Author: Francesco

GL Systems Certification joins WindMade

Hamburg/Brussels/Vienna, 5 February 2013. GL Systems Certification has joined WindMade as one of its accredited verifying partners. The certification body of classification society Germanischer Lloyd thereby commits itself to supporting the WindMade label by aiding in the development of the label. The WindMade label, which is backed by the UN Global Compact, WWF, Vestas and… Read more »

Moventas expands up-tower service with mobile service units

Moventas, one of the world’s leading wind and industrial gear manufacturers announced today the launch of new custom-built Mobile Service Units for wind gears. Moventas unique ability to repair the entire helical side of the gearbox up-tower greatly reduces maintenance costs and therefore the cost of wind energy. Moventas launched its up-tower repair service last… Read more »

Trianel and AREVA Wind finalized further project milestone

Bremerhaven/Eemshaven. A further project step for the Trianel wind farm Borkum has been successfully finished. The 40 wind energy turbines which were produced by AREVA Wind have been shipped from Bremerhaven to the Dutch town Eemshaven. In September last year the transport of the 40 nacelles, hubs and (S3) tower sections of the 5 Megawatt… Read more »

Bond Pearce advises REG on new strategic partnership with BlackRock with the sale of two wind farms

Bond Pearce advises REG on new strategic partnership with BlackRock with the sale of two wind farms Energy lawyers at law firm Bond Pearce have advised Renewable Energy Generation Limited (REG), the leading UK renewable energy group, on a new long term strategic partnership with a fund managed by BlackRock. As part of this new… Read more »

Italys 24mw Deliceto Wind Farm Grid Connected And Operating With Leitwinds 15mw Turbines

Leitwind announced today the commissioning of the Deliceto wind farm, which is now grid-connected and operating in Apulia, Italy. Leitwind was contracted by Elce Energia Spa in 2012 to build the 24MW Deliceto wind farm, which is made of 16 Leitwind’s patented LTW80 1,5MW gearless turbines. The wind turbines were delivered from the Telfs; Leitwind’s… Read more »

Prysmian Group to showcase at EWEA 2013 in Vienna

Milan, January 31, 2013 – Prysmian Group, world leader in the energy and telecom cables and systems industry, will present its state-of-the-art range of products and services for the wind power industry at the 2013 edition of the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) Annual Event, that will take place in Vienna (Austria) from February 4… Read more »

Barge Master and GeoSea prove innovative offshore motion compensation solutions

Barge Master and GeoSea have recently completed their final offshore test as part of a series of tests designed to prove innovative motion compensated supply and installation solutions. The workability during offshore supply and installation operations is strongly influenced by both weather and sea conditions. The “swell” (long waves) has an especially significant impact on… Read more »

Intersolar Award 2013 For Solar Projects In Europe

Munich, February 4, 2013 – Intersolar Europe presents the Intersolar AWARD for the sixth year running to celebrate particularly innovative solutions in the categories Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal Technologies and PV Production Technologies. At Intersolar Europe next year, the distinguished innovation prize is also awarded in the debuting category Solar Projects in Europe, which honors projects… Read more »

Emerson Spv Grid Inverter Solution Chosen For Uks Largest Sun Park

The Emerson SPV grid inverter solution, chosen for one of the UK’s first ‘sun parks’ generating 1 MW of power, has just completed its first 12 months of generation and has exceeded expectations by some 4%. During this time the sun park has exceeded one million kilowatt-hours of electricity production. Ecotricity’s 1.95 hectare Fen Farm… Read more »

Meteodyn opens new office in India

Sales, technical support, software training especially for Indian wind energy market.  With the large number of wind farm projects currently in development throughout India, we thought the  opening of a trade office in India was a good strategy. Meteodyn already have Indian customers and we  know we can meet many others prospects needs.     Meteodyn India office has opened since the 1st  of February and is located in Pune, near Mumbai. The  office is managed by Sachin Bhandare. Beyond he knows well the country, he is fully skilled in wind energy  projects at every stage of development.  “The purpose of the new Indian office is to be more responsive to the market, to promote our solutions to  obviously attract new clients” said Daniel Dias De Oliveira, Sales and Marketing Manager, Meteodyn.   To learn more about Meteodyn, visit them online at:  And get the new office’s address at:‐in‐the‐world‐offices‐distributors/      About Meteodyn  For 10 years, Meteodyn has been the leading expert in wind engineering, CFD software and climatology.  Meteodyn develops wind modeling software and provides a large range of consulting services: wind  resource assessment, wind production forecast, wind atlas generation, power production assessment, site  suitability analysis, windfarm layout design, projects ‘feasibility reports…  The wind park computation software meteodyn WT and meteodyn Forecast are already used by the  major wind industries in the world. 

