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Decentralised energy sector responds to party manifestos

The new government must shift towards a smart, low-carbon energy system if the UK wants to achieve true energy security, says the Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE) in response to the recent party manifesto launches.

The trade association, representing more than 160 organisations, calls for whichever party comes into power to take the reins and lead this transition, rather than hindering it. In a recently published document, the ADE highlights the crucial role decentralised energy plays in protecting homes and businesses from another energy crisis, as well as generating billions in savings and several hundred thousand jobs.

The document sets out the bold action that the next government must take to ensure homes and businesses are protected and facilitate a thriving British industry. Should the next government take the correct steps in its first 100 days, the UK could:

  • Reduce energy bills by up to £900 per year.
  • Save 770,000 jobs.
  • Cut £14.1 billion off yearly energy system costs by 2040.

The trade association suggests the manifestos launched last week do not promise clear enough targets or support for decisions that are essential in determining the success of the transition to decentralised energy. Scaling up these targets and delivering an investable environment for decentralised energy technologies to flourish is the only way the UK will be able to deliver economic prosperity across the UK whilst working towards obligations to meet net zero.

Pablo John, Head of External Affairs at the ADE, said:

“With the right support the energy sector can save British consumers £900 per year. This will all require strong leadership from Westminster, including decisive targets and giving industry the certainty needed to invest. Industry stands ready to work with the new Government – of whatever party – to help deliver our transition towards net zero.”

Notes to editors:

About the ADE

The ADE is bringing energy together to advocate on the priorities for the UK in achieving net zero. We have over 160 member organisations and together we are driving the decarbonisation of heat, championing the role of industry in the green transition and pushing for UK homes, places of work and public services to be energy efficient and smart. Only by getting users engaged and investing in energy efficiency, low carbon heat and providing smart flexibility will be the UK truly be able to decarbonise its energy system. For this to happen, energy must work for the user. At the ADE, we believe that an energy system designed around the user’s needs, enabling the right technology choice in the right place, serves everyone better.

For further information please contact:

Pablo John

Head of External Affairs

Association for Decentralised Energy
