Author: Francesco


作为一种清洁、安全且可持续的能源,太阳能正陆续以前所未有的高速为世界提供动力——在全球特别是在中国。然而,制造高效的光伏组件是一个多级的过程,涉及延伸的太阳能供应链,其中超白钢化玻璃是关键组件之一。如何加工好太阳能玻璃,使其成为具有竞争力的顶级光伏组件的一部分呢? 近年来,中国太阳能行业经历了爆炸性增长,随着国家最新五年计划提到的大规模储能规划,它仍将持续增长。据中国太阳能制造协会的统计,预计2021年中国太阳能发电量将达到65 GW,到今年年底,太阳能安装总量将超过300 GW[1]。 欧洲太阳能电力公司报告称,2020年中国年太阳能装机容量比2019年增长了60%,按电力计算,2020年占新增安装总量的35%。虽然中国累计光伏安装容量已占世界总量的30%以上,但按人均来算,中国仍是初级玩家,甚至没有进入前十名[2]。 尽管目前太阳能发电仅占全球发电量的微弱百分比,但自2021年起至2025年,中国新增太阳能安装容量预计将同比增长约70-90GW。这主要归功于政府政策鼓励,旨在将光伏安装率从目前的水平提高一倍,并促进可再生能源消费[3]。 太阳能发电成本下降意味着新的机遇 如今,不仅政治政策趋势有利于太阳能发电,经济方面太阳能也是明智的选择,公共事业规模的太阳能光伏发电的能源成本现在已与煤炭发电相当[4]。 太阳能的价格竞争力是其生产过程中成本不断优化的结果,我们称之为光伏学习曲线——随着全球累计光伏容量翻倍,组件价格下降约20%-25%[5]。这种成本优化甚至可以追溯到生产太阳能电池组件所需的技术,包括用来加工太阳能玻璃的设备。在每个组件中,面板玻璃的作用至关重要。它能够透光,同时保护太阳能电池免受损伤,并提供机械稳定性。 对于太阳能玻璃加工企业来说,现在是进入市场的大好时机。优质太阳能玻璃不仅现在存在真正的市场短缺,快速扩张的市场在未来几年将会变得更加欣喜。 更薄、更大——更多太阳能玻璃 虽然终端市场的需求正在上升期,但供应链的职责始终是用更好的整体设备和更薄的原材料来降低成本。[5] 供应链还须应对光伏技术发展带来的其他变化。更大的电池格式需要加大组件尺寸,也需要更大尺寸的面板玻璃[5,第33页]。这导致越来越多的太阳能玻璃加工厂将生产宽度从1.2米提到1.35米,这就需要更新设备来加工更大的玻璃。 另一个发展趋势是双面组件的激增,这意味着光伏组件将可从正面和反面发电,功率增加可达5-30%[2]。双面组件的日益普及甚至导致了2020年太阳能玻璃的短缺,但这一问题很快被中国制造企业产能扩大所解决[2]。双面电池组件的市场份额预计将从2020年的30%增长到2025年的60%以上[5]。 “根据我们的市场调查,玻璃尺寸的变化也为太阳能玻璃加工行业的设备供应商创造了新的机会,”格拉司通集团商业分析师Daniel Sumelius表示。


