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A fresh approach to efficiency and sustainability

The ground-mount solar market in EMEA has evolved, with growing demand due to renewable energy targets and supportive policies. Key trends include larger utility-scale projects, smart technology integration, and agrivoltaics, which merges agriculture with photovoltaic energy. Against this backdrop, PES wanted to find out more about Clenergy’s fixed ground-mount systems from the company’s EU Product Director, Nathalie Kermelk.

PES: It may be useful to start if we may, by getting your thoughts on how the ground- mount solar market evolved in the EMEA region in recent years, and what trends you see on the horizon?

Nathalie Kermelk: The ground-mount solar market in EMEA has seen increased demand, which has been driven by both renewable energy targets and progressive policies. We’ve observed a notable shift towards larger utility-scale projects, with enhancements in system efficiency and smart technology integration.

Additionally, the rise of agrivoltaics, combining agriculture and PV, along with a significant reduction in solar panel costs, has made PV installations more affordable. Solar power is now considerably cheaper per kWh than fossil-based energy in many areas.

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