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An expert eye on the weather

While the weather impacts upon countless people 
and businesses worldwide, it defines the wind industry. 
We spoke to Kenneth Horhammer, Director of Energy at Vaisala, global leader in environmental and industrial measurement, about how the company upholds its commitment to improving the profitability and viability of renewable energy.

PES: Welcome to PES, would you please tell us a little about the company and outline how you serve the wind industry?
Kenneth Horhammer:
Of course, Sim. While Vaisala may still be a newer name in the renewable energy, it is a ‘household’ name for meteorological agencies around the world. Based out of Finland, we have served these customers for nearly 80 years with a range of state-of-the-art measurement devices and services, including radiosondes, weather stations, and radar systems that provide the observational foundation for most public weather information. Our expertise in meteorology from its very infancy has evolved over time to support decision-making in industries where weather has a major influence on operations, safety, and profitability.
For example, we are trusted globally by professionals who manage airport, roadway and maritime transportation systems. And of course, in the energy industry, weather matters too. It drives demand, affects transmission, and with renewable energy 
provides the fuel for generation. Specifically for the wind industry, we support projects over their entire lifetime – from greenfield prospecting to operations – with reliable measurement systems, energy assessment, power forecasting, and asset management services to reduce uncertainty, risk, and optimise performance.


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