想在日益增长的原材料成本与回报率之间实现平衡总是很难,自疫情爆发及后续的物流问题产生以来,情况更是雪上加霜。PES 邀请到了 GameChange 的首席业务拓展执行官 Arturo Herrero,想了解他是如何利用自己的经验为 EPC 和开发人员创造价值的。 PES:Arturo,热烈欢迎您再次回到 PES。我们曾聊过多次,相信我们的读者仍有印象,能邀请您来分享自己对太阳能行业和市场发展方向的看法真是太棒了。您能向 PES 的新读者简要介绍一下 GameChange 吗? Arturo Herrero: 感谢您的关注。在支架和跟踪器行业内,GameChange Solar 位居美国第三,世界第六。我们专注于扩展国际业务,专注于将 GameChange 打造成世界领先品牌。我们的销售量已跨过 12 GW 的门槛,生产产能已超过 24 GW。 PES:从个人角度来说,您拥有极为丰富的可再生能源行业从业经验,对吗?那么,您在自己的职业生涯中一定见证了许多变化和发展吧? AH:20 多年前,我成为了 BP Solar 的一名工程师,开启了自己的工程师生涯。2001 年,我离开石油行业,进入太阳能行业。早几年前,BP Oil 被 Castrol 收购,那时我在 Castrol 工作,是一名年轻的市场与销售经理。然后,我加入了 BP Oil,后来又转到 BP Solar 担任全球采购经理。 在太阳能领域内,德国于 21 世纪初开始大力推行新能源补贴计划,后推广至欧洲,意大利、西班牙、捷克、保加利亚和英国相继开始实施补贴计划。 PES:毫无疑问,您一定在职业生涯中经历了许多挑战,让您时刻保持警惕,那么,您在克服挑战的过程中有哪些收获呢?到目前为止,您遇到的最严峻的挑战是什么?最大的成就是什么? AH:在我的职业生涯中,面对挑战和高风险,我从未退缩,而在大多数情况下,我的努力都获得了回报。 第一个挑战是离开 BP Oil 加入位于马德里的 BP Solar,那时我的工作地点就在家乡巴塞罗那,这份工作对我来说没什么压力。可是,换工作就意味着要进入一个全新的领域,但是预算低、资源少,工作内容也从销售和市场转变为采购。… Read more »


Endurans™ Solar业务总监 Hugo Schoot 向 PES 讲述了光伏组件背板的发展过程,解释了有望在近期实现理想性价比的原因。 PES:欢迎您来到 PES,Hugo!很高兴能采访您。首先,您能否先简要介绍一下 Endurans™ Solar? Hugo Schoot : 当然可以。以前,DSM Advanced Solar 致力于为太阳能组件开发、生产先进的背板和高端导电背板。我们的产品具有独特的卖点,在可靠性、性价比、环保等方面表现出色。在新母公司 Worthen Industries 的领导之下,我们计划凭借优质的产品迅速扩大全球市场份额。 PES:贵公司的计划听起确实雄心勃勃令人振奋。那请您再向我们介绍一下背板的实际应用情况吧。 HS:可以。背板能够保护光伏组件免受水气、紫外线辐射和机械应力的影响,直接影响组件功率和使用寿命。根据电气与电子工程师协会的数据,大约 9% 的太阳能电池板故障与背板有关。据统计,2020 年因背板问题需要更换的失效组件就占到年度装机总量的百分之一,损失惨重。反观 Endurans™ 产品,问世六年以来,尚无因背板问题造成的组件失效案例发生。 PES:当时为什么想要更名呢? HS:去年秋天,DSM 将 DSM Advanced Solar 的树脂与功能材料业务(包括光伏组件的减反射涂层)出售给了 Covestro。今年六月,集团又将 DSM Advanced Solar 的背板业务(包括其在中国苏州和欧洲的生产基地)出售给了 Worthen Industries,自此完全退出了太阳能市场,这是集团在综合考虑多个因素之后做出的一次战略调整。 PES:两家公司的价值观和目标是否一致? HS:就内在价值而言,这两家公司简直是非常契合。作为一家家族企业,Worthen Industries 非常重视人、环境和合作关系。双方在共挤出工艺研究和生产方面都有深厚的专业知识积淀,可以取长补短。

Hanwha Solutions completes acquisition of RES France

Hanwha Solutions closes deal to acquire 100% of the equity interest of RES Méditerranée SAS, the mother company of RES SAS, a French renewables development company formerly owned by the RES Group. [Seoul, South Korea, October 29, 2021] Hanwha Solutions (or “the company”), the mother company of leading total energy solutions provider Q CELLS, today… Read more »

Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust plc – Option to Acquire Two Onshore Wind Projects in Finland

Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust plc  (“ORIT” or the “Company”) Option to Acquire Two Onshore Wind Projects in Finland  Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust plc is pleased to announce that it has entered into a call option agreement for the acquisition of two onshore wind farms in Finland. In connection with the option agreement the Company has… Read more »

Mainstream Renewable Power projects to deliver 1.27 GW of new wind and solar for South Africa

Mainstream Renewable Power-led consortium has been awarded 50% of the total allocation in the latest round of South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) The win makes Mainstream Renewable Power the leading renewable energy company in South Africa, with over 2.1 GW awarded under the REIPPPP to date The twelve projects, across… Read more »

deugro group Appoints Rasmus Jørgensen

London, United Kingdom, October 28, 2021 – deugro group appoints Rasmus Jørgensen Vice President Global Business Development – Renewable Energy, effective October 1, 2021. With this, deugro group is taking a further step to position the group of companies with a dedicated Sustainable Energy team. Rasmus Jørgensen has 14 years’ experience in the offshore energy… Read more »


Endurans™ Solar业务总监 Hugo Schoot 向 PES 讲述了光伏组件背板的发展过程,解释了有望在近期实现理想性价比的原因。 PES:欢迎您来到 PES,Hugo!很高兴能采访您。首先,您能否先简要介绍一下 Endurans™ Solar? Hugo Schoot : 当然可以。以前,DSM Advanced Solar 致力于为太阳能组件开发、生产先进的背板和高端导电背板。我们的产品具有独特的卖点,在可靠性、性价比、环保等方面表现出色。在新母公司 Worthen Industries 的领导之下,我们计划凭借优质的产品迅速扩大全球市场份额。 PES:贵公司的计划听起确实雄心勃勃令人振奋。那请您再向我们介绍一下背板的实际应用情况吧。 HS:可以。背板能够保护光伏组件免受水气、紫外线辐射和机械应力的影响,直接影响组件功率和使用寿命。根据电气与电子工程师协会的数据,大约 9% 的太阳能电池板故障与背板有关。据统计,2020 年因背板问题需要更换的失效组件就占到年度装机总量的百分之一,损失惨重。反观 Endurans™ 产品,问世六年以来,尚无因背板问题造成的组件失效案例发生。 PES:当时为什么想要更名呢? HS:去年秋天,DSM 将 DSM Advanced Solar 的树脂与功能材料业务(包括光伏组件的减反射涂层)出售给了 Covestro。今年六月,集团又将 DSM Advanced Solar 的背板业务(包括其在中国苏州和欧洲的生产基地)出售给了 Worthen Industries,自此完全退出了太阳能市场,这是集团在综合考虑多个因素之后做出的一次战略调整。 PES:两家公司的价值观和目标是否一致? HS:就内在价值而言,这两家公司简直是非常契合。作为一家家族企业,Worthen Industries 非常重视人、环境和合作关系。双方在共挤出工艺研究和生产方面都有深厚的专业知识积淀,可以取长补短。 凭借我们对聚合物材料及其在光伏组件应用的深入了解,我们坚信能够在市场上携手共进,为我们的下一代背板技术实现真正的突破。 PES:您认为,与竞争对手的产品相比,你们背板产品的竞争优势是什么? HS:在过去几十年里,背板一直是使用粘合剂将三层聚合物膜粘合在一起的方式生产的。而我们的创新工艺则是将自己生产的聚合物例子在加热熔融后一次挤出成型。各层主体均为聚烯烃,其耐老化及阻水性能均明显优于传统背板中使用的聚酯材料。我们的背板产品具有出色的耐紫外,耐水汽等耐老化性能,助力光伏组件客户进一步提升组件的使用寿命至三十年以上。 PES:你们的背板产品对环境保护有什么积极的影响?


