Press Releases

Found 13882 Results

Oerlikon Solar on Track to Drive Down Cost by 30% in 2010

Oerlikon Solar today announced it will be presenting its technology at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi. Oerlikon Solar leads the thin film silicon solar equipment sector with nearly half a gigawatt of production equipment ramped globally and more than 1 million panels produced by its customers to date. With the company’s Micromorph… Read more »

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New Mexico tribe looks at using land for solar energy company

New Mexico’s Jemez Pueblo tribe is working a deal to use their land for solar energy production. They will be the first Native American tribe to use solar energy as a way to make revenue. The 3,000 members of the tribe are working to harness the energy from their 30-acre site. They plan on setting… Read more »

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Europe’s Growing Offshore Wind Capacity

Europe’s fledgling offshore wind industry will grow this year by 1,000 megawatts, or 75 percent, the European Wind Energy Association forecast in a report Monday. That compares with a 54 percent growth rate in 2009, when nearly 2,000 turbines and 373 megawatts of offshore wind were installed. “This is an incredibly good result considering the… Read more »

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Ontario’s wind power snags lamented

Wind turbines offshore in the Great Lakes have the potential to generate a huge chunk of Ontario’s power, but a more streamlined approval process is needed if the offshore industry’s potential is to be achieved. That’s the conclusion of a report from wind developer Trillium Power Wind Corp., which calculates that the Ontario government has… Read more »

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OPPD approves purchase agreement for additional wind energy

Omaha Public Power District Board of Directors has approved a power purchase agreement expected to substantially increase the district’s renewable energy portfolio. Under the agreement the utility plans to purchase up to 40.5 megawatts (MW) of wind energy for twenty years from a wind farm to be built in Boone County near Petersburg, Nebraska. The… Read more »

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Wind Energy Infighting Surfaces in David Vs. Goliath Struggle in Iowa

In a new twist on opposition to wind farm development, the sector is now experiencing infighting, with the largest owner of wind farms in the U.S. challenging a recent state decision that aids another company. Now, instead of fighting environmentalists or NIMBYs (not in my backyard types), MidAmerican Energy must face off against electricity giant… Read more »

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$5B wind plan back in PUC’s lap

Staff members at the Public Utility Commission will get to work today trying to please a district judge who threw a $5 billion wind energy transmission plan back to the agency. The city of Garland’s municipally owned utility had objected to losing out on an opportunity to build some lines to take West Texas wind… Read more »

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European offshore wind power market grew 54% in 2009

In 2009, a total of eight new wind farms consisting of 199 offshore wind turbines, with a combined power generating capacity of 577 MW, were connected to the grid in Europe. This represents a growth rate of 54% compared to the 373 MW installed during 2008. For 2010, the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) expects… Read more »

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Ferrostaal receives order intake for solar power plant in Spain

Ferrostaal AG will present its activities in the field of solar power at the World Future Energy Summit, which will take place in Abu Dhabi from January 18 to 21. At the same time the company will announce the order intake which it has received to construct the parabolic trough power plant Andasol 3 in… Read more »

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German Solar Industry Could Face Subsidy Cuts Close To 30% Sources

Germany’s photovoltaic-solar-energy industry faces a reduction in state subsidies that could be close to 30%, people familiar with the matter said Thursday. Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen next week plans to present a proposal that foresees cutting solar subsidies by a double-digit percentage, the people within the industry told Dow Jones newsletter Energy Daily. The cuts… Read more »

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