Archives: Exclusive Articles

Pulling much more than its own weight

Newly developed ground-based winch system shortens the amount of time needed to replace large components When a large component of a wind turbine fails, the operator often has no other choice but to have the damaged component replaced. This often involves a considerable amount of organisational work and financial expense – not just for the… Read more »

The show must go on!

PES brings you a show preview not to be missed. Now more than ever it’s important to keep up to date with what’s going on in our industry. Physical meetings are not currently possible, but there’s no reason not to keep up with the latest virtual offerings. Don’t miss out! RenewableUK’s Global Offshore Wind 2020… Read more »

The next energy frontier: floating wind farms

The global energy transition is underway. The uptake of renewables is accelerating, as the technology undercuts fossil fuel based energy generation and governments seek to achieve international climate targets. Renewable energy is now also accepted as an opportunity to drive green economic growth and job creation to help support the recovery from the impacts of… Read more »

3 years of growth in offshore energy

As the world begins to open up again after the devastation of COVID-19, Cargostore Worldwide talks to PES Wind about how they have managed to stay profitable during the pandemic. We explore the company’s timeline of growth over the last three years which has led to their current position in the offshore container industry. 2017… Read more »

New opportunities for integrated solar electricity

New PV technologies make it possible to create more diversity to the utilization of solar energy. High efficiency, low cost and good looks of PV applications make it feasible to integrate solar power to new products and environments. Any self-powering object creates a local energy source. Solar energy can be used in many building integrated… Read more »

Innovation and digitalization: on the path towards sustainable development

Well aware that global energy challenges are changing rapidly, at Studer we are focusing on creating simple solutions to complex problems. Access to electricity for all, the energy transition, automation, digitalization and electric mobility are all topics and issues that set the pace and influence the creation of all our products and services. In energy… Read more »

PV connectors: proven interchangeability

With the steady growth of solar power and the increase of PV plants worldwide, a new series of PV modules, suitable for 1500-Volt systems, is on the rise. The higher demand for the latest, ‘1500 Volt ready’ generation of PV connectors from Stäubli Electrical Connectors, raises the question of the interchangeability of the new MC4-Evo… Read more »

How developing robots for the solar industry can take you to new areas

SolarCleano has been developing and selling robots to clean solar panels for 3 years. Based on the cleaning experience of its founder, Pol Duthoit, it created a robot usable by lone workers. Along the way, SolarCleano made a few discoveries that helped it tackle more issues. Solar panels exist in all shapes and sizes When… Read more »

Where would solar sites be without thermographers?

Kim van der Heide, Product Marketing Specialist at SITEMARK, thought it would be interesting to interview Sophie Sándor, Senior Data Processing and Analytics Engineer, SITEMARK about her job as a thermographer. Sophie’s qualifications are outstanding: a double Masters in Geology and Exploration Geophysics, Certified in Thermal Imaging Category 1 (PCN-1 certification, Infrared Thermography (IRT-ISO 18436-7)…. Read more »

Innovative, efficient new technologies

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck, CEO at SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES and PES go back a long way. This is a company at the forefront of technology. They develop and assemble ground-breaking machines and systems, resulting in efficient and resource-saving production processes, which are used world-wide in the solar/PV industry as well as in other market segments. PES: Welcome… Read more »

Top quality solar solutions from North America

Silfab Solar is a North American manufacturer of high-efficiency, premium quality solar panels and solar solutions. Our company leverages over 35 years of experience spanning the entire vertical Photo Voltaic value chain including R&D, engineering and product innovation. With our experience in the PV industry, premium product offering and our nimble business model, the company… Read more »

The sun as a natural power plant

Powerful vacuum technology and reliable tightness control for improved efficiencies of solar receivers When solar energy for electricity generation is discussed, photovoltaic systems most often come to mind. However, concentrated solar power systems are gaining popularity as an interesting alternative. In this type of power plants, collector systems concentrate sunlight and collect it on an… Read more »