撰稿人:EKO USA 应用工程师 Will Beuttell EKO Instruments 欲将赌注压在双面光伏上,希望利用最全面的双面和反照率测量解决方案实现行业领先的精度。 双面光伏 (BPV) 技术诞生已久,但直到 2012 年首批实现成本效益的双面光伏板进入市场后,这项技术才开始在市场上引起关注。自 2019 年起,双面光伏技术更是呈加速发展态势。尽管实现 BPV 技术全面取代单面光伏的道路依然漫长,但 BPV 的关键特性让人相信,不远的将来,它就将取代传统的单面光伏技术。 Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables (WoodMac) 于 2019 年发布的一份市场调查报告预测,到 2024 年,全球双面组件年产能将超过 21 千兆瓦;而德国机械设备制造业联合会 VDMA 发布的国际光伏技术发展路线图 (ITRPV) 则预测,至 2031 年,双面光伏技术带来的产能增长将占总产能的 80%。 然而,尽管双面光伏技术发展迅猛,但太阳能行业内的许多组织和个人仍没有把握,依然对这项技术本身的可行性或潜在的投资回报缺乏信心。许多业内人士还对双面光伏如此迅速地席卷市场感到奇怪。 那么,BPV 具备哪些关键特性?是什么变化导致它突然间如此受欢迎?规划者、工程师、研究人员或投资者如何确定是否要将经过试验和测试的单面光伏更换为 BPV 呢? 答案就是“反照率”,反射的太阳能量; 我们衡量这反射能量的能力,以及太阳能电池阵列将其转化为电能的能力。 双面光伏组件从光伏板的正面及背面套取太阳能;反照率,通常是指从地面或周围环境反射的能量。


撰稿人:王健全1,仇雷飞1,林福苗1 (1. 中检集团南方测试股份有限公司,518055) 摘 要:随着高容性光伏组件市场化进程不断提速,解决容性效应引起的检测结果失真问题变得越来越重要。根据容性作用机理可知,高容性光伏组件的正反扫描I-V特性参数的差异可以反映容性所引起的误差。本文采用宽脉冲测试法和动态I-V测量法对HJT和Topcon等高容性光伏组件进行检测,研究扫描方式、电压扫描速率对于不同类型组件容性误差的影响,为高容性光伏组件I-V特性检测提供参考。 关键词:高容性光伏组件;电压扫描速率;线性扫描;阶梯式扫描 0 引 言 随着光伏平价上网政策实施,光伏行业技术迭代正在加速演绎,高效光伏组件已经成为行业降本增效的必由之路。众所周知,高效光伏组件往往伴随着较强的电容效应,其将影响性能测量的准确性,因此如何准确测量高效光伏组件的电流–电压特性成了行业迫切需要解决的问题。 高容性光伏组件的电容会随着正向电压的增加而增加,这导致其电流–电压特性在从短路电流Isc向开路电压Voc扫描(正向扫描)过程中会因电容充电,从而使测量的电流被低估。同理,从Voc向Isc扫描(反向扫描)过程中会因电容充电,从而也会使测量的电流被高估,且这种与电容相关的误差随着电压的扫描速率的增加而增加[1-2]。由此可以看出快速扫描所引起的电容充放电效应是导致高容性光伏组件I-V特性检测失真原因。 国内外研究机构就如何消除容性效应对高容性光伏组件I-V特性检测的影响进行了研究,并根据检测机理提出了多种解决该问题的关键方法。目前比较流行的方法主要有稳态测试法、分段测试法、宽脉冲测试法、最大功率点修正测试法和动态I-V测试法等[3-4],其中宽脉冲测试法和动态I-V测试法因高效率和相对低成本等优点,而被广泛关注。


