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Integrated quality control in offshore wind: part 2

Following on from our interview with Wim Keen in the last edition, PES had some questions for Maik Rienecker, founder of Steel Inspect and father of the unique Q7 concept for optimal quality management of offshore windfarm EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation) projects. He was happy to explain the Q7 concept in more detail and share the benefits this brings to offshore wind farm construction projects.

PES: Hi Maik, welcome back to PES Wind, for the second part of the interview, following on from the last issue. For the benefit of our new readers, would you like to begin by telling us something about the history of Steel Inspect?

Maik Rienecker: Steel Inspect and especially its predecessor Rienecker PM was founded in 2006. At this time, I had already gained wide experience over the years from 1990, in purchasing and quality management for manufacturing, including site construction and commissioning for worldwide EPCI power plant projects.

Consequentially I capitalized on this experience I gathered from various kinds of projects worldwide and founded the company. From 2016 we consistently pursued the growth path, as a quality service provider for inspection and monitoring.
The establishment of Steel Inspect allowed us to pool the experience of 15 years
project management, quality assurance in the field to transform into a global, lean
holding structure.

Integrated quality control in offshore wind: part 2

Following on from our interview with Wim Keen in the last edition, PES had some questions for Maik Rienecker, founder of Steel Inspect and father of the unique Q7 concept for optimal quality management of offshore windfarm EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation) projects. He was happy to explain the Q7 concept in more detail and share the benefits this brings to offshore wind farm construction projects.

PES: Hi Maik, welcome back to PES Wind, for the second part of the interview, following on from the last issue. For the benefit of our new readers, would you like to begin by telling us something about the history of Steel Inspect?

Maik Rienecker: Steel Inspect and especially its predecessor Rienecker PM was founded in 2006. At this time, I had already gained wide experience over the years from 1990, in purchasing and quality management for manufacturing, including site construction and commissioning for worldwide EPCI power plant projects.

Consequentially I capitalized on this experience I gathered from various kinds of projects worldwide and founded the company. From 2016 we consistently pursued the growth path, as a quality service provider for inspection and monitoring.
The establishment of Steel Inspect allowed us to pool the experience of 15 years
project management, quality assurance in the field to transform into a global, lean
holding structure.

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