by use of an infra-red laser, was born, following an 18-month product development program that focused on improving the ‘usability’ of remote sensing devices. The resultant product was described as… Read more »

Software enabling complex drone inspections

Geoffrey Vancassel, CEO at Sterblue, spoke to PES about this innovative company, which in 4 years has reached the serious player threshold. They provide easy to use software, complete with apps and a cloud platform, which enables off-the-shelf drones (DJI) to carry out complex inspections. PES: Hi Geoffrey, welcome to PES Wind, it’s good to… Read more »

The North Sea´s little giant

The Port of Thyboron is a one-of-a-kind industrial port on the Danish coast. Given its unique position, the port is developing with rising cargo transportation, lucrative maritime and fishery sidelines and has the potential to increase together with the rise in the offshore wind farm activity in the North Sea as wind farm site and… Read more »