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A case for wind

Society continues to demonstrate its insatiable appetite for products that place increasing demand on our energy resources. Despite repeated calls to conserve, the increasing adoption by consumers of computers, PDAs, iPhones, iPads, tablets and other wireless devices, coupled with economic progress in developing countries suggests that the demand will not relent anytime soon. One need only recall massive blackouts in India, and rolling blackouts around the world to appreciate that the world must adopt and implement policies and processes that incent increased utilization of alternatives to traditional energy resources. The need is beyond legitimate debate. On this, virtually all world leaders unanimously agree.

There can certainly be discussion as to the relative merits of wind versus other renewable sources, such as biomass, solar, hydro, or nuclear, as each possesses unique benefits, to be sure. What is clear is that we must increase our efforts to develop alternatives to the continued use of coal and oil to satisfy our electric generating facilities. Our future and our environment demand it; industry and governments must commit to construction of necessary transmission resources and research of innovative storage techniques. The time is now.

This article will not focus on the comparative merits of wind technology versus alternative technologies. Instead, it will discuss the benefits and impediments to the increased construction of wind facilities, and the need for a strategic, coordinated approach to proposed projects; with due respect for their economic benefits; transmission and storage concerns, environmental and siting issues; and s tax considerations. In the end, recent events provide evidence that government officials appear willing to take the bold steps necessary to create a landscape ripe for enhanced wind production, in a sign that the times are a changing.


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