Press Releases

Found 13882 Results

The Last Word

So: the European super grid. We at PES are broadly enthusiastic about the scheme, but what do our esteemed peers in the wind industry make of it? Here’s what some of them have had to say… “[The] North Sea grid will connect offshore wind to our electricity supply, enabling Europe to exploit its largest untapped… Read more »

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Fraunhofer research: moving ahead with wind energy

Just over 60 years ago, on March 26, 1949, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft was founded in the large conference hall of the Bavarian Ministry of the Economy. At the time, the idea was to develop new structures for research after the war’s destruction, and to spur reconstruction of the economy. Today, the globally-respected institute analyses current macro… Read more »

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Development Accompanying Assessment: a new and efficient approach for development and certification

The certification of wind turbines or components is state-of-the-art and a must in most places around the world. Furthermore, certification to harmonised requirements is an active support of export. Therefore it is important for manufacturers, banks and insurances of wind turbines and components to know the different certification processes as well as guidelines. This exclusive… Read more »

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Wind, Connected: Europe Unites To Build First Supergrid

The continent’s first electricity grid for renewable power has become a political reality, as nine countries formally link clean energy in a deal worth €30bn. For the wind industry, in particular, it will mark perhaps the final step towards mainstream acceptance. The North Sea Grid is the big idea as far as renewable energy generation… Read more »

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Lightning testing for turbines: an essential consideration

As long ago as 1995, a German study reported that more than 80% of insurance claims for damage to wind turbines were paid as result of lightning strikes. A little thought will reveal that this is not particularly surprising. Wind turbines are tall structures and their blades have a small radius of curvature at their… Read more »

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Seven steps of the project life cycle

IntroductionThe current economic crisis sparked by the credit crunch of 2008 has had a significant impact on renewable energy markets. As a result of the global economic downturn, the lending market has contracted, making securing financing for renewable energy projects dramatically more difficult than in the past. Equity investors have in turn become fewer. Despite… Read more »

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Eight Common Turbine Failures And How To Fix Them

For offshore wind turbines, taking every possible step to reduce the risk of mechanical breakdown is mission-critical. With a raft of unique application challenges and constant concern around efficient use of funding for wind farm management, engineering reliable, productive up-time into the wind energy sector will be no easy task. And for off-shore turbines, with… Read more »

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Supergrid Holds Key To Europes Long Term Energy Problem

Dr Eddie O’Connor, CEO of Mainstream Renewable Power, recently gave a thought-provoking and wide-ranging speech to a meeting of the Institute of International and European Affairs. Here for PES, he reiterates some of the major concerns and prophecies of that speech. To begin with here, I take it as a given that we humans have… Read more »

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Power wastage? The answer, my friend, is storing the wind

Bob Dylan told us the answer to the world’s political problems was blowing in the wind, Donovan memorably failed to catch the wind and now a professor of Dynamics at England’s Nottingham University wants us to store the wind. Seamus Garvey of the Midlands-based university’s Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, believes the future… Read more »

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Developing a strong skill base will be critical if Europe is to compete in the global renewable market

Expansion of the global renewable energy market is set to continue increasing despite the current economic situation, forming a fundamental part of how many countries will meet their post-Kyoto targets. The ability to up-skill and transfer knowledge at a European level is going to be critical to meet this expected demand and to successfully compete… Read more »

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