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Renewables industry campaigns for supply chain growth

Scottish Renewables presents five actions which The Scottish Government could take to boost net-zero supply chain Industry body Scottish Renewables has launched a new campaign calling on The Scottish Government to deliver crucial support for the country’s low-carbon supply chain – or risk home-grown firms missing out on lucrative contracts. The campaign, Supporting Scotland’s Renewable… Read more »

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Safer, Faster and more Cost-efficient Wind Turbine Blade Replacement

Richardson, Texas, USA — The wind energy market demands constant innovation from its supply chain, as Crosby Airpes’s craneless wind turbine rotor blade exchange system proves. As wind farm operators meet unprecedented demand for new turbines, they must also maintain installed towers, nacelles, and other components. Central to that work is removal and replacement of… Read more »

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EDPR enters into agreement with Lhyfe to foster renewable hydrogen

Upon the successful completion of the capital increase carried out by Lhyfe in the initial public offering and listing on the regulated market of Euronext in Paris, EDPR entered into an agreement with the French company to jointly identify, develop, build, and manage renewable hydrogen production projects. Madrid (Spain) / Nantes (France), May 24, 2022…. Read more »

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Enel to Provide Reliable and Sustainable Electricity across its Networks with world’s first 24kV SF6-free Ring Main Units

Enel Global Infrastructure & Networks will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide reliable and sustainable power across its networks in Italy and Spain thanks to the installation of ABB’s innovative SF6-free Ring Main Units (RMUs), specifically designed for Enel’s requirements. The project represents an important step towards delivering increasingly sustainable power grids, as ABB’s low… Read more »

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ONYX Insight’s fleetMONITOR software was rolled out to over 250 wind turbines in Italy, Germany and France, helping ERG optimising O&M of its diverse fleet

Genoa, Italy, 24 May — Italy’s leading renewable energy producer, ERG, has signed a five-year software deal with ONYX Insight, a leading provider of predictive data analytics and engineering expertise to the global wind industry. The agreement enables ERG to use ONYX Insight’s cloud-based analytics platform fleetMONITOR to increase component lead times and reduce operations and… Read more »

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可持续发展背景下,如何满足大规模新能源接入、消纳成为实现碳达峰、碳中和目标的必答题,新能源接入电网已成为电力行业主要发展方向之一。 但由于新能源具备不稳定性、间歇性等特点,导致其在大量接入地区电网后会产生一定的负面作用,所以为保证电网的安全稳定运行,新能源设备必须具备主动调节电网的能力。本文从光伏逆变器的角度简述一下新能源设备如何主动调节电网保障电网的稳定运行。 1、 基本理论  光伏逆变器主要的功能是将光伏(PV)太阳能板产生的可变直流电压转换为市电频率交流电(AC)反馈回商用输电系统,或是供离网的电网使用。

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面对全球光伏市场的快速发展,光伏连接市场的领导者已做好准备,并将致力于提升这个年轻行业的安全性。史陶比尔可再生能源(Stäubli Renewable Energy)为光伏项目提供量身定制的 eBoS(电气系统稳态运行)产品和服务,并加大在产品创新、资源和专业知识的投入。史陶比尔可再生能源全球团队的两位新成员发表了各自对行业的洞察。 史陶比尔与光伏行业相伴而生,并一直活跃在光伏舞台,那时它的名字还是Multi-Contact公司。作为行业先锋,史陶比尔研发出全球首款可插拔式光伏连接器 MC3,随后又推出原版MC4连接器,广受市场认可并成为行业标杆,确立了全球光伏连接器市场的领导地位。二十多年来,全球光伏装机不断增长,并成为主力电源。光伏的技术成本不断降低,叠加各项以加速能源转型为目标的国家及国际能源和气候计划的推出,有利于光伏市场容量的增大和可持续性发展。

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多年以来,采用SCHMID常压化学气相沉积设备(APCVD)生产的掺杂玻璃在高效太阳电池制造中表现出了优异的性能。最新结果表明,采用该设备沉积的掺硼玻璃作为激光诱导掺杂的局部掺杂源,让IBC电池工艺流程更加高效,潜在效率接近24%。 随着PERC电池效率接近工业制造太阳电池的效率极限,基于n型的电池结构已表现出迅猛的发展势头,首批采用高效工艺的IBC电池生产线已建成投产。 SCHMID与斯图加特大学的光电技术研究所和康斯坦茨国际太阳能研究中心进行合作,采用常压化学气相沉积设备和湿法工艺技术用于生产完整的IBC电池,如下所示[1]:采用一种商业级基体材料直拉(Cz)生长的n型硅片,其电阻率为1.5Ω·cm,具有各向异性表面(100)。硅片正面在SCHMID水平链式制绒系统中使用氢氧化钾和Alkatex溶液进行化学制绒,以获得均匀的金字塔结构。然后在SCHMID水平链式碱抛系统中使用温度超过80℃的氢氧化钾溶液对硅片背面进行抛光。