在过去的几年中,将太阳电池切成半片已成为光伏制造的主流策略。通过使用这些技术,模块级的额定功率和机械强度都得到了显着提高。这也是使最近转向更大的电池格式以及随之而来的模块额定功率跃升的关键发展之一。 由于许多这些较大的格式以及吸引制造商注意的其他技术是需要将电池切成三块或甚至更多块,因此在可预见的未来电池切割肯定会继续成为光伏制造的核心。 但这并非没有挑战或风险。传统的切割工艺是激光划线然后再机械裂片。这种激光划线方法需要大约晶圆厚度的30%-50% 的划线深度并导致太阳电池切割边缘的严重损坏以及微裂纹,两者都对电池的性能产生负面影响。 热激光分离 (TLS) 基础知识 TLS 是来自微电子工业的著名工艺。 多年来伴随着领先制造商的行业参考,该工艺在半电池切割方面已得到很好的应用。 TLS 工艺是一种用于脆性材料如硅、碳化硅和砷化镓的无损伤激光芯片切割技术。 它依赖于被定义和受控应力场的应用由基于激光的加热和随后的冷却进行工艺。 因此,裂纹被引导穿过整个电池并从而获得两个半电池。 由于 TLS 是一个劈裂工艺,因此需要初始划线 (I-scribe) 来为分离提供明确定义的起点。 然而,与需要后续机械断裂的传统划线相比,这种初始划线非常细微 (只有几微米深、宽和长)。随后基板被激光局部加热和被伴随的去离子水雾冷却,通过巧妙地叠加这两个区域产生了由拉伸和压缩应力组成的应力场在其中引入裂缝机制,与任何可能的晶界或优选的断裂方向无关。 与传统的分离技术相比,TLS 的优势在于其干净、无微裂纹的边缘。 分离边缘不会发生晶体损坏—迄今为止由于烧蚀区域中重新固化的硅的位移这种损坏很常见。 与激光切割相反,不会发生凸起和出现粉尘因为基板只是被加热而不是汽化。采用TLS™ 工艺的太阳电池的机械稳定性明显高于传统工艺的太阳电池,这个工艺不会留下任何残留物。

BYD launches Battery-Box LV Flex 5.0 in Australia and New Zealand

The new system generation following the successful Battery-Box Pro 2.5 doubles capacity, comes with enhanced safety features and certifications and is scalable from 5-320 kWh for maximum flexibility Shenzhen, OCt 28th – BYD Co. Ltd., one of the world’s largest manufacturers of rechargeable batteries, announces the launch of the new Battery-Box LV Flex 5.0. The… Read more »

Goldman Sachs was the top M&A financial adviser in power sector for Q1-Q3 2021, finds GlobalData

Goldman Sachs has emerged as the top financial adviser for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by both value and volume in the power sector for Q1-Q3 2021, according to GlobalData, having advised on 23 deals worth $67.6bn. The leading data and analytics company notes that there was a total of 1,737 M&A deals announced in the… Read more »

ASCA increases performance of organic solar cells by integrating new semiconductors

By using new semiconductor materials, organic solar cell expert ASCA has increased the efficiency of its modules by 40 percent. The new components are supplied by Taiwanese company Raynergy Tek. Raynergy Tek specializes in developing organic semiconductor materials for OPV modules, such as non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs). With an efficiency record of around 20 percent in… Read more »

Westwood: ~55% of oil and gas production and ~45% of consumption driven largely by countries without legally binding net zero commitments

Aberdeen, UK, 27th October 2021: New analysis from Westwood Global Energy Group (Westwood), the specialist energy market research and consultancy firm, reveals that ~55% of global oil and gas production and ~45% of consumption (as of 2020) is driven by a handful of countries. With the exception of Canada, the top oil and gas producers… Read more »

DNV provides technical due diligence for leading Australian bus electrification project

New South Wales Bus Depot integrates EV Technology with Solar PV and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) to develop green transport and provide grid response services Melbourne, Australia, 26 October 2021 –– DNV, the independent energy expert and assurance provider, is participating in one of Australia’s leading end-to-end bus depot electrification projects. The AUD$40-million initiative in New South… Read more »