PID: a problem in the global solar industry

The performance degradation of solar modules Renewable energies are among the most important sources of electricity in Germany. Their expansion is a central pillar of the energy transition. Solar energy is one of the most significant renewable energy sources. Photovoltaic systems and solar parks represent an ever-increasing share of global energy production, because photovoltaics offer… Read more »

Sunny forecast for Irish solar

Ireland’s first competitive auction for renewable energy capacity took place this summer. The results spell sunny times ahead for the nascent solar industry in Ireland and mark an important step towards the country’s target to meet 70% of its electricity supply from renewables by 2030. Auction results According to provisional results issued by electricity market… Read more »

Smart, reliable, robust and cost effective

‘Noticing the lack of EV- charging stations around Europe kick-started the development of carport systems at Mounting Systems. The process of finding the perfect equilibrium between strength, design, cost and function led to the making of over 30 different designs. After close collaboration with customers and building multiple prototypes, we developed safe and reliable carport… Read more »

Quality, quality, quality

Dirk Tegtmeyer, co-founder of Ingenieurbüro Mencke & Tegtmeyer GmbH is an old friend of ours at PES. He tells us about the development of the PV industry and the importance of quality through the whole value chain. During the pandemic IMT made small changes to their work routines, which allowed them to carry on developing… Read more »

Solar tracker supplier adds value with engineering services, software and construction leadership

The year 2019 saw rapid growth in the solar PV tracker market, with most vendors doubling or at least significantly expanding their shipments from the previous year. Much of that activity was in the US, which represented 50% of global tracker sales and expanded its production by over 200%. Part of the reason for that… Read more »

Getting on the right track

In this article, Marco Trova, Senior Global Product Manager at FIMER S.p.A., talks us through some of the myths associated with Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technology to help engineers and installers specify the right approach to maximize yields and efficiency. MPPT is often fitted as standard in state-of-the-art inverters, yet many users still don’t… Read more »

Smart performance

It was a great pleasure for us at PES to speak with Kees Hoogendijk, Managing Director, EKO Europe. Accuracy is of paramount importance to this company and now they have made improvements to their already world famous pyranometer and launched the new MS-80S, with multiple added aspects of value for their customers. To produce the… Read more »

A solution from the future to a present day problem

PES thought it was time to catch up on the latest news from Ecoppia. We had a very interesting interview with Oscar Aira Zunzunegui, VP Sales. This go-ahead company is a top player in automation and robotics for large-scale solar and their cloud-based, connected platform and an array of robotic solutions allow smart management of… Read more »

Sustainability without compromise

Steve Davies, EMEA Photovoltaics Market Manager, took time out of his busy schedule to talk to PES about DuPont Teijin Films’ products and the importance of sustainability, not just during the lifespan of the product, but also at the end of life. Thinking ahead is crucial in this. PES: Hi Steve, welcome to PES Solar/PV…. Read more »

The virtual trade show is here

Solar Power International (SPI), Energy Storage International (ESI), and North America Smart Energy Week, powered by the leading solar organizations the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), is gathering solar, smart energy, energy storage, and hydrogen + fuel cells professionals virtually in 2020. PES is thrilled to bring you… Read more »

When uncertain times defy innovation, new opportunities shine brightly for the future

This year marks APsystems’ 10th anniversary. While the situation worldwide is facing unexpected challenges on many fronts during this very particular year 2020 with the Coronavirus pandemic, Dr Zhi Min Ling, co-founder and chairman of APsystems, shares his views on his entrepreneurial story with Maxime Boiron, Senior Director of Marketing EMEA & Australia, also at… Read more »

Yield is king

PES had a great catch up with Mark Kingsley, CEO of Alion Energy, California. Leaders in solutions for trackers and O&M robotics and currently enjoying the bifacial surge in our industry. Although the current Covid 19 situation presenting some challenges, he has no doubt about the future opportunities. PES: Hi Mark, it’s a pleasure to… Read more »

