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Photovoltaic installers offer storage solutions more frequently

For the ninth year in a row, EuPD Research, a market and economic research company from Bonn, published the study PV InstallerMonitor in January 2017. The results show that PV installers in Germany and the United Kingdom now carry storage solutions more often in their portfolio than in the previous year.

Bonn. The current Global PV InstallerMonitor 2016/2017© shows that more PV installers in Germany and the UK have now added storage to their portfolio as compared to last year. According to the survey data, in Germany the proportion increased from 73 percent to 77 percent. In the UK, the share of storage installers grew from 12 to 18 percent. In Italy, the proportion of PV installers, who offer storage solutions, remained relatively constant at around one-fifth of the sample.

In Europe, Germany is by far the largest sales market for storage solutions. Many manufacturers are active in the field of photovoltaic storage systems. “However, the market is no longer able to absorb the large number of players and their products, which means they are increasingly positioning themselves internationally,” Hanna Schmole, project manager at EuPD Research, explains. In recent months, a number of storage companies have announced that they want to open up new European markets; furthermore the Australian market is also being targeted. “According to this development, more than a third of the surveyed installers in the UK, Italy and Australia plan to include storage in their portfolio in 2017,” Schmole said.

In the course of the Global PV InstallerMonitor 2016/2017©, surveys were conducted with photovoltaic installers in Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK and Australia. The country studies can be obtained as a package or individually. The Global PV InstallerMonitor 2016/2017© deals with the topics of brand management, market penetration, procurement and satisfaction. The sectors modules, inverters, wholesalers and storage systems are analysed. Many evaluations are displayed on brand levels. Further information about the study can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact Hanna Schmole, project manager at EuPD Research under + 4922897143-38 | h.schmole(at)eupd-research.com or our press office.

The development of the European solar and storage market will be discussed with industry experts at the “EuPD Research – European PV and Energy Storage Market Briefing” on 16th February 2017 in Frankfurt am Main. Find out more about the event here.

About EuPD Research Sustainable Management GmbH:
EuPD Research Sustainable Management GmbH is an international service provider focusing on B2B market research with a highly specialized multilingual interview center. We provide our clients in Europe, Asia and the US with the entire range of qualitative and quantitative research services. With the help of in-depth market knowledge combined with methodological professionalism, we provide practical, future-oriented business solutions and ensure that our clients receive a return on their research investment. Our continuous research has enabled us to develop particular skills in the field of renewable energy sources, particularly in the field of solar energy.