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Northern conditions pose challenges to wind power transport

Wind power transport requires extreme precision during the planning phase. The route choices and changes required by the roads can be anticipated during the planning phase, but the changing weather conditions in northern Europe can still surprise. The northern conditions require special transport expertise and an ability to act even in unforeseen circumstances. When large… Read more »

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Towards an integrated energy union

Despite Brexit being just around the corner and a number of other trends towards greater nationalism, Europe is growing closer when it comes to its energy supply system. Siemens has just delivered a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) system connecting the power grids of Belgium and the UK. Other interconnectors are already online and many more… Read more »

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How drones are revolutionizing wind asset inspections

It might not surprise the reader that wind turbines, blades, etc. need to be inspected intelligently to avoid faults turning into unnecessary problems, and to keep inspection costs at a minimum. But there is always news to tell when it comes to how to do it better. Asset inspections are in the ever-blowing winds of… Read more »

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How has a small Danish company become a significant supplier to the offshore industry?

The first thing you need to know about RG Rom Gummi A/S is, that it’s a family owned business with headquarters near the west coast of Jutland. Therefore, developing and producing products to use at sea, has always been a part of the company’s DNA. Back in 1983, the first generation of Kristensen’s mainly focussed… Read more »

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Actual and future maintenance strategies in the offshore wind industry

During recent times we have seen huge investments worldwide into the design and installation of wind turbines both on and offshore. This trend is set to continue in the coming years. As well as developments in the power range, there has also been some dramatic changes to the equipment needed to install these assets. Strategies… Read more »

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Precise torque

Everyone understands that there are quite a number of critical bolted connections in a wind turbine. Inaccurate bolt tension can easily turn into a wind turbine engineer’s nightmare. Luckily the industry has developed a number of solutions to overcome bolting issues. With 25 years’ experience in gear reduction torque tools, RAD Torque Systems has become… Read more »

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Don’t let opposition to wind farms delay or cancel your projects

The 1962 Bob Dylan lyrics ‘The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind’ was somewhat prophetic to the surge of renewable energy, led by wind, as the answer to eliminate fossil fuels and non-renewable sources on our planet. Most people support renewable energy, and the battle tends to be how quickly to move off… Read more »

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The largest offshore wind farm taxi

The development of the offshore wind industry shows that the wind farms are being developed further and further away from shore and ports. Our core business, as we see it, is to develop vessels that are larger and more seaworthy than the vessels we have been servicing the industry with so far. MHO & Co… Read more »

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Digitalization: the way to save on costs and time

Kristian Holm, VP Renewables, Kongsberg Digital, dropped in to PES to give us his views on our industry and digitalization in particular. We know that cost and time saving have been a top priority for turbine owners and operators for many years and here we learn how it is possible to achieve even more reductions…. Read more »

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Winds of change: the future of renewable energy in Turkey

Renewable energy has a key role to play in powering Turkey’s future. A quarter of Turkey’s energy now comes from renewable sources. The government plans to aggressively increase this proportion to 30% by 2023. Turkey’s daily electricity generation from wind recently hit a new record, with 16.8% of the nation’s electricity being generated from wind… Read more »

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