While for large solar projects usually an intense, upfront due diligence process is state of the art, smaller commercial solar systems show often a lack of risk prevention measures. Reasons are typical prices on the higher end for trustworthy sophisticated independent services, which are in most cases not viable for mid-size projects. Also, most independent engineering providers are more concentrating on the utility market, which makes it harder to find a qualified partner for commercial projects.
Therefore, helioconsult established a highly standardized process, covering the exact needs of commercial systems, with the same high standards used for utility scale projects, but for affordable prices. Nevertheless, it uncovers all relevant potential technical and financial risks and provides measures to overcome them to secure the investment.
This independent due diligence already includes a simulation of the specific project yield and comparison with existing predictions to proof technical parameters for financial models. Also, it comes with a risk assessment of components and stakeholders, together with analyses of permits and regulations. Reviews of main contracts and on-site inspections are optional, as well as project performance analyses. Customers can pick what is relevant for them. This guarantees, that they are not paying for services they don’t need.