Analysis: renewables 2020

Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical arm, has just released the most recent and comprehensive analysis available of the continent’s renewables use. In this edited extract, we drill down into the latest trends. The share of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption in the EU-27 reached 12.5% in 2010 and is showing steady… Read more »

The big debate

The wind industry in Europe is so fickle at the moment that while some will want to forget all about the past 12 months, others will champion them as a watershed period for growth and prosperity. As always, we’ve gathered together a clutch of executives from throughout the sector with a range of differing perspectives…. Read more »

Contributing to a brighter future for wind

As Global Business Development Manager Wind Energy for TÜV Rheinland, Frank Witte is well-known throughout the industry. We secured a few minutes with the busy executive and asked him about the state of the sector, the value of technical expertise and certification challenges… PES: Welcome to the magazine. Before we get into the main issues… Read more »

Motorola Mobility obtains WindMade label

29 January 2013. Motorola Mobility has been awarded the WindMade certification label, demonstrating that 66% of the power used in its U.S. operations is covered by wind energy. WindMade is a global consumer label for companies that use wind energy and other renewables. The label, which is backed by the UN Global Compact and conservation… Read more »

Centrosolar Is Top Brand PV In France

EuPD Research awards Centrosolar the ‘Top Brand PV’ seal for successful brand management The German manufacturer Centrosolar has been awarded the ‘Top Brand PV’ seal for the French market. The independent market research institute EuPD Research awarded the seal to the ten most widely known panel and inverter brands in the solar industry. An independent,… Read more »

New job fair concept at New Energy Husum

The Renewable Energy Career Days bring employers and employees together Husum, 29.01.2013 With the new job fair concept Renewable Energy Career Days, Messe Husum & Congress brings together job seekers and potential employers in the renewable energy sector. The stands of exhibitors who are participating in the programme are identified with green Jobs! balloons and… Read more »

Corporate News centrotherm photovoltaics

Reorganization and recapitalization of centrotherm photovoltaics AG passes decisive hurdle – creditors and shareholders approve insolvency plan – centrotherm can maintain leading market position with new structure and generate profits again by as early as 2014 Blaubeuren/Ulm, January 29, 2013 – centrotherm photovoltaics AG has now passed the decisive hurdle for the company’s reorganization and… Read more »

MAGE SOLAR and Paradise Energy provide 1.12 MW solar PV power plant for concrete manufacturer

5 acre ground mount system provides electricity to high-usage consumer; PPA guarantees electricity rate for 25 years Dublin (Georgia), January 29, 2013. – MAGE SOLAR, a turn-key provider of optimally coordinated solar PV solutions, and Paradise Energy Solutions, an integrator company operating in nine North Eastern states, announced the completion of a 1.12 MW system… Read more »

Breakthrough For Hawaiian Solar Power Announced By Clean Energy Groups

Today, national organizations Earthjustice and the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc. (IREC) commended the Hawaiian Electric (HECO) utilities’ path-breaking plans to enable more rooftop solar systems to connect to the grid. The utilities and clean energy stakeholders laid out a new and innovative “Proactive Approach” to planning for rooftop solar growth as part of a… Read more »

SEA INSTALLER has installed first Siemens six megawatt wind turbines offshore

The installation of the first two 6 megawatt wind turbines in the offshore wind power plant Gunfleet Sands III with the specially designed installation vessel SEA INSTALLER marks an important milestone for Siemens. The company is in the vanguard in the field of offshore wind turbine technology and has also played a pioneering role in… Read more »

A rising star of micro inverter star

TAIPEI, Taiwan – January 30, 2013 – i-Energy, a Taiwan-based advanced developer and supplier of advanced photovoltaic power conversion and optimization products, today announced a strategic partnership with ITRI International Inc., a subsidiary of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), a leading R&D organization based in Taiwan. This partnership will include support for i-Energy’s product market… Read more »

