Press Releases

Found 12150 Results

Economic development opportunities for rural communities in Canada

As the voice of Canada’s wind energy sector, CanWEA actively promotes the responsible and sustainable development of wind energy, and serves as the country’s leading source of credible information about wind energy and its social, economic, and environmental benefits. PES is proud to present this exclusive update from the organisation, which outlines the success of… Read more »

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Wind Marketing Alliance: building prevailing brands

Wind recognizes no borders. Increasingly, wind energy development and generation are oblivious to boundaries, as well. Whether we’re talking about companies moving beyond shorelines, national demarcations or continental coasts, the industry is expanding to the four corners of the globe. Branding, marketing and advertising for wind energy should have the same boundless potential as the… Read more »

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Last word

And so, after many months – if not years – of discussion and debate, it looks as if the US’s quest for offshore wind power will finally become a reality. Naturally, the plans still have a minority of detractors, but the broadest swathe of opinion is shot-through with optimism, hope and positivity… “America needs offshore… Read more »

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CASH GUARANTEE- DOE steps-up wind support

The US Department of Energy is to provide a partial guarantee for a $1.3 billion loan supporting one of the world’s largest wind farms. Energy Secretary Steven Chu has approved a conditional commitment to provide the partial guarantee, to help finance the Caithness Shepherds Flat wind project in eastern Oregon. The 845-megawatt wind farm is… Read more »

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Global Wind Energy Outlook 2010

The Global Wind Energy Council’s annual Wind Energy Outlook is the wind industry’s most hotly-anticipated report. PES was one of the few media organizations to be granted a preview prior to worldwide publication and we’re able to present you with an exclusive summary of all the essential points. If you only read one report this… Read more »

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Offshore ups the ante

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has recently completed a mammoth study that confirms what we all suspected – offshore could be a huge resource for the US. 4,150 gigawatts of potential wind turbine nameplate capacity (maximum turbine capacity) from offshore wind resources are available – four times the nation’s total electric generating capacity from… Read more »

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Offshore gets the green light

Many may have thought it would never happen but now finally, after a lengthy delay, the US looks set to realize the benefits of offshore wind power. We may still have a long way to go to catch up with, and indeed to challenge, our European counterparts, but if we act positively now this move… Read more »

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Leading the way in wind

Located firmly in the Midwestern United States, an area often referred to as the ‘American Heartland’, Iowa was once a part of the French colony of New France, and is known as the “Food Capital of the World”. However, Iowa’s economy, culture, and landscape are diverse, with a strong and burgeoning wind energy industry. PES… Read more »

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A Level Playing Field Are Chinas Aggressive Clean Tech Policies Undermining Us Wind Growth

One of the major selling points of wind power is that it is, by definition, clean. While that may be so, the international political climate surrounding clean technologies is gradually becoming far from clean. At the center of the debate now are the Chinese and the allegedly unfair subsidies the country’s administration gives to its… Read more »

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Wind energy has arguably become the dominant renewable energy in Europe

The number of turbines now production in mean that operators are looking at reducing O&M costs to see significant gains in profitability. With no fuel costs, a wind farm is totally dependent on smart use of operational expenditure (OPEX) to be profitable. In less than five years, a wind turbine will likely have its warranty… Read more »

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