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Spectroscopy: the ultimate tool in PV materials analysis

In an industry that is currently driven by efficiency and optimum performance, spectroscopy has perhaps never been such a critical factor in the evolution of PV technology. We take a closer look… With their modest cost, compact size 
and great flexibility, miniature fibre optic spectrometers are attractive options for the evaluation of materials and equipment… Read more »

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Business growth calls for a sensible exposure to risk

Regular contributor to PES, Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum remains one of the most consistent operators in a constantly evolving industry. In this issue, we speak to Dr. Marlis Sydow, Head of Market Segment SOLAR/SEMI/COATING and Head of Market Research Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum. PES: Welcome back to the magazine. When we last spoke, you were focussed on… Read more »

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PV GRID: one year on

In 2012, a consortium of 21 partners from 16 EU countries started the PV GRID project with the objective to prepare the grounds for the large-scale integration of photovoltaic systems in distribution grids across Europe and bring forward concrete suggestions on how this can be achieved. In this follow-up feature, we discover what progress has… Read more »

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Predicting the PV future

Industry leaders SEMI have come together to produce a roadmap that will push our technology forward, and provide a more efficient future for the sector. PES takes a look between the lines in an exclusive extract… The photovoltaic industry has to provide power generation products that are competitive with conventional and other renewable sources of… Read more »

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Shifting Markets Projections To 2018

If the industry has learned anything in the past 12 months, it’s that the world is changing; new markets are springing up in untapped territories while hitherto buoyant regions are becoming decimated by Feed-in Tariff reductions and fierce competition. The IEA has just taken the temperature of the global situation, and we’re delighted to be… Read more »

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Building trust

We’re delighted to welcome back Leo Scheiwiller, Corporate Market Field Manager Solar Energy for Sika AG to the magazine. An industry expert and regular face at solar shows worldwide, here he talks about the company and explains how it is pioneering a new route to cost savings and optimisation. PES: Welcome back to the magazine…. Read more »

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Standing still is not an option

A company that is focussed on increasing market diversification while strengthening its position as a leading solar monitoring system provider, Solare Datensysteme GmbH (SDS) is not without ambition. We asked Guy Thouin from SDS’s Sales & Marketing operation to talk us through its eventful past, enviable present and exciting future. PES: Welcome to PES magazine…. Read more »

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Lighting the way in Africa

It’s hard to imagine, but there are 600 million Africans living without connection to the electricity grid. However, a new social enterprise is taking an approach to this fundamental problem that could bring light to the darkest corners rural Africa. PES investigates… As highlighted by President Obama at the launch of his Power Africa Initiative,… Read more »

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Striving for excellence

A German equipment manufacturer of PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) coating systems, Solayer GmbH is currently one of the industry’s hottest organisations, with a focus on innovation and customer service. In this technical dispatch, we take a look at what makes their solutions tick. Solayer’s strengths lie in the development of novel functional optical layers for… Read more »

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Micro-inverters versus conventional (string or central) inverters

A company with over five decades of experience in various sectors, Spitzenberger & Spies GmbH is a firm believer 
in the mantra: “If there is a better way, we will find it”. The company has underlined this with its range of PV applications – as we discover in this technical feature. Testing possibilitiesOne of the… Read more »

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