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“ISO 9060:2018 比之前的版本所反映的现实更多”

2018 年底推出的太阳辐射计标准ISO9060较之前的版本进行了重大更新,主要变化体现在对太阳辐射测量质量的分类。乍一看,ISO 9060:2018 似乎主要是对 1990 年原始版本中推出的辐射计分类进行重命名。但通常情况下,标准中的很多细节仍然对太阳能行业造成了很大困惑。OTT HydroMet公司的高级科学家Joop Mes博士是更新 ISO 9060 标准的委员会的成员之一。在此次访谈中,Mes博士 解释了两个版本之间的差异以及用户如何从中获益。 PES:经过30年的发展,ISO 9060 于 2018 年进行了变更。  Dr. Joop Mes: 自 1990 年以来,许多事情发生了变化。现在,所有制造商都生产智能传感器,这意味着它们都有内部放大器和处理单元。当然,这会导致额外的错误。随着 2018 年的更新,该标准考虑了包括智能仪器的小信号处理误差。 

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40年的经验,7*24小时监控总装机量超过21 GWp的全球55,000个光伏电站,包括上海在内的全球12个分支机构-以及积极塑造未来和追求能够改变世界的理想:成立于1976年的meteocontrol是一家世界领先的光伏电站资产组合监控系统的开发商和供应商,是顺风清洁能源有限公司的子公司(。目标:为世界提供可持续的清洁能源。 meteocontrol(旻投智能科技): 让您的资产尽在掌握 meteocontrol为客户提供满足其所有要求的解决方案,以便他们能够在环境和经济方面取得最佳效果。客户可以依赖于meteocontrol所提供的精深的专业知识、丰富的经验和创新。作为顺风国际清洁能源有限公司(SFCE)的一部分,位于德国奥格斯堡的meteocontrol总部同步管理全球范围内多家分支机构,并很自豪地融为中国综合大型组件制造商Suntech价值网络的一部分。

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Sineng Electric Obtains VDE Compliance Certificate for SN100(X)/110/125PT String Inverter

Wuxi, China, August 30, 2024 — Sineng Electric, a global leading PV+ESS solution provider, proudly announces that its flagship C&I PV product, the SN100(X)/110/125PT string inverter, has successfully obtained the VDE-AR-N 4110 and VDE-AR-N 4120 certificate from SGS, a prominent testing, inspection and certification company. The certificate confirms that the SN100(X)/110/125PT fully complies with the… Read more »

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OWGP launches new £2m support programme for UK manufacturing facilities

OWGP launches new Manufacturing Facility Support Programme £2m available to address the offshore wind industry’s manufacturing priorities Programme should unlock capital investment in new facilities or facility expansion   The Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) has launched its new Manufacturing Facility Support Programme (MFSP), targeted at unlocking investments in UK manufacturing facilities to support the… Read more »

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10 Years of ELA Container Offshore Special solutions for Accommodation in the Maritime Sector

Wind, weather, rough seas or even salt water – containers in the maritime sector and on the high seas are exposed to particular challenges. This is why ELA founded ELA Container Offshore GmbH 10 years ago to offer room solutions for the offshore industry. The history of the offshore business at ELA Container began back… Read more »

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Buss Terminal Eemshaven Completes Load-Out for Germany’s Largest Offshore Wind Park in the North Sea “He Dreiht”

Eemshaven/Hamburg, August 29th, 2024 – Buss Terminal Eemshaven successfully completed the handling and load-out of monopiles and transition pieces for the EnBW offshore wind farm “He Dreiht”, contracted by Heerema Marine Contractors. Spanning from January until August 2024 this project marks a significant achievement for our team and the broader renewable energy sector. He Dreiht,… Read more »

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KATY, TEXAS. U.S 29 August 2024 : DNV, the independent energy expert and assurance provider, announced today the conclusion of the first phase of DNV’s HVDC Standards joint industry project (JIP). The JIP was convened to identify deficiencies in standards for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems. Because of the expected growth of electricity… Read more »

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ABB to acquire Födisch Group strengthening global leadership in continuous emission monitoring

Acquisition will expand ABB’s strong position in industrial emission measurement, addressing the world’s energy and sustainability challenges Födisch Group offers advanced measurement and analytical solutions for the energy and industrial sectors, with tens of thousands of devices installed worldwide Widening its portfolio to meet customers’ most demanding measurement requirements, the expansion will add 250 employees… Read more »

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Anemoi partners with NAPA to maximise Rotor Sail benefits with voyage optimisation

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Storm Lilian – energy networks issue storm advice

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Jan De Nul Group contests detention of dredging vessel Zheng He in Mexico

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Terrasmart De-Risks Hail Damage with New Tracker Stow Feature

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