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Increasing the certainty in offshore wind

Given the multitude of challenges currently facing the offshore wind industry, project developers will appreciate having one less thing to worry about. Increasing costs, grid issues, and logistical bottlenecks are all things that are largely out of a company’s hands. But certainty over waves and weather measurement need not be left to chance.

Renowned globally for its reliable high-accuracy wave sensors and disruptive technology, Miros has