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Putting the brakes on under pressure

Brakes are an integral component of a wind turbine, and among the most important are yaw brakes, active or passive, installed to align the nacelle into the wind. Now, Dellner Wind Solutions has revealed plans to introduce a new high-pressure braking system to reduce the number of yaw brakes required in a wind turbine.

Sliding bearings and special brakes control the same turbine motion, twisting or oscillating about the vertical axis. Dellner Group is a global, pioneering manufacturer of these systems, in addition to heavy duty rotor locks, rotor brakes and pitch brakes, used in various wind energy applications. 

Rotor brakes, are typically caliper-style, while rotor lock pins, hydraulic or manual, are used for safety locking and maintenance. Dellner also makes high end coolers, hydraulic systems, cylinders, and accumulators.

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