
Found 16369 Results

Paul Virgo Joins Cargostore Worldwide as Global Operations Manager

Cargostore Worldwide, the UK’s leading DNV 2.7-1 and ISO certified container provider announces the appointment of Paul Virgo to the role of Global Operations Manager, a new role within the expanding company. Mr Virgo brings with him a wealth of technical knowledge and over 15 years of experience within the oil and gas, and logistics… Read more »

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WAB Press Release on offshore wind + hydrogen collaboration of WAB e.V. and Team Norway

Norway/Germany, 12 December 2022 – The Wind Energy and green Hydrogen Cluster WAB e.V. signed a cooperation agreement with Team Norway, represented by Norwegian Energy Partners. Both parties agreed to collaborate with a focus on offshore wind development and green hydrogen and respective supply chains. The cooperation will focus on the 20th WINDFORCE in June… Read more »

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Wood Thilsted wins design contract for Ocean Winds first offshore wind project in Poland and opens Warsaw Office

London, UK – Wood Thilsted is excited to make two key announcements. The first, its appointment as the foundation and offshore substation concept designer for Ocean Winds first offshore windfarm in Poland, BC-Wind. The second, the opening of WT’s first Polish branch in Warsaw. BC-Wind offshore wind farm is being developed by Ocean Winds, the… Read more »

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EDP Renewables and Engie’s joint venture partnered with Canada Pension Plan Investment Board to develop a floating offshore project in California

London, UK, 9th December 2022 – Ocean Winds (OW) and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPP Investments), through their 50/50 offshore wind joint venture Golden State Wind, were awarded a 32,500 hectares lease area by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) in the Morro Bay area off the central coast of California…. Read more »

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可持续发展背景下,如何满足大规模新能源接入、消纳成为实现碳达峰、碳中和目标的必答 题,新能源接入电网已成为电力行业主要发展方向之一。 但由于新能源具备不稳定性、间歇性等特点,导致其在大量接入地区电网后会产生一定的负 面作用,所以为保证电网的安全稳定运行,新能源设备必须具备主动调节电网的能力。本文从 光伏逆变器的角度简述一下新能源设备如何主动调节电网保障电网的稳定运行。

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全球范围内的油价在飞速攀升,对更加清洁、廉价的电动汽车的需求水涨船高。我们认为现 在是采访 Soltaro 首席执行官 Tynan Coles 的好时机,听一听他如何看待这个市场、该市场 为太阳能行业带来的机会以及到目前为止所取得的进展。 PES:Tynan,谢谢您百忙之中抽出时间接 受 PES 的采访。不介意的话,为了让之前 不太清楚的读者有所了解,能否请您先简 要介绍一下 Soltaro 的背景?

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太阳能是能源转型的一个关键因素。根据国际能源署(IEA) 的数据,从2022年起,太阳能有望创下全球新部署的记录。 由于近年来的快速发展以及部署成本和LCOE的持续降低, 太阳能正在成为领先的可再生能源。 保持对细节的关注对 于跟上这种变化的步伐至关重要,具体来说就是保证产品质 量和客户满意度。 尽管在过去几年中存在一些挑战,包括 COVID-19的封锁,供应链和物流问题, 但太阳能光伏市场显示出弹性并继续增 长。2021年,全球安装的光伏系统总容量 为168吉瓦–比2020年多出近30吉瓦。

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如今,我们比以往任何时候都更需要环保的技术解决方案来防止全球 进一步变暖。我们的世 界已经超过了大气中400ppm二氧化碳的门 槛,近百年来的平均温度已经上升了近1°C。  