Wattmanufactur GmbH & Co. KG Opens Germany’s Largest Solar Parkwith Single-axis Tracking Featuring M88H Inverters from Delta Electronics

Wattmanufactur GmbH & Co. KG, a long-standing partner of Delta Electronics, opened the Lottorf Solar Park on July 30, 2021 with the Germany federal party chairman Dr. Robert Habeck (Bündnis 90/die Grünen) in attendance. The 10 MWp solar park in the district of Schleswig-Flensburg/Schleswig-Holstein is currently the largest ground-mounted photovoltaic system in Germany with a… Read more »

Singapore’s First Digital Twin for National Power Grid

Created in collaboration with government agencies, industry players and research experts to enhance power grid resilience  A brighter and more sustainable energy future – this is what Singapore’s first digital twin for the power grid will enable. Supported by the Energy Market Authority (EMA), SP Group (SP) and the Science and Technology Policy and Plans… Read more »

REACTION: Scottish Government renewable heat target

The Scottish Government has today (October 27) published an update on the progress toward meeting the target of 11% of non-electrical heat demand from renewable sources by 2020. Responding, Helen Melone, Senior Policy Manager at Scottish Renewables, said: “We are disappointed to see the figures released today (6.4%) that show that Scotland has not made any progress on… Read more »

Budget – Time to deliver on Green promises, says AceOn

Leading energy pioneer AceOn today welcomed Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s commitment to driving forward measures to tackle climate change – but said his Budget could have gone further. The company – a leading national innovator in battery and energy storage technology – said it was deeply disappointed Mr Sunak had failed to take the opportunity to scrap VAT on zero and low… Read more »

Insights on COP26 from Chinese University of Hong Kong

In the run up to COP26, which will take place from this Sunday, October 31 to November 12, we want to highlight experts from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) who can speak to facets of two of the three key goals of COP26 set for the international community listed below, in case they… Read more »

IBC SOLAR to manage four additional solar parks with a total output of over 31 MWp for solar power plant operator 7C Solarparken

Four solar parks in one go The longstanding IBC SOLAR partner and solar power plant operator 7C Solarparken has acquired four solar parks realised by IBC SOLAR with a total output of over 31 MWp. Bad Staffelstein / Germany, October 27, 2021 – IBC SOLAR AG, a global leader in photovoltaic (PV) systems and energy… Read more »


Cooperative turbine control system unlocks fleet optimization, providing 3-5% AEP improvement and a 3-4x return on investment over two years Boston, MA, USA – 26th October 2021 – WindESCo, a pioneer in accelerating annual energy production (AEP) for wind turbine stakeholders, has launched WindESCo Swarm™ – the world’s first commercially available, patented, solution for autonomous,… Read more »

WinGD invests in training as gas-fuelled fleet grows

Marine low-speed engine developer WinGD has strengthened its training capabilities as the number of gas-fuelled vessels on order surges. Among the investments, the company has expanded its network of training locations and added new online tools, making it even easier for ship operators to give their crews the skills they need. According to DNV’s Alternative… Read more »


–       Firetrace International strengthens its renewables expertise with the appointment of a global BDM, while new Head of Marketing arrives from clean energy sector –       New hires come following a shift in the wind industry that has led to a heightened focus on safety and reliability  Scottsdale, 26th October… Read more »


 Glennmont works with Clir to activate turbine data management and bring new solutions for improved turbine performance  Vancouver, 25th, October, 2021 – Glennmont Partners from Nuveen (Glennmont), Europe’s largest pure clean energy specialist, is working with Clir Renewables (Clir), a company dedicated to maximizing project returns from renewable energy assets, to identify wind turbine underperformance, to… Read more »


