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Reducing emissions for offshore operations

As the energy transition advances worldwide, the offshore industry faces stricter regulations, coupled with growing societal and stakeholder demands to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and the environmental impact of its operations. NOV’s GustoMSC, a leading offshore engineering firm, has launched the GustoMSC Energy and Emissions Quest (GEEQ) program to address these challenges, enhance efficiency, and lower the GHG emissions of the products in its portfolio. 

Through this dedicated initiative, GustoMSC is working to develop energy efficient mobile offshore unit (MOU) designs that can operate with minimal GHG emissions. It also aims to quantify the impact of design choices on emissions and provide guidance on future proof energy supply systems.

The insights from the GEEQ initiative, detailed in the company’s latest whitepaper, ‘Pathway and case study on alternative fuels for wind installation vessels,’ provide a clear course for the industry to reduce GHG emissions from MOUs and help navigate toward a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

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