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制定可持续光伏框架: 提高光伏行业的影响力

2022 年 4 月,我们见证了光伏行业的一个重要里程碑事件:全球太阳能装机容量达到 10 亿千 瓦。 太阳能发电进入太瓦时代。未来三年内,太阳能发电量将翻番,超过 20 亿千瓦,想想都让 人觉得震撼。 随着该市场的迅猛增长,关于对保护生产资源和可再生能源输送的环境成本与 社会影响的讨论也日渐增多。此外,在太阳能项目的土地使用方面,也引发了越来越多的担忧。 构建价值网,而不只是价值链 我们该如何跟上市场快速发展的步伐并 采用可持续发展的理念来构建“光伏价 值网”呢?为何要构建价值网而不是价值 链?价值链有它的起点和终点,但光伏行 业对更广泛的社会和经济体系带来的影响 是巨大的。光伏价值网具有真正意义上的 互联性,集投入和产出于一体。

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用360度方案对光伏系统进行 独立监测和灵活控制

40年的经验,7*24小时监控总装机量超过21 GWp的全球55,000个光伏电站,包括上海在内的 全球12个分支机构-以及积极塑造未来和追求能够改变世界的理想:成立于1976年的 meteocontrol是一家世界领先的光伏电站资产组合监控系统的开发商和供应商,是顺风清洁 能源有限公司的子公司(。目标:为世界提供可持续的清洁能源。

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Sineng Electric Obtains VDE Compliance Certificate for SN100(X)/110/125PT String Inverter

Wuxi, China, August 30, 2024 — Sineng Electric, a global leading PV+ESS solution provider, proudly announces that its flagship C&I PV product, the SN100(X)/110/125PT string inverter, has successfully obtained the VDE-AR-N 4110 and VDE-AR-N 4120 certificate from SGS, a prominent testing, inspection and certification company. The certificate confirms that the SN100(X)/110/125PT fully complies with the… Read more »

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OWGP launches new £2m support programme for UK manufacturing facilities

OWGP launches new Manufacturing Facility Support Programme £2m available to address the offshore wind industry’s manufacturing priorities Programme should unlock capital investment in new facilities or facility expansion   The Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) has launched its new Manufacturing Facility Support Programme (MFSP), targeted at unlocking investments in UK manufacturing facilities to support the… Read more »

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10 Years of ELA Container Offshore Special solutions for Accommodation in the Maritime Sector

Wind, weather, rough seas or even salt water – containers in the maritime sector and on the high seas are exposed to particular challenges. This is why ELA founded ELA Container Offshore GmbH 10 years ago to offer room solutions for the offshore industry. The history of the offshore business at ELA Container began back… Read more »

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Buss Terminal Eemshaven Completes Load-Out for Germany’s Largest Offshore Wind Park in the North Sea “He Dreiht”

Eemshaven/Hamburg, August 29th, 2024 – Buss Terminal Eemshaven successfully completed the handling and load-out of monopiles and transition pieces for the EnBW offshore wind farm “He Dreiht”, contracted by Heerema Marine Contractors. Spanning from January until August 2024 this project marks a significant achievement for our team and the broader renewable energy sector. He Dreiht,… Read more »

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KATY, TEXAS. U.S 29 August 2024 : DNV, the independent energy expert and assurance provider, announced today the conclusion of the first phase of DNV’s HVDC Standards joint industry project (JIP). The JIP was convened to identify deficiencies in standards for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems. Because of the expected growth of electricity… Read more »

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ABB to acquire Födisch Group strengthening global leadership in continuous emission monitoring

Acquisition will expand ABB’s strong position in industrial emission measurement, addressing the world’s energy and sustainability challenges Födisch Group offers advanced measurement and analytical solutions for the energy and industrial sectors, with tens of thousands of devices installed worldwide Widening its portfolio to meet customers’ most demanding measurement requirements, the expansion will add 250 employees… Read more »

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Anemoi partners with NAPA to maximise Rotor Sail benefits with voyage optimisation

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Storm Lilian – energy networks issue storm advice

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Jan De Nul Group contests detention of dredging vessel Zheng He in Mexico

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Terrasmart De-Risks Hail Damage with New Tracker Stow Feature

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