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随着太阳能的经济前景持续向好,市场上正掀起一股与之相关的投资和扩张热潮。PES 有幸邀请到 EKO Instruments 的中国市场总监 Caris Chan,与他探讨经验丰富或信誉良好的专业公司如何在如此快速的发展时期避免潜在供需失衡。传感器技术有何助益? PES:Caris,感谢您拨冗和我交谈。当然,对于 PES 来说您已经是常客了,但是为了方便新读者,还是请您先简单介绍一下 EKO 和您的职责?  Caris Chan: EKO Instruments 创立于 95 年前,如今专为环保研究领域开发行业领先的太阳能传感器和科学仪器。  我们在 2016 年推出了最著名的产品之一:MS-80 日射强度计,当时这款产品是市面上极速响应和光谱平坦子类别下唯一一款 ISO 9060:2018 A 级太阳能传感器。之后,我们推出了 MS-80S,它是带有内部诊断功能的 S 系列先进传感器的一部分,还有即将推出的 MS-80SH。 MS-80SH 与 MS-80S 类似,具备 S 系列的各项出色功能,同时还纳入了集成的高效固态圆顶加热器,继续将我们的行业一流太阳能传感器发扬光大。  

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撰稿人:Richard Gledhill,DNV 能源系统部澳大利亚项目工程和尽职调查部门主管 即使是小故障,也会对太阳能项目的持续运行产生严重广泛的影响。如果您能知晓故障起因,就可以采取措施,防止问题重复出现。但是,随着太阳能行业迅猛发展,新技术陆续引入,并且项目时常部署在严苛甚至极端的条件下,查明故障原因成了一大挑战。 多种多样的材料和部件共同构成了太阳能光伏电站:光伏组件、安装部件、太阳能跟踪支架、逆变器、电力电缆、变电站以及越来越多的储能电池。它们暴露在不同程度的太阳辐射、风雨、冰雹、霜雪、盐分、湿气乃至摩擦等机械因素下,这些因素均会诱发金属疲劳、腐蚀、开裂等问题,对系统完整性造成了隐患。 公用设施规模的太阳能资产通常资本投入大,运营成本低,这就要求电站运行寿命达到30年以上,才能收回初期投资和后续为减少性能衰减而产生的资本支出。因此,了解太阳能系统和太阳能发电厂的故障源头至关重要,弄清原因后才能稳定供应经济的可再生太阳能电力,助力全球能源系统脱碳。

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自从去年与 DuPont Teijin Films 欧洲、中东和非洲光伏市场经理 Steve Davies 和在 Coveme 光伏太阳能和特种薄膜部门负责欧洲、中东和非洲市场的业务经理 Alessandro Anderlini 对话以来,产品可持续性和可靠性相关问题的解决情况如何,我们在 2022 年及以后还能期待什么?PES 与这二位进行了访谈以了解最新情况。  PES:感谢 Steve 和 Alessandro 抽出时间再次参与我们的访谈。在去年的采访中,二位都强调了无卤素背板所具备的可持续性优势。  二位能否详细介绍一下你们产品的良好使用记录,以及这与你们的可持续性策略的契合程度?  Steve Davies: 我认为在讨论可持续性时,我们必须关注产品的性能,因为如果不能在组件的整个生命周期内保护组件,就称不上是可持续背板。2008 年,我们与 Coveme 合作,首次将 Mylar® UVHPET™ 系列产品实现了商业化。从那以后,我们的产品已经保护了 2 亿多个组件,并且没有报告过任何现场故障。  

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撰稿人:王健全1,仇雷飞1,林福苗1 (1. 中检集团南方测试股份有限公司,518055) 摘 要:随着高容性光伏组件市场化进程不断提速,解决容性效应引起的检测结果失真问题变得越来越重要。根据容性作用机理可知,高容性光伏组件的正反扫描I-V特性参数的差异可以反映容性所引起的误差。本文采用宽脉冲测试法和动态I-V测量法对HJT和Topcon等高容性光伏组件进行检测,研究扫描方式、电压扫描速率对于不同类型组件容性误差的影响,为高容性光伏组件I-V特性检测提供参考。 关键词:高容性光伏组件;电压扫描速率;线性扫描;阶梯式扫描

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Opening a new window of opportunity with backsheets

While the name Endurans™ Solar may be relatively new to some in the solar industry, the people and portfolio behind it will be familiar to many, having previously been part of DSM Advanced Solar. Last year, the company doubled its growth, thanks to a new generation of backsheet technologies that break the mould in terms… Read more »

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Exploring the failure of solar PV assets

Even a small failure can have serious and wide-ranging consequences for the ongoing operation of a solar project. However, by understanding what caused the failure, steps can be taken to prevent it from happening again. But with the rapid expansion of the solar industry, introduction of new technologies, and projects often deployed in challenging and… Read more »

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Playing a role in the solar revolution

PES was fascinated to hear from Piotr Markowski, Chief Executive Officer at Corab, about the company’s transition from satellite dish production to PV systems. How is it putting its expertise in the manufacture of steel and aluminium products to good use and what are the similarities in terms of quality, safety and now, market demand… Read more »

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Well connected

PES was delighted to speak to Guido Volberg, Senior Consultant Product Regulatory Affairs, at Stäubli Renewable Energy to find out more about the issues and challenges the PV industry is facing in terms of misinterpretation of test reports and false expectations regarding compatibility.  PES: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us Guido…. Read more »

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PV energy: the present and future of energy transition

Photovoltaic energy is a crucial element of energy transition. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) solar power is on track to set a record for new global deployments from 2022, with an average of 125 GW of new capacity planned globally between 2021 and 2025. Photovoltaics is on its way to becoming the leading… Read more »

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Off-grid: the dream, the reality, the plan

Many of us dream of an idyllic lifestyle, far away from the hustle and bustle of city life. A place where your nearest neighbour could be miles away and you awaken each morning with clear skies and an awe-inspiring vista. Fully self-sufficient, you live off the earth, fully aware of the delicate balance of mother… Read more »

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