Exclusive Articles

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Investing In Europes Future

In this exclusive dispatch, Julian takes a look at the wind industry’s contribution to EU GDP and argues that ‘Green Growth’ is central to recovery – and growth. Europe is in crisis. The economy has entered the slow lane. Jobs are vanishing. Yet Europeans are paying €700 per person per year to countries such as… Read more »

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A structured approach to onshore and offshore wind turbine gearbox maintenance

Despite the scale and rapid growth of the wind industry, it has until recently been challenged by the limited service options available for the maintenance and overhaul of turbine gearboxes. We take a look one company’s forward-thinking solution. The UK wind energy market comprises more than 4,000 onshore and offshore wind turbines, with around 1,400… Read more »

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Equipped to take-on any lifting challenge

A specialist in the transport of heavy-lift, project and break-bulk cargoes across the world’s oceans, HANSA HEAVY LIFT GmbH has been quietly but confidently carving out a reputation in the wind sector. Here, we talk to company CCO, Joerg Roehl. PES: Welcome to PES magazine. Can you tell us a little about the company and… Read more »

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New polyurethane adhesive developed

Faster rotor blade bonding thanks to new technology. The energy turnaround and the push to expand renewable energy generation is posing major challenges for manufacturers of wind energy plants. To ensure economic viability, efforts are focusing first on improving the availability and productivity of existing production facilities. One of the wind energy industry’s top priorities… Read more »

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Infrastructure: keeping wind competitive

As wind energy grows in Europe, so must infrastructure development. The European Parliament has considered all the renewable energy sectors in the regions and explored how projects are financed in the current programming period of structural funding. PES took a look at the existing and future measures for renewable energy infrastructure as well as electricity… Read more »

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Countdown to an internal energy market

A recent report by the European Wind Energy Association argues that EU electricity market rules must reflect the energy generation mix of the future, and help usher in a flexible power system with a large-scale uptake of wind power and other renewable energy sources. A number of recommendations have been made – many of which… Read more »

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Last Word

As we head full-speed into 2013, who knows what the next 12 months will bring? Growth? A return to profitability and a stable European market? Here’s hoping. All we can be sure of is that, as far as the wind sector is concerned, there are some very strong and visionary views around… “What politicians are… Read more »

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Wind from the East

The recently-unveiled RUSTEC project is set to change the face of the European wind energy market, but can Russia’s Arctic farm plan really plug Europe’s energy gap? We weigh-up the project – and consider the impact of giving Russia control of both traditional and renewable energy sources. There is no renewable energy market in Russia… Read more »

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Taking blades to the next level

PES is delighted to welcome Gregor Gnaedig to the magazine to discuss the advances that his company, Modular Wind Energy, has been making in the rotor blade sector. A global veteran of the energy industry for more than 20 years, Gregor joined the company last year as it emerged from Research and Development into the… Read more »

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Wind Milestone

European Union reaches 100 GW output The European Union has passed the milestone of 100 GW of installed wind power capacity, according to the European Wind Energy Association.One hundred gigawatts of wind power can generate electricity over a year to meet the total consumption of 57 million households, equivalent to the power production of 39… Read more »

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