Investing In Europes Future

In this exclusive dispatch, Julian takes a look at the wind industry’s contribution to EU GDP and argues that ‘Green Growth’ is central to recovery – and growth. Europe is in crisis. The economy has entered the slow lane. Jobs are vanishing. Yet Europeans are paying €700 per person per year to countries such as… Read more »

A structured approach to onshore and offshore wind turbine gearbox maintenance

Despite the scale and rapid growth of the wind industry, it has until recently been challenged by the limited service options available for the maintenance and overhaul of turbine gearboxes. We take a look one company’s forward-thinking solution. The UK wind energy market comprises more than 4,000 onshore and offshore wind turbines, with around 1,400… Read more »

New polyurethane adhesive developed

Faster rotor blade bonding thanks to new technology. The energy turnaround and the push to expand renewable energy generation is posing major challenges for manufacturers of wind energy plants. To ensure economic viability, efforts are focusing first on improving the availability and productivity of existing production facilities. One of the wind energy industry’s top priorities… Read more »

Infrastructure: keeping wind competitive

As wind energy grows in Europe, so must infrastructure development. The European Parliament has considered all the renewable energy sectors in the regions and explored how projects are financed in the current programming period of structural funding. PES took a look at the existing and future measures for renewable energy infrastructure as well as electricity… Read more »

Countdown to an internal energy market

A recent report by the European Wind Energy Association argues that EU electricity market rules must reflect the energy generation mix of the future, and help usher in a flexible power system with a large-scale uptake of wind power and other renewable energy sources. A number of recommendations have been made – many of which… Read more »

Last Word

As we head full-speed into 2013, who knows what the next 12 months will bring? Growth? A return to profitability and a stable European market? Here’s hoping. All we can be sure of is that, as far as the wind sector is concerned, there are some very strong and visionary views around… “What politicians are… Read more »

Wind from the East

The recently-unveiled RUSTEC project is set to change the face of the European wind energy market, but can Russia’s Arctic farm plan really plug Europe’s energy gap? We weigh-up the project – and consider the impact of giving Russia control of both traditional and renewable energy sources. There is no renewable energy market in Russia… Read more »

The energy of partnership

Building gearless turbines that are made to last The leading producer of gearless wind turbines has emerged from the well-known LEITNER group, situated in South Tyrol, Italy. LEITWIND was one of the first companies to develop gearless wind turbines and belongs to the innovation leaders in this segment. Production is situated in Austria and India… Read more »

Taking blades to the next level

PES is delighted to welcome Gregor Gnaedig to the magazine to discuss the advances that his company, Modular Wind Energy, has been making in the rotor blade sector. A global veteran of the energy industry for more than 20 years, Gregor joined the company last year as it emerged from Research and Development into the… Read more »

Wind Milestone

European Union reaches 100 GW output The European Union has passed the milestone of 100 GW of installed wind power capacity, according to the European Wind Energy Association.One hundred gigawatts of wind power can generate electricity over a year to meet the total consumption of 57 million households, equivalent to the power production of 39… Read more »

Making Europes Offshore Wind Schemes Commercially Viable The Supply Chain Opportunity

It’s a fuel that will never run out. The raw material is abundantly available across many parts of Europe and the ‘extraction’ is based on clean technology. The ‘fuel’ in question, of course, is offshore wind and across the region many countries have ambitious plans to make it a key part of their future energy… Read more »

Dissecting the pros and cons of 15+ year service contracts

We’re delighted to welcome back Christian Holmgaard, CEO and Senior Consultant Project Manager for WTG Partners. In this issue, he turns his critical eye to the thorny issue of long-term contracts. Today several of the major wind turbine manufactures offer long-term OMS contracts with coverage for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, with all spare parts and… Read more »

Failure Is Not An Option

Operation, maintenance and survivability are key issues for offshore, and, as we report, software reliability is vital to those three pillars. The ‘failure’ headline is a famous and inspirational quote attributed (wrongly) to Gene Kranz during the Apollo mission in 1970. Whoever coined the phrase is not important, but 40 years on it is still… Read more »

At the heart of the industry

A world leader in offshore wind installation and service solutions, A2SEA A/S is dedicated to providing the wind industry with safer, sustainable, and more cost-efficient operations. We spoke to Kaj Lindvig, Senior Advisor. PES: Welcome to the magazine. Before we get on to the main issues of the day, would you like to introduce your… Read more »