Pop-up power: CAPEX free energy solutions in times of uncertainty

Have you seen pictures of Berlin, Paris or London lately? Or perhaps Bogotá, Boston or the Philippines? One thing they all have in common are ‘temporary’ bike lanes, which have suddenly appeared all across these cities. But it doesn’t stop with bike lanes. We’ve seen things like data centres and hospitals pop-up all over the… Read more »

Increase energy harvest, simplify service

PES thought it was time to find out more about, SMA America and Brad Dore, Director of Marketing was happy to oblige. A global specialist company in PV, providing innovative solutions to their customers and setting standards for decentralized renewable energy. Read on to find out about optimization, roof top safety, collaboration, their vast international… Read more »

Making solar safer for companies: the why, what and how

Improved economics, governmental incentives, and increased awareness of solar energy as a viable alternative to grid power are leading more companies to go solar. With the potential to benefit businesses large and small, smart energy solutions are cropping up on unused rooftops of shopping centres, manufacturing plants, airports, schools, and hospitals. Much of the attraction… Read more »

U.S. residential storage: a glimpse at the market

The U.S. is experiencing major growth in the energy storage market, and it’s only the beginning. According to Wood Mackenzie Power and Renewables’ U.S. Energy Storage Monitor Q2 2020, the market (residential, non-residential and front-of-the-meter) is expected to grow more than 13-fold from 523 MW in 2019 to nearly 7 GW by 2025, in spite… Read more »

Are we about to experience a DC boom with the growth of solar plus storage?

Reliability and speed of response are essential to effectively managing or preventing a crisis – especially when it comes to power supply and temperature control. This has been clearly demonstrated by the outbreak of COVID-19 with countries across the world needing to rapidly put in place the necessary infrastructure to combat the virus and subsequently… Read more »


对于太阳能行业来说,2020年将是值得铭记的一年。在实现2019年的强劲扩张后,由于新冠疫情的持续蔓延,太阳能行业在2020年出现了一些不确定因素。 若干趋势会一直延续到2020年及2020年以后,其中之一便是业界对基于LED的模拟器能够满足其计量需求越来越有信心。LED闪光器在2019年轰动一时,许多公司都对这项技术充满信心,许多项目的生产线末端安装了基于LED的模拟器。WAVELABS是一家总部位于德国萨克森州的制造企业,主要生产Sinus-220 LED IV型电池测试器等产品。据该公司报告,与2018年相比,其销售额增长了7倍。 LED太阳光模拟器在近几年才被市场广泛接受。此前,自工业太阳能电池制造伊始,脉冲(AC)和连续(DC)氙灯便一直是效率测定的标准光源。由于固态照明技术的突破式发展,基于LED的光源已被证明是一种更好的测量方法。主要原因在于LED能够将各种颜色结合在一起,从而更加准确、可靠地匹配太阳光谱。本文旨在揭示氙灯模拟器和LED模拟器的优缺点,以及在选择模拟器光源时需要考虑的因素。另外,本文还将阐述一些表明基于LED的技术在太阳能计量领域具有强劲趋势的其他因素。 氙光的优缺点 氙灯最突出的缺点是其与标准光谱之间存在较大偏差(如图1所示),这主要是由波长大于750nm(纳米)的氙光波峰造成的。氙光谱的偏差远远超出A级设备的允许公差,从而导致了效率测定的不准确。

