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The dilemma of lifting in deep waters

The seemingly never ending ramp up in offshore wind installations in recent years, together with the drive for ever larger and heavier wind turbines in deeper waters, presents the industry with many logistical challenges. Not least of these is heavy lifting operations in deep waters. The next generation of turbines, up to 20 MW, are… Read more »

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Shared goals lead to a successful partnership

In the pursuit of a cleaner and sustainable future, the demand for renewable energy, particularly from wind power, has witnessed remarkable growth over the years. As the wind energy sector continues to thrive, companies strive to innovate and provide improved solutions for the erection, assembly, and maintenance of onshore and offshore wind turbines. One collaboration… Read more »

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Offshore wind vessels on the US east coast

Offshore wind farm development has got off to a slow start in the US. Despite many projects being in the pipeline since the mid-to-late 2010s, with initial completion scheduled for the early 2020s, no major US wind farm has yet commenced operation. Colebrook Offshore explores the reasons behind the delays. One example is the MarWin… Read more »

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A new winter solution: the case for an icephobic coating

As climates shift and weather events become more extreme, it is imperative that wind farm owners and operators prepare for the worst that the cold season has to offer. Ice-based downtime significantly reduces the efficiency, and therefore the profitability, of wind energy installations worldwide. This issue is compounded by the increased energy needs of the… Read more »

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Beyond blades: bird safety amid renewable growth

The upsurge of renewable energy is critical to the future of our planet. However, wind farms can have an adverse impact on birds and other wildlife. Sibylle Giraud, VP Wind and Environmental Practice at Robin Radar Systems, discusses some of the latest technologies and solutions that can help reduce bird mortality at wind farms. PES:… Read more »

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Making the grade with edge milling

As steel plates for monopile production continue to increase in thickness, reaching up to 200 mm, it becomes crucial to have a cost-effective machining solution. Michael Steinkogler, Chief Operating Officer of Linsinger, explains how, by combining cutting-edge machine technology with its dedicated tool development, the company can offer a comprehensive solution that addresses all the… Read more »

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Lift off for greater productivity

Modern wind turbines are commonly equipped with service lifts, but what can be done to upgrade those old wind towers that only have climbing ladders? Limited space and costly modifications have made it impossible to install lifts on older turbines, reducing its energy output and compromising worker safety and health. Wind farm owners and operators… Read more »

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Precision tools level the playing field

Erik Roos, Director of Wind Industry Tools & Solutions at Enerpac, talks to PES about its expertise in levelling and fixation and explains the advantages of its in-house capabilities spanning design, engineering, manufacturing, and testing. PES: It’s great to speak to you again Erik and I’m looking forward to discussing Enerpac’s part in the wind… Read more »

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Optimising wind farm location for the highest possible yield

Although wind parks can’t produce power without wind, too much isn’t favourable either, as beyond a certain wind speed, turbines risk being damaged. In fact, strong winds can even force production to come to a complete halt or cause wind plants to fall over. To assess the profitability and safety of a wind park in… Read more »

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The German wind market bounces back again

In 1989 Husum Wind was the world’s first trade fair devoted exclusively to wind energy, taking place within a livestock auction venue. Twenty companies presented their products to more than 10,000 visitors. A lot has happened since. In the late 1980s/early 1990s the German market developed dynamically due to the Electricity Feed Act. With the… Read more »

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