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Evance installs record number of small wind turbines across the UK

Customers respond to Evance R9000 turbine’s proven reliability, efficiency and strong return on investment

Businesses gain control of future energy supply & lock down energy costs for 20 years

22nd May 2013: Evance, the manufacturer of the UK’s most popular small wind turbine, the R9000, had a record 700 turbines installed across the country last year. Customers have turned to the Evance R9000 small wind turbine, with efficiency, reliability and continuous operation in all wind conditions proving key factors behind their purchasing decision.

Uncertainty about rising fuel costs is leading not just to customer dissatisfaction with the main energy suppliers, but also to increased fuel poverty. Not surprisingly, those who can will continue to look for alternatives. What’s clear is that small wind is now a realistic alternative for many consumers who feel that energy prices are slipping beyond their control.

“Unlike large scale turbines and wind farms, which primarily generated energy for feeding into the national grid, small wind turbines provide energy for the owner’s use. So the individual person or business who made the investment can gain significant energy savings, as well as receiving a Feed-in Tariff (FiT) income for each kWh of renewable energy generated,” commented Kevin Parslow, CEO of Evance Wind Turbines.

“Small wind is a very viable investment. We’re proud that more and more people are turning to Evance, and recognise that our UK manufactured turbine keeps on proving its reliability and performance,” he continued.

The Evance small wind turbines installed last year alone will generate approx. 8,000MWh of electricity annually(1) per year that is enough to power over 1,820 homes(2) . Also they will save over 4,190(3) tonnes of CO2 emissions, equivalent to taking around 1,846(4) cars off the road each year.

“Our unobtrusive energy solution is helping individuals and businesses gain control over their future energy supply & costs. Most Evance customers have reduced their energy bills by 50% or more, while also successfully locking down their energy costs for the next 20 years – clearly demonstrating the long term value of small wind,” added Kevin Parslow. “We are seeing a growing interest in small wind from businesses as they see the value of the scalability and rapid deployment of our R9000 systems as an one site energy resource.

“We’ve also found that an increasing number of customers are installing multiple R9000 turbines as an integrated solution – capable of delivering more flexibility than a single larger machine. For example, ten of our turbines were recently installed to help power the Stornoway waste water treatment works. I believe small wind turbines have an important contribution to make to individuals and businesses, as well as renewable energy targets. The potential benefits of small wind are huge,” he concluded.

Evance R9000 small wind turbines in action:

  • 10 R9000 turbines will produce an average of 500kWh per day for Stornoway Waste Water Treatment Works
  • Energy bill reduced by over 45% for Isle of Harris business
  • Small wind turbine keeps traditional family business open
  • Business in the Lake District National Park stays open due to three Evance turbines – will cut diesel bills by at least 75%
  • Small wind turbine helps power handmade furniture business 
  • Garden centre generates own electricity with R9000 turbine
  • Two small wind turbines reduce the largest overhead for dairy farm
  • Evance turbine provides wind energy for Welsh science laboratory
  • Two Evance R9000 turbines help power new energy visitor centre developed by the Staffordshire County Council

1. Based on 5.5m/s

2. Based on 4,370kWh per household per year

3. Based on 0.5246kgCO2 per unit (Defra/DECC)

4. Based on annual emission rate/per car of 2.27 tonnes of CO2 (SMMT)

About Evance Wind Turbines Ltd
Evance Wind Turbines, a world leading manufacturer of small wind turbines, is dedicated to helping customers capture and use wind power to reduce both energy bills and carbon footprint. Evance has a global footprint of over 1,600 installations helping farmers, home owners, businesses and schools to become green energy producers.
Evance’s 5kW R9000 wind turbine is fully MCS certified, so eligible for the UK’s Feed-in Tariff scheme, and certified in the US and Japan. As a leading manufacturer of small wind turbines Evance delivers efficient and reliable solutions designed to produce maximum energy yield.