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Intersolar Europe 2013: Innovative Technologies And New Markets

In 2013 Intersolar Europe will focus on developing the topics of electricity storage and grid integration as well as on forging links between new global markets.

Munich, October 31, 2012 – 66,000 visitors from 160 countries and 1,909 exhibitors from 49 countries: These figures tell the story of Intersolar Europe 2012. This year the exhibition was more international than ever before. 2,000 attendees from 68 countries also participated in the Intersolar Europe Conference and its side events, held parallel to the exhibition. The key topics of electricity storage and grid integration, which were also examined at the PV ENERGY WORLD special exhibit, were met with a particularly positive response from visitors and exhibitors alike. In total, 140 international exhibitors presented state-of-the-art solutions and products in this segment. Both of these key topics will play an increasingly crucial role in implementing the energy revolution and restructuring energy systems in the future, and as a result the organizers are planning to dedicate an exhibition segment to energy storage systems in hall B5 in 2013. Another important topic next year will be opening up and linking new growth markets for solar technology and especially for photovoltaics (PV). Established markets such as Germany, Italy or France are in transition due to changes in political and economic conditions. Elsewhere, market research companies such as IMS Research from the UK are reporting signs of bolstered demand in up to 60 nations across the world. How companies involved in the industry can benefit from this potential in the future is one of the topics of Intersolar Europe 2013 and the accompanying Intersolar Europe Conference.

Alongside the long-running topics of efficiency and costs, Intersolar Europe 2012 focused specifically on the future development of the industry. Thanks to the PV and E-Mobility special exhibit, this year’s exhibition showcased for the first time how solar power and e-mobility can be combined. The PV ENERGY WORLD special exhibit presented state-of-the-art technologies in electricity storage and grid integration. In addition, experts shed light on electricity storage in numerous sessions at the Intersolar Europe Conference. Exhibition tours focusing on storage technologies helped visitors to orientate themselves among the huge number of companies and exhibits. The topics were well received by exhibitors and visitors alike. 140 providers of storage systems alone presented their products and solutions and saw keen interest from visitors. The plan for 2013 is therefore to continue to consolidate the interest in the topic and to devote an exhibition segment in hall B5 of Intersolar Europe to it for the first time.


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