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Intersolar: Tesvolt presents new megawatt container storage system

TPS 2.0 proves particularly economical

Wittenberg/Germany, 3 April 2019 – Tesvolt, a manufacturer of storage systems for industry and commerce, is set to introduce its megawatt battery storage system TPS 2.0 at Intersolar Europe. Further developed battery modules and technical innovations ensure maximum cost efficiency for the lithium high-voltage storage system, making it around 40% more economical than its predecessor. The 4.4 MWh container is well suited for any application and can be installed anywhere around the world, as it can withstand temperatures ranging from -40 to +55° Celsius. The TPS 2.0 system is black start capable, AI-ready and can be serviced remotely.

Maximum economic efficiency

“We want to supply affordable energy to every corner of the globe. To this end, low-cost yet extremely powerful battery storage systems are a crucial requirement,” explains Daniel Hannemann, who founded Tesvolt five years ago together with Simon Schandert. “This is a constant source of motivation driving us to further optimize our storage systems.”

Featuring further developed battery modules from Samsung SDI, the megawatt storage system supplies twice the power per cubic meter of its predecessor. A newly developed dynamic balancing system for the battery modules and an innovative thermal management system are responsible for making the megawatt storage system highly efficient and cost-effective. 

Compared with similar large-scale storage systems, the TPS 2.0 saves around 30 percent of the operating costs. 

Always a good match

The TPS 2.0 is suitable for all applications, from increasing power consumption to capping expensive peak loads, as well as for grid services, back-up power supply and use in off-grid locations.

The containers are available in the standard ISO sizes of 20 ft, 40 ft and 45 ft and can be equipped with a maximum storage capacity of 4.4 MWh. Once at the installation site, the container is connected to a Sunny Central Storage system manufactured by SMA Technology, which can also be shipped in a container module.

As part of the Intersolar Europe exhibition in Munich, Tesvolt will be showcasing its products at the energy storage exhibition ees from 15–17 May 2019.

Exhibition booth: Booth 430 in hall B1

About Tesvolt

Tesvolt specializes in commercial battery storage systems. The innovative company from Lutherstadt Wittenberg produces storage systems with state-of-the-art prismatic lithium battery cells from Samsung SDI, based on nickel manganese cobalt oxide. Tesvolt storage systems function just as well at low voltage as at high voltage, and can be connected to all energy producers: sun, wind, water, biogas and combined heat and power — on-grid and off-grid. All storage systems are produced at Tesvolt’s manufacturing facility in Germany.
Tesvolt was honoured with the 2018 German Entrepreneur Award for Rising Stars. The company already received The smarter E Award in the Outstanding Projects category as well as the international award for rural electrification (ARE) for a project supplying off-grid energy to an avocado farm in southwest Australia.