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Taking growth to the next level

Longstanding contributors to PES, Scaldis Salvage & Marine Contractors NV (Scaldis) are known for taking a measured approach that all-but eliminates last-minute surprises. We spoke once again to Linda Vanhaelst, Business Development & Marketing, about the company’s recent acquisitions and how it is laying the foundations for greater growth. PES: Welcome back to the magazine…. Read more »

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Setting the story straight

It seems that 2014 has been the year to knock wind energy, with detractors trying to take a swipe at the technology, the health issues, planning, or any one of a number of perceived ills. We take a look at the reality behind the scare stories. This year has seen yet more negativity on wind… Read more »

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Welcome to ‘Camp Anywhere’

As CEO of Site Facility, Jacob HeskjÊr is in charge of a bold vision that sees the company rolling-out camp facility solutions worldwide. And if that means finding a nearby site – complete with water and power – in the Arctic Circle, so be it. PES: It’s good to see Site Facility in the magazine… Read more »

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When size is strength

As one of the world’s biggest MPP (multi-purpose) shipping companies, Thorco Shipping takes a keen interest and invests heavily in the wind industry. We caught up with the organisation’s CEO, Thomas Mikkelsen, to find out more about the current operations and future plans. PES: Welcome to PES magazine. Would you like to take this opportunity… Read more »

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Transforming a global energy system

PES takes a look at the current state of renewable energy rollout, considers wind energy’s increasing role, and discovers what’s in store for the next few years.   Since 2010, more than a quarter of a trillion dollars have been invested annually in renewable energy, energy efficiency and supporting technologies. Global investment in clean energy… Read more »

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U.S. wind: boom before bust?

For U.S. wind power, the last 12 months was both the best of times and the worst of times. That’s the conclusion from the new Wind Technologies Market Report recently released  by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and prepared by DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). We take a look at the latest trends… Read more »

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Seizing a golden opportunity

It’s a curious contradiction that, while wind is a renewable, non-fossil fuelled, energy source, some global wildlife organisations have put up massive resistance to its expansion. Refreshingly, the industry has finally received a vote of confidence from a major body – the National Wildlife Federation. We take a look at their recently-published recommendations about making… Read more »

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Wind’s world of opportunity

The Global Wind Energy Council has recently identified the key commercial battlegrounds where wind power can make gains in the next four years. We present an exclusive look at their global findings, together with a special focus on offshore.  On the whole, the market diversification trend which has emerged over the past several years intensified… Read more »

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Breaking The Mould Alternative Materials For PV Modules

When it comes to the cutting edge of solar innovation, Building Integrated Photovoltatics (BIPV) tends to lead the way. Alex Savidis, Applications Manager of Solar Capture Technologies explores the latest technologies – and crucially, materials – being used. You could be forgiven for thinking that all solar panels have to be flat, rectangular, and made… Read more »

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Listen to what the market wants

Even in challenging market conditions, Germany’s Solare Datensysteme GmbH (SDS) has maintained its leading role as a provider of PV monitoring and energy management solutions. Guy Thouin, Managing Partner from SDS, lets us in on the company’s business strategy and explains what exciting new devices we might see in the near future. PES: Welcome to… Read more »

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