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Renewing renewables: data analytics can unlock a new age of predictable operations and profits, for wind, solar and hydro

Data can be our crystal ball. With advanced analytical tools, we can harness the flow of data from turbines, solar cells, dams, our organisations and even external sources, such as energy markets, to optimize performance and earnings. You can look into the future, now. Businesses thrive on predictability. Stable demand, stable supply, stable operations and,… Read more »

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First bolted connection for Ørsted

Jan De Nul Group was contracted by Ørsted to transport and install 36 monopile foundations and the scour protection works around all 56 foundations for the Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore wind farm. The cable installation works connecting the OWF to the offshore substation were also executed by Jan De Nul on behalf of TenneT. Thus,… Read more »

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Optimum power: is wind finally there?

Some years ago, the offshore wind industry was primarily a high-priced and tough European adventure. But, mainly as a consequence of intense private-public collaborations in the key countries nearby Irish, North and Baltic seas, this situation has dramatically changed. Nowadays, the offshore industry is widely recognized as a key component for the future generation mix,… Read more »

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Foundation monitoring – resistive versus fiber-optical strain gauge systems

The role foundations play in the deployment of larger, heavier, more powerful wind turbines, in deeper waters and further from shore, has perhaps not received the attention it deserves. But it is crucial in driving down offshore wind’s levelised cost of energy to the point where it can compete with fossil fuel and nuclear sources…. Read more »

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Always on time!

PES caught up with Hans Gatzemeier, Managing Director, ELA Container Offshore GmbH, to ask him about their temporary accommodation solutions. These are availbale for sale or rent and standardised modules can be customised to fit various requirements. Crew comfort and safety are paramount. PES: Welcome back to PES Wind magazine, it’s great to talk with… Read more »

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How O&M became business-critical and what it means for the future

As the wind industry continues to grow and mature, O&M models for the servicing of wind farms are becoming more diversified. With increasing competition and margins under pressure, it’s crucial to adopt an O&M model that is cost-efficient while securing high availability. Over the last decade, while the wind industry was still maturing, most development… Read more »

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Reduce costs using light weight slings

Lindø Industrial Park saves time and manpower by replacing heavy polyester slings with lightweight Dynamica SafeLift slings manufactured in Dyneema®. The industrial park on Funen has a great experience with the handling and shipping of large components for the offshore and heavy industry. The industrial zone in Odense is, amongst other things, a collection point… Read more »

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Taking a multi-brand view of system technology

Deutsche Windtechnik operates a unique Training Center with actual turbines from various manufacturers. In a time in which technology, systems, processes and learning methods are constantly changing, it is important to train your company staff using intelligent, agile methods. The much-discussed shortage of skilled workers also highlights the need for targeted management of competencies within… Read more »

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Quay-side, rapid response now at Eemshaven

More and more with the growth of wind farms in the North Sea, depots in convenient locations that offer fast and efficient services are imperative to ensure continuous power generation in the face of an emergency or breakdown. PES wanted to find out more about Cargostore, who as the world’s largest operator of DNV 2.7-1… Read more »

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How to prevent premature failure of a coating

Over the years, Jo van Montfort, from Bjond b.v.b.a. has convinced PES that the wind industry needs to look beyond standards and protocols to reduce the maintenance costs of turbines. It seems incredible that companies don’t seem to realise that they are not getting the best out of their coatings, despite what the tests say…. Read more »

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