Press Releases

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New league table shows wind farm consent times across EU27

It takes on average 42 months to get a building consent for a wind farm in the EU, with Italy, Belgium and the UK among the quickest countries and Spain and Portugal among the slowest. These findings were disclosed by the EU-funded project, Wind Barriers, coordinated by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). The time… Read more »

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Oldcastle Precast Presenting Commercial-Scale Solar Mounting System Solutions at SOLAR 2010 Conference Seminar

Oldcastle Precast will be co-presenting a free seminar titled “Commercial-Scale Solar Mounting System Solutions” at the SOLAR 2010 Conference May 17-22 in Dallas, Texas. This four hour session, a collaboration between Oldcastle Precast and Conenergy, details Conenergy’s revolutionary SolarGiantII, which represents a significant advance in the state of the art ground-mounted PV arrays, and Oldcastle… Read more »

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Wind energy reduces electricity prices, says independent study

Wind power reduces electricity prices and CO2 emissions, a study published today by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) reveals. The review ‘Wind Energy and Electricity Prices’, a comprehensive assessment of studies of the impact of wind energy on electricity prices, was carried out by the independent consultancy Pöyry AS on behalf of EWEA. It… Read more »

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Wind: 50% of EU electricity in 2050

Wind energy will meet 50% of the EU’s electricity demand in 2050, top wind energy personalities told Europe’s largest wind energy conference and exhibition. Topping the agenda at the opening day of the European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (EWEC 2010) in Warsaw was Europe’s long-term energy supply. “2050 might seem like a long way… Read more »

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FloDesign’s wind turbine takes wind energy technology to the next level

FloDesign Wind Turbine Co. has put the rest of the wind turbine manufacturing industry on notice. They will be a major player in wind power technology for years to come if all the numbers hold up. The Obama administration said the clean energy economy will be led by small businesses, FloDesign Wind Turbine is the… Read more »

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Obama’s gambit to marry US policies on environment and energy

True, America is still guzzling fossil fuels. But since taking office just over a year ago, President Obama has quietly set the nation’s energy policy on a new course. Even as health care dominated the news, Obama energy czar Carol Browner – working with the departments of Interior, Energy, and Transportation – has established a… Read more »

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Vestas receives order for 70 wind turbines for Sweden’s Eolus

Swedish wind farm Eolus had signed an agreement with Vestas (VWS.CO) for 70 wind turbines with a total wind power capacity of 140 megawatts. Eolus said the three-year agreement with Vestas, the world’s biggest maker of wind turbines, had an option to buy an additional 20 wind turbines. Eolus Vind AB is one of the… Read more »

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Rehm Thermal Systems showcases new fast-firing and drying technologies at Photon 2010, Hall 4, Stand G39

The team at Rehm Thermal Systems are preparing to showcase the company’s best-in-class capabilities for solar cell metallization at Photon Expo being held from April 27th- 29th in Stuttgart, Germany. Photon 2010 will highlight the thermal specialist’s recently updated line of fast-firing systems and drying ovens in Hall 4, Stand G39 Following exhaustive testing by… Read more »

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100% renewable energy by 2050

Supporting today’s publication “RE-thinking 2050 – A 100% Renewable Energy Vision for the European Union”, by the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), Christian Kjaer, Chief Executive of the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), said: “EWEA fully supports EREC’s vision of Europe moving towards 100% renewable energy by 2050. We have abundant wind, sun and other… Read more »

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BrightView Systems Hosts German Delegation including Prime Minister Mathias Platzeck of Brandenburg and other Senior Government and Business Officials

BrightView Systems, a leading provider of in-line metrology-based process control and optimization tools for thin-film solar cell manufacturing, hosted the Prime Minister Mathias Platzeck of Brandenburg, the Minister of Economic and European Affairs Ralf Christoffers, Klaus-Dieter Licht of ILB (State Investment Bank), and Hinrich Soehlke Director from the Brandenburg Economic Development Board at their facilities in Israel. Germany capital region,… Read more »

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