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All-inclusive survey

Sofia Regell Hallström, Marketing Project Manager at MMT, came in to talk to PES about their latest all-inclusive surveys. Innovation and customer service are integral to the services provided. PES: Welcome to PES Wind magazine. Would you like to begin by explaining a little about the background of your organisation and how you currently serve… Read more »

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Improving emergency wind pitch safety and reliability

Renewable energy, primarily wind and solar, will represent the largest source of electricity growth over the next five years, driven by falling costs and aggressive expansion in emerging economies. Globally, progress continues to be strong with increasing annual installed capacity and investments. As solar power becomes more economical, wind systems have to become competitive to… Read more »

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Personnel transfers on the high seas

Later this year, the blades on the world’s first full-scale floating wind farm will start to turn, harnessing the winds that hurtle from the continental shelf. Hywind Scotland will literally sit on the North Sea, 26 kilometres to the East of Aberdeen. But while big winds make it a perfect site for energy generation, they… Read more »

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Be empowered

PES caught up with Andreas Jagtøyen, Senior Vice President, Energy Division, Kongsberg Digital AS, who gave us a full account of their EmPower software suite. A way for wind farm asset managers to make informed choices to maximise production and reduce costs. PES: Welcome to PES Wind magazine. Thanks for talking with us. Would you… Read more »

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All change in the heavy lift market

After a difficult period, the heavy lift industry is making changes and diversifying. PES finds out how one such company is meeting the challenge head on. All the know-how and expertise is already in place for what looks like the beginning of a heavy lift revival. HANSA HEAVY LIFT, which specialises in heavy lift, super… Read more »

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A global view of the wind industry

Coming off a record year in 2015, where a ‘perfect storm’ of circumstances pushed the Chinese market to 30 GW and the global market past 60 GW, 2016 was a solid if mostly unspectacular year for the wind power industry. More than 54 GW of clean renewable power was installed across the global market, which… Read more »

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Powering offshore wind developments by LNG

The past decade has been a period of large evolutionary steps for offshore wind and the upcoming years are set to continue this trend, further establishing wind power as a maturing player in the global energy mix. As economy of scale is driving up the size of turbines and wind farms, the offshore units used… Read more »

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Foundation Optimisation for offshore wind parks

Abstract: Larger wind turbines and increasing water depths are presenting industry with new challenges for the realisation of economical foundation systems. The issues confronting industry here are manifold and include not only the optimisation and validation of structures or soil-structure interaction models, but also the development of economical installation methods with mitigated noise levels. Experimental… Read more »

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Intelligent wind farm management makes the difference

Words: Dr Ralf Köpke The reactions in the German, specialist media have been consistently positive. Last September, Deutsche Windtechnik which is based in Bremen announced that it had acquired a 70 percent stake in the Dutch company OutSmart B.V. One of the comments was, “Germany’s largest independent service provider in the wind energy sector is… Read more »

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Can bidders in the upcoming German tender process, for offshore wind power, enforce the award?

Words: Linda Blunk in cooperation with Blanke Meier Evers Project developers of offshore wind power have growing concerns, even anxieties, which mirror their apprehension about a basic injustice inherent in the future tendering process stipulated by the new German Offshore Wind Energy Act (WindSeeG). This apprehension has already led to numerous legal inquiries which focus… Read more »

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