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Tracing the future: automated performance analysis

In a world of fluctuating conditions and volatile energy markets, long-term performance analysis is becoming increasingly significant. By using advanced analytical methods, we can navigate this uncertain future more effectively. Instead of merely observing the current performance of renewable energy plants, these forecasts allow us to glimpse into the future.

Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is crucial for the successful implementation of any project. Familiarize yourself with relevant regulations and approval procedures early on. These regulatory obligations often lead to what is termed approval related losses, which, along with technical availability and grid losses, must be considered in long-term performance assessments. In the absence of specific losses and figures, the TR6, the German standard for Windenergy yield assessments ‘Technische Richtlinie 6, FGW e.V.’, provides generalized values that should be used in such cases as regulations similar to those in Germany are
in place.

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