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Power in our own hands

Hand injuries can significantly affect quality of life and work performance. Despite their preventable nature, this type of injury is common in workplaces, including the renewable energy sector. Mechanix Wear offers specialized PPE solutions to address these hazards. Through programs like TRACK, the brand provides comprehensive assessments and trials to ensure optimal hand protection, reducing injuries and improving productivity.

The hand is a critical body part. Any injury can alter quality of life, impact a person’s ability to earn a living, or perform essential life functions without assistance.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, hand injuries account for one- third of all work injuries, one-third of chronic injuries, one-fourth of lost-time injuries, and one-fifth of permanent disabilities. Many of the recorded hand and finger injuries are preventable, yet front-line employees still make excuses for not wearing the proper PPE that can prevent injury and protect the employee’s hands.

In addition, there are some employers who may not provide the right or adequate protection levels for the identified hazards because of the absence of a risk assessment for the work area or assigned tasks.

Even with proper training and PPE available, there are still employees who will not wear the gloves that will protect them. Various reasons are given for this. They mention that the gloves feel hot when worn, are ill-fitting, retain moisture against the skin from sweat or exposure to water, are bulky and restrict grip and dexterity, and need to be removed to handle parts, tools, or connectors. Additionally, gloves must be taken off to use hand-held devices such as radios, phones, or screens.

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