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ZF Wind Power enters the next level of System Co*operation to empower a sustainable future together with their partners

•ZF Wind Power develops the drives of the future together with their partners. Advanced wind gearboxes and powertrains will accelerate the shift from climate-damaging fuels to clean wind energy.
•By working closely and cooperatively with partners at every stage of the product, ZF ensures innovative designs that meet performance and reliability requirements.
•From Co*Design to Co*Service, when all partners share their strengths, we step up to the next level of System Co*operation to empower a sustainable future together with our partners.

Lommel, Belgium. With 45 years of experience and numerous global investments, ZF Wind Power is uniquely positioned to be a worldwide system partner at every critical juncture of the product lifecycle. Collaborative efforts with partners across diverse product stages – from Co*Design and Co*Evaluation to Co*Production, Co*Logistics, and Co*Service – enable both partners to deliver cutting-edge designs that excel in performance and reliability.

According to the International Energy Agency, the global renewable energy capacity will have to expand by three times its current size by 2030 to keep global emissions aligned with the Paris Agreement. However, to achieve this ambitious expansion, we must come together as an industry to mature and prepare for scalability across the entire value chain. By sharing our vision and objectives, we not only enhance our individual companies’ power but also our collective industrial authority. “Participatory approaches transform meeting participants into active partners. Working closely as partners at every stage of development and implementation is vital for strengthening the future supply chain to empower a sustainable future together,” states Felix Henseler, CEO of ZF Wind Power.


Close System Co*operation: a major win for all parties in a dynamic and competitive wind market

From the start of the gearbox development, ZF and its partners share knowledge in planning, research, and design. “From engineering collaboration at the beginning to close service partnerships after installation… We see close relationships and trust as fundamental to enabling processes and outputs. Close cooperation builds new knowledge and skills for everyone involved,” describes Felix Henseler.

Co*Design: through early-stage prediction & guidance

With over 45 years of experience and constant innovation, ZF Wind Power is more than just a gearbox developer. They are a strategic partner throughout the entire product lifecycle. Utilizing unique ZF-extensive simulation models, the team identifies, together with their partner, the best powertrain design during the concept and design optimization phase to ensure optimal wind turbine performance. “Our holistic simulation approach allows for quick and easy comparison of drivetrain concepts and gear designs, tailoring them to the specific needs of our customers’ wind turbines,” explains Martin Knops, CTO of ZF Wind Power.

As an example, ZF’s integrated simulation platform, which combines different aspects involved in predicting wind turbine tonality, allows the development of Noise Vibration and Harshness (NVH) optimization and risk mitigation strategies early in the design phase, resulting in flawless project execution, faster development, and minimal iterations after prototyping. “Our expertise positions us as a consultancy partner, helping customers save time and find optimal solutions, already in the Co*Design phase,” defines Martin Knops.

Co*Evaluate: from component to powertrain level

ZF Wind Power’s investment in the 30 MW Test and Prototype Center shows their dedication to quality, reliability, and validation. They collaborate with partners to streamline testing and enhance design simulation models. By co-developing test programs and sharing data, the team avoids redundant testing and ensures efficient validation. This collaboration allows for comprehensive system testing at ZF’s Test and Prototype Center, minimizing logistical efforts, testing time, and costs while maximizing results. “Our approach reduces testing time by three to four months compared to traditional methods, which is a significant advantage in the competitive wind market,” summarizes Martin Knops, CTO of ZF Wind Power.

Co*Produce: through smart industrialization & industrial innovation

ZF’s global production network gives local manufacturing global connectivity, combining cost efficiency and customer proximity with global supply chain advantages. Through advanced software tools and smart industrialization, ZF and partners showcase leadership in industrial innovation (e.g., A three-lines-serial (gearboxes, offshore, and onshore powertrains) production hub in Lommel, Belgium, supplies solutions for the complete European market). This approach further optimizes operations for a just-in-time supply chain, ensuring seamless integration, interconnectivity, and flexibility to meet high-performance product demands.

Co*Logistics: for sustainable and optimal delivery

ZF collaborates with partners to optimize logistics, ensuring sustainable and cost-effective transport of materials and products. Joint efforts and deep-dive studies focus on enhancing inbound and outbound delivery performance, improving efficiency, reducing lead times, and minimizing buffer stocks.

