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Nordex Group supplies 120 MW to Turkey

Hamburg, 3 March 2020. The Nordex Group has received an order from Turkey to supply and install 27 N149/4.0-4.5 turbines. The customer for the 120 MW “Evrencik” wind farm is Evrencik Elektrik, a long-standing customer of the Nordex Group. The contract also includes a Premium Service agreement with a term of 15 years.

Installation of the first turbines at the site in the province of Kirklareli in Eastern Thrace is due to commence in October 2020 already. Here an average wind speed of 8 m/s at a hub height of 125 metres prevails. The annual yield of the 27 turbines in the Delta4000 series is calculated at around 534 GWh.

“I am delighted that with this major order from our long-standing customer Evrencik we have been able to follow on from last year’s sales successes in Turkey with a volume of 690 MW”, says Patxi Landa, CSO of the Nordex Group.

The Nordex Group will source the rotor blades, anchor cages, towers and generators for the 27 turbines locally. This means that – like all the Nordex Group’s customers in Turkey – Evrencik Elektrik benefits from a higher feed-in tariff as the components are produced in the country.

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