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Enabling the digitization of infrastructure assets

Scopito ApS grew from a hobby and a bet, how many companies can say this about their origins? We at PES were intrigued and wanted to know more, so we decided to talk with CEO and Founder, Ken Isobe Falk. The end result is their state-of-the-art inspection software, which is used in drone inspections and for the digitization of assets. Clients are able to use the data to manage their assets via a cloud-based platform. This in turn will help to improve the lifespan of wind turbines. A solution that is proving very popular in the wind industry.

PES: Hi Ken, welcome back to PES Wind, it’s great to have this opportunity to talk with you. For the benefit of our new readers would you like to begin by telling us something about the background of your company?

Ken Isobe Falk: I am grateful for the opportunity to catch up with you again, thank you for that.

Scopito’s story runs parallel to my story, which I’d be happy to share with you.

About ten years ago, I worked with mission-critical software at a Danish conglomerate by the name of Systematic. My time there was challenging and rewarding alike, and the lessons instrumental in my later decisions on company culture.

Working in mission critical software put me in close contact with drone technology. As an engineer and vintage car devotee, it really spoke to something in me. I started tinkering with drones in my spare time – a hobby which eventually lead me to leave my job at Systematic in pursuit of the world’s most energy efficient drone.

Without going into too much detail, the story involves a bet over some beers and consequently, a couple of months in a worn-out tanning salon. I believe you can find it on our website. Anyway, once I achieved the drone, I had to do something with it, and that something became drone inspections; that’s how Heliscope emerged in 2014.

From there on it grew as companies grow. I realized the ineffectiveness of raw data, which lead me to seek help from a former colleague, and together we developed a data management platform for our inspection images, which would later be known as Scopito.

In 2014 we decided to sell the inspection part of Heliscope and devote all our time to the software. The lessons from my time as a DSP stuck with me even after that, and I believe this is one of the reasons for Scopito’s success.

Today we are a dedicated team of seven and I am making good use of my knowledge from Systematic. All of us are devoted to the work and the workplace alike.

Enabling the digitization of infrastructure assets

Scopito ApS grew from a hobby and a bet, how many companies can say this about their origins? We at PES were intrigued and wanted to know more, so we decided to talk with CEO and Founder, Ken Isobe Falk. The end result is their state-of-the-art inspection software, which is used in drone inspections and for the digitization of assets. Clients are able to use the data to manage their assets via a cloud-based platform. This in turn will help to improve the lifespan of wind turbines. A solution that is proving very popular in the wind industry.

PES: Hi Ken, welcome back to PES Wind, it’s great to have this opportunity to talk with you. For the benefit of our new readers would you like to begin by telling us something about the background of your company?

Ken Isobe Falk: I am grateful for the opportunity to catch up with you again, thank you for that.

Scopito’s story runs parallel to my story, which I’d be happy to share with you.

About ten years ago, I worked with mission-critical software at a Danish conglomerate by the name of Systematic. My time there was challenging and rewarding alike, and the lessons instrumental in my later decisions on company culture.

Working in mission critical software put me in close contact with drone technology. As an engineer and vintage car devotee, it really spoke to something in me. I started tinkering with drones in my spare time – a hobby which eventually lead me to leave my job at Systematic in pursuit of the world’s most energy efficient drone.

Without going into too much detail, the story involves a bet over some beers and consequently, a couple of months in a worn-out tanning salon. I believe you can find it on our website. Anyway, once I achieved the drone, I had to do something with it, and that something became drone inspections; that’s how Heliscope emerged in 2014.

From there on it grew as companies grow. I realized the ineffectiveness of raw data, which lead me to seek help from a former colleague, and together we developed a data management platform for our inspection images, which would later be known as Scopito.

In 2014 we decided to sell the inspection part of Heliscope and devote all our time to the software. The lessons from my time as a DSP stuck with me even after that, and I believe this is one of the reasons for Scopito’s success.

Today we are a dedicated team of seven and I am making good use of my knowledge from Systematic. All of us are devoted to the work and the workplace alike.

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