The sustainable water transport of the V236-15.0 MWTM powertrain highlights the importance of deep-dive logistical studies. “After various expert studies, we chose inland waterways and international sea transport,” says Hans Akkermans, CCO of ZF Wind Power. “This reliable and sustainable method optimizes logistical processes and contributes to a sustainable future.”

Co*Service: for continuous availability

Thrive, ZF Wind Power’s all-inclusive service concept, ensures global availability through digital solutions and worldwide services. It combines a global reach with a regional, personal approach. “Thrive’s strength lies in its personal touch, connecting with partners and their needs,” says Sivakumar Jayapal, CSO of ZF Wind Power. Thrive offers four tailored partnership agreements, allowing partners to invest only in what their business needs.

Ready for the future today

ZF collaborates with partners in every development stage to produce reliable, intelligent gearboxes and powertrains that meet global onshore and offshore demand. “Our cooperation enables us to manufacture innovative powertrains for offshore turbines producing up to 80 GWh/year and onshore variants with up to 7.2 MW output,” says Felix Henseler, CEO of ZF Wind Power. The modular gearbox design and SHIFT platform assembly meet current and future market needs. “These advanced gearboxes and powertrains will accelerate the shift to clean wind energy. We are ready to empower a sustainable future together with our partners,” concludes Henseler.



  • ZF Wind Power-System Co*operation.jpg Driven by five areas in System Co*operation (Co*Design, Co*Evaluation, Co*Production, Co*Logistics, and Co*Service), ZF Wind Power’s revolving, ever-improving processes form a star, putting partners at the center as we strive for excellence in reliability, efficiency, and intelligence. Combining the power of products (SHIFT), services (THRIVE), and knowledge, we symbolize dynamics, adapting to the changing environment and transforming energy.
  • ZF Wind Power-Test and Prototype Center.jpg By co-developing test programs and sharing data, the team avoids redundant testing and ensures efficient validation, allowing for comprehensive nacelle testing at ZF’s Test and Prototype Center. This minimizes logistical efforts, testing time, and costs while maximizing results and reducing testing time by three to four months compared to traditional methods.
  • ZF Wind Power-Felix Henseler.jpg “Participatory approaches transform meeting participants into active partners. Working closely as partners at every stage of development and implementation is vital for strengthening the future supply chain.“ states Felix Henseler, CEO of ZF Wind Power.
  • ZF Wind Power-water transport.jpg ZF collaborates with partners to optimize logistics. After various expert studies, the team chose inland waterways and international sea transport to transport the V236-15.0 MWTM powertrain.


ZF Wind Power

ZF Wind Power is a global leader in technology-driven manufacturing and a global wind turbine gearbox service partner. The company is leading the high-performance onshore segments with products up to 8,000 kNm and is the first to exceed 200 Nm/kg torque density in compact modular platform designs. ZF delivered the world’s first offshore 9.5 MW wind turbine gearbox and, in close cooperation with its partner, delivered the first next-generation offshore powertrains. The company has the world’s largest installed capacity of +8 MW offshore wind turbine gearboxes. Since it entered the wind industry in 1979, ZF Wind Power has delivered more than 85,000 gearboxes, powering more than 200 GW (mainly high-performance) wind turbines, covering almost 25 percent of the total installed capacity of geared-driven wind turbines worldwide. Together with its partners, the company continuously invests in the wind market to empower a sustainable future together.

About ZF

ZF is a global technology company supplying advanced mobility products and systems for passenger cars, commercial vehicles and industrial technology. Its comprehensive product range is primarily aimed at vehicle manufacturers, mobility providers and startup companies in the fields of transportation and mobility. ZF electrifies a wide range of vehicle types. With its products, the company contributes to reducing emissions, protecting the climate as well as enhancing safe mobility. Alongside the automotive sector – passenger cars and commercial vehicles – ZF also serves market segments such as construction and agricultural machinery, wind power, marine propulsion, rail drives and test systems.

With some 168,700 employees worldwide, ZF reported sales of €46.6 billion in fiscal 2023. The company operates 162 production locations in 31 countries. For further press information and photos, please visit: www.zf.com

Press contact:

Kris Adriaenssen, Head of Marketing, ZF Wind Power
Phone: +32 11 34 98 96, email: kris.adriaenssen@zf.com

Gernot Hein, Head of Communications, Industrial Technology Division
Phone: +49 (0) 851 494 2480, email: gernot.hein@zf.com