Press Releases

Found 13882 Results

Turbine company in talks to open UK factory

One of the world’s largest wind turbine manufacturers is in talks with the government about setting up a factory in Britain. Gamesa, the Spanish turbine company, is being urged by Iberdrola, the owner of Scottish Power, to build a manufacturing facility to serve the British market, according to Ignacio Galan, Iberdrola’s chief executive. Gamesa confirmed… Read more »

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Solar Sweeps Excellence in Renewable Energy Awards

At the Renewable Energy Expo and World Conference in Austin, Texas yesterday, solar energy received accolades from the editors and readers of the Renewable Energy World network of publications. The Excellence in Renewable Energy Awards are intended to recognize projects, people, and companies for “advancing the market for renewable energy in North America”. Of the… Read more »

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Chevron to construct solar energy plant on Questa, New Mexico mining facility

The Chevron Corporation has announced that it will be constructing a new photovoltaic solar panel facility on the site of one of its molybdenum mines in Questa, New Mexico. The solar energy facility will consist of approximately 175 solar panels spread across 20 acres of land, making it the largest concentrating solar photovoltaic installation in… Read more »

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Solar bill will help California’s energy future

For homeowners and businesses, a big part of the appeal of “going solar” is the chance to offset their energy bills by earning credit for the power they generate. State law requires investor-owned utilities such as the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. to provide such credits to their customers – up to 2.5 percent of… Read more »

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Wind Potential Grows in ND

It’s really not surprising to many of us in North Dakota, but a new report from the American Wind Energy Association says there’s more wind energy potential in the Dakotas than previously estimated. The report lists North Dakota number six in the nation in wind energy potential. However several companies are arguing that the state… Read more »

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Kansas needs to capitalize on wind

Kansas learned last week that it’s second only to Texas among states for its potential wind generation, according to a new report co-authored by the U.S. Department of Energy. Now, the state and its leaders, with help from Congress, should take the second-place status and run with it, turning that potential into power, jobs and… Read more »

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Wind & solar can’t provide energy needs

Wind, solar can’t provide energy needs Mainstream media are gaga over solar and wind energy. Myth 1: Mainstream media would have you believe solar and wind can replace coal-fired power plants. Most coal plants produce base-load electricity. Base-load electricity is required 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Solar is obviously not base-load. Only… Read more »

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Solar thermal energy on the march

The global market for solar thermal energy has skyrocketed, particularly in China. Despite the boom, what’s considered the most important of all solar technologies still has a long way to reach its true potential. Mention solar energy and most people are likely to think of sun-powered electrical systems. But there’s a much more important solar… Read more »

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Solar power project in Mojave Desert gets $1.4 billion boost from stimulus funds

The Energy Department on Monday announced a “conditional” $1.4 billion loan guarantee for a solar thermal power complex in the Mojave Desert that would ultimately produce as much as 392 megawatts of electricity. The loan guarantee would be drawn from the resources given to the Energy Department under the economic stimulus bill adopted last year…. Read more »

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Pennsylvania awards >$5M to 13 solar power projects totaling 4.25MW

The state of Pennsylvania has announced new grants totaling more than $5 million in 13 solar energy projects, which will add more than 4.25MW of photovoltaics installations in 11 counties. The projects have a total value of more than $23 million and will include rooftop, parking structure, and ground-mount systems, ranging in size from 20KW… Read more »

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