Tier One inverter supplier, FIMER, has installed its technology in a new 1MW ground-mounted solar plant for Consolidated Sulpho-Chemical Industries Co (CISC) – one of the largest companies in the Middle East – to enable it to reduce costs and become more self-sufficient. Working with EPC, The Contractor for Energy LLC, the project is an… Read more »

Sulzer Schmid completes multi-GW blade inspection campaign for Vestas in Europe

Sulzer Schmid, a Swiss company pioneering UAV technology for wind turbine rotor blade inspections, announced today that it has completed a massive blade inspection campaign for Vestas, covering close to 4,000 wind turbines across 14 countries of northern and central Europe. With an installed fleet of close to 75,000 wind turbines around the world, blade… Read more »

Huawei to Power the World’s Largest Energy Storage Project

Huawei has recently signed the contract with SEPCOIII at Global Digital Power Summit 2021 in Dubai for a 1300 MWh off-grid battery energy storage system (BESS) project in Saudi Arabia, currently the world’s largest of its kind. This project also represents the largest energy storage project since Huawei officially launched the Smart String Energy Storage… Read more »

Sunfish successfully reburies export cable at Eneco’s Luchterduinen Wind Farm

Another milestone achievement for Jan De Nul’s innovative intertidal trenching vehicle Sunfish Jan De Nul successfully reburied an export cable of Eneco’s Luchterduinen wind farm. A tailor-made solution was offered by modifying Jan De Nul’s in-house designed and fabricated intertidal trencher Sunfish. The reburial was executed without interruption of the offshore wind farm production during… Read more »


Optimization pioneer ramps up client portfolio as trusted partner driving AEP gains for global wind industry Burlington, MA, USA – 20th October 2021 – WindESCo, a pioneer in accelerating annual energy production (AEP) for wind turbine stakeholders, celebrated its most successful quarter to date with a three-fold increase in bookings against Q2, thanks to deals… Read more »

my-PV opens Austria’s first solar-electric commercial building

The expert for solar-electric heat generation my-PV has opened its new headquarters after a construction period of only seven months. In its new building in Neuzeug, the Austrian manufacturer is pursuing its “cables instead of pipes” concept and setting standards in solar-electric heat supply. Neuzeug, Austria. my-PV designed its new company building the other way… Read more »

Fluke launches world’s first clamp meters for solar power installations with CAT III / 1500 V safety rating

New clamp meter offers solar testing at 1500 V while providing the highest safety rating at this voltage and offering improved ease of use. Eindhoven, Netherlands. October 4, 2021: Fluke has today announced the launch of a new clamp meter designed to measure solar installation voltages at the new standard of 1500 V, while offering… Read more »

Delta Introduces New M15A/M20A Flex Inverters for Use in PV plants on Residential and Small Commercial Buildings

Optimised fan-less design delivers whisper-quiet operation Delta, a global leader in power and thermal management solutions, presents the new multi-MPPT inverters M15A Flex and M20A Flex with outputs of 16.5kVA and 22 kVA respectively. The new inverters are an extension to the Flex series, with their design concept inherited from the M70A Flex. M15A Flex… Read more »

Delta Introduces New M30A Flex Inverter for Use in PV Plants on Commerical Buildings

Optimised fan-less design delivers whisper-quiet operation TENINGEN, 30 September 2021 — Delta, a global leader in power and thermal management solutions, presents the new multi-MPPT M30A Flex inverter with an output of 33 kVA. The new inverter is an extension to the Flex series, with its design concept inherited making the series compatible and reliable. The… Read more »

Testing confirms CRP Subsea’s Bend Stiffener prolongs the fatigue life of a power cable

CRP Subsea and Hellenic Cables have completed dynamic cable testing at the University of Exeter, as part of the EU-funded MaRINET2 research programme. The results show that when tested with a CRP Subsea Bend Stiffener (protecting it against overbending) the power cable survived 3.7 times as many cycles and was on average 72.5% stiffer than… Read more »