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2 megawatts: Conergy wins Stadtwerke Trier contract for two solar parks

Conergy extends existing collaboration with Stadtwerke Trier from 2009 by winning a contract for two solar parks with a total capacity of 2.2 megawatts. For both power plants, the local energy provider relies on 100% Conergy quality and components. Conergy will act as general contractor and is responsible for planning and designing the parks as well as realization, construction and component supply.

Solar park, “Mehring IV,” with a total capacity of about 1.2 megawatts will be built on an open area along federal motorway A1, while the 1 megawatt solar power plant in Welschbillig is located on a former military terrain between Trier and Bitburg. Both parks will be connected to the grid at the end of June 2012. Following the construction of the 8.4 megawatts plant in Föhren in 2009 and the supply of components for the 2.6 megawatts solar park “Mehring III” last year, Conergy and Stadtwerke Trier have already realized four mutual solar projects with a total capacity of about 13 megawatts.

The two solar projects are another milestone for Stadtwerke Trier and the expansion of renewable energy plants in the greater Trier region. The municipal energy provider wants to cover more than half of the city’s energy consumption with renewable energy by 2025. Stadtwerke Trier relies on the expansion of both wind and solar energy as well as planning for a 300 megawatts pumped-storage power plant. The latter is to regulate the extended and strongly fluctuating power generation from renewable energy for the customers in the region of Trier.

Today, Stadtwerke Trier operates solar parks with a total capacity of more than 30 megawatts; more than one third realized together with Conergy. Not for nothing: “We have had very good experiences with Conergy in the past,” said Heiko Bollig, Director Renewable Energy at SWT Stadtwerke Trier. “The quality of planning, realization as well as the components has been excellent with all parks so far. We get everything from one source, from one point of contact. It is essential for us as an energy provider, that the power plants are reliable for the entire runtime, thus generating constant and high returns. This pays for us.”

In the two new solar parks of the Stadtwerke portfolio, approximately 9,500 Conergy PowerPlus modules on SolarLinea mounting systems will generate more than 2,200 megawatt hours of clean solar energy. This energy will be fed into the grid by seven Conergy IPG 300C central inverters in Conergy CIS central inverter stations. The generated energy can provide 800 households in the region of Trier with emission-free energy. At the same time, the solar park avoids the emission of 1,300 tons of carbon dioxide per year.


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