Press Releases

Found 13891 Results

2025 vision

A recently published report by the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) has shed light on just how vast the potential for wind energy is in British Columbia, and what is required to tap into this vast resource. PES gives you some of the highlights from the report and looks at the energy future for BC…… Read more »

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Sound thinking

For any wind energy developer, the issue of impacts on local population is one that must not be taken lightly. A new study published via the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has been conducted to look at the potential adverse benefits of wind farm developments on local populations. PES takes a look at the report’s findings… The… Read more »

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Energys Sustainable Future

PES takes a look at a special US energy report highlighting the potential benefits of taking a more pro-active step towards renewable, and particularly wind, technologies. From job creation to pollution and health, the study digs deep into this controversial subject and asks what the future holds for the US power industry. The Civil Society… Read more »

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Quality assessment of wind turbine blades

Morgan Troedsson, Product Manager, FORCE Technology FORCE Technology is among the leading technological consulting and service providers in Scandinavia as well as internationally. Our target is to sell highly specialized engineering know-how for practical and efficient solutions to the wind energy business area… The solutions enhance customer competitiveness and are based on the customer and… Read more »

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Prepared for global growth

Recently lauded for investing $10 million and creating 200 jobs over five years in Elberton, Georgia, Hailo LLC is a success story made real. We caught up with CEO Steffen Kosir to find out a little more about the Germany-based organisation that produces climbing and service lift systems for turbines. PES: What is your on-the-ground… Read more »

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Industry Insider

A well-known figure within the sector, Mita-Teknik’s Jean Steen Felber is the first of our Insider interviewees. Here, he gives us an exclusive account of the Danish company and its future ambitions, as well as outlining his own background and goals. PES: Welcome to PES magazine, can you firstly explain a little about your role,… Read more »

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Last word

In recent years, the North American wind industry has been somewhat isolated and – dare we say it – a pace behind regions such as Europe. However, this has all now changed, and last year marked a watershed year that catapulted the continent right into the heart of the industry. There have been ups, there… Read more »

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The recovery starts here

With investments set to total $145 BILLION by 2017, our domestic industry has just been catapulted into the global big league. We investigate the cash windfall, examine which sectors and ancillary industries will benefit most, and ask if it can even kick-start the entire economy…? While the financial crisis of 2008-2009 and the recession had… Read more »

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Great at control

With more than 40 years of experience, and a market-leading position in their field, Mita-Teknik is a Danish family-run business that has gone global, bringing innovative systems and a local approach to the worldwide wind market. Mita-Teknik has been developing control system solutions since 1969 and now employs around 230 people worldwide. With divisions in… Read more »

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Midwestern meeting

Transmission is hot topic at wind seminar The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) recently kicked off its Wind Power Transmission Seminar in Indianapolis, Ind. at the hub of one of America’s fastest growing states for wind power. Indiana increased its installed wind power tenfold over the past two years. Meanwhile, wind manufacturing is powering as… Read more »

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