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Solar tracker innovations driving customer success

GameChange Solar, the third-largest solar tracker company in the US and fourth- largest globally in 2023, attributes its success to innovation and customer- centric approaches. PES heard from President & COO Phillip Vyhanek about the company’s strategy so far, and how it’s not stopped yet on its global adventure, with plans for new factories, training, and service centers in various regions.

PES: Welcome back to PES Phillip. It’s been a busy time for GameChange recently hasn’t it, with unprecedented growth in 2023 that places you as the third largest tracker company in the US and the 4th largest globally. What factors do you think account for this?

Phillip Vyhanek: There are several reasons for the high growth of GameChange. We bring a lot of value to our customers in very specific ways. Our commitment to continuous innovation is a key driver of our success. Since our establishment in 2012, we have consistently introduced groundbreaking advancements to our fixed tilt and Genius Tracker products.

We actively seek input from our customers to ensure our products meet their evolving needs, and we are dedicated to solving their challenges, not just building products. A prime example of this is our tracker’s exceptional resilience in extreme weather conditions.

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