于瑞士深耕动力电子设备制造 30 余年

Studer 自创立之初便一直走在储能逆变器制造的最前沿。尽管在该行业不断演变的过程中,新的竞争对手层出不穷,但 Studer 始终保持着自身的领先地位。Studer 的所有制造活动均按照最高质量标准在瑞士进行。以下,Studer 销售主管 Serge Remy 带领 PES 回顾了 Studer 30 多年的历史,并向 PES 讲述了 Studer 的现状。 开创期 以下故事的主角是一家于瑞士萌芽并逐步发展壮大的公司。 1987 年,该公司创始人 Roland Studer 萌生出一个伟大的想法:将高价值能量调节设备推向一个崭新的市场,一个当时尚处在发展初期的市场,并将该等设备销往瑞士以外的其他国家。这个崭新的市场当然就是太阳能光伏市场。 首款具有模拟显示功能的 200Wp 太阳能充电控制器问世 仅一年之后,该首款设备便经过改进而达到了高达 300Wp 的峰值功率,并集成了数字显示功能。 发展壮大期 90 年代,Studer 销售额呈现出指数增长,并开发出其首款正弦波逆变器。 Studer 的创新成果之所以能脱颖而出,是因为他们并未单纯停留于发明本身,而是积极地将发明转化为新产品、解决方案和服务,从而使自身在市场上占有一席之地。 1998 年,Studer 发明了首款内置太阳能 充电的逆变器。在接下来的十年里,其业务在全球范围内扩展至可再生能源领域的其他应用,如移动、备用和通讯系统。 2000 年前夕,地方性企业 Studer Innotec 完美转身,成为一家全球性企业。 潜心创新 Studer 自创立之初便一直以创新来定义自身。事实上,正是创新这一品质造就了 Studer。 在接下来的十年里,Studer推出业界最先进对的Xtender系列模块式逆变器,该系统开启了一系列旨在优化可用能源之利用的产品。这些产品既可用作离网逆变器、电池充电器、并网馈电设备,也可为输入电网提供能量协助。Xtender 既是一种高科技设备,又是能源系统管理的关键参与者。 瑞士制造的力量 Studer 的所有产品均在位于阿尔卑斯山中部的锡永… Read more »


1996年以来,史陶比尔光伏连接器已成功连接全球超300GW光伏系统,这一数字十分惊人。PES采访了史陶比尔电连接器股份公司管理委员会成员和全球替代能源总监Matthias Mack,谈及关于企业价值观、行业发展和未来方向等话题。 PES:很高兴能再次采访您!我们和贵司有过几次愉快的采访经历,对贵司的发展也非常感兴趣。我们一直都有许多新读者,能否请简要介绍下史陶比尔? Matthias Mack:作为一家瑞士家族企业,史陶比尔集团成立于1892年,是工业连接器(流体连接器和电连接器)、工业机器人和纺织机械这三大领域机电一体化解决方案的全球专业供应商。史陶比尔电连接器股份公司(前身为Multi-Contact)隶属于史陶比尔集团,是光伏连接器领域的资深专家和市场领导者。史陶比尔致力于提供可靠且高质量的产品与服务,以便帮助业主降低运维成本。从屋顶安装到优化器和储能,我们安全且高效的产品广泛应用在光伏系统中,不仅可以保障项目可靠性,同时能够提升其盈利能力。 PES:您认为太阳能光伏行业是否仍在高速增长?为什么? MM:从全球范围来看,分布式光伏装机和销量的增长,推动技术成本持续下降,进而加快平价上网进程。光伏从绿色奢侈品逐渐转变为具有市场竞争力的消费品。全球大型企业正在进入光伏行业,而高质量的产品必将在ROI和可融资能力驱动的市场中,赢得胜利。 今年,我们预计全球光伏新增装机105~120GW,GW级市场将超过17个。市场仍在持续增长,这一点从我们第一季度销售数据和客户需求中可以明确地感受到。疫情短期内会对市场需求有所影响,不过达到预期的安装量应该没有问题。对于2021年的市场预估还不明晰,但是我们仍然持乐观态度。 PES:今明两年,除了新冠危机,史陶比尔还会面临什么挑战?目前形势如何,未来如何发展? MM:我们拥有超过58年电连接专业经验,为不同行业提供可靠的电连接解决方案。1996年,史陶比尔发布全球第一款光伏连接器MC3。2002年,史陶比尔MC4面市,迅速得到市场认可,逐渐成为行业标准。迄今,史陶比尔MC4系列光伏连接器已成功连接超300GW光伏系统,接近全球光伏装机量的一半。史陶比尔能够快速响应多样化的市场需求,提供适合现场实际应用的解决方案。凭着出色和丰富的专业知识,我们能够妥善处理新冠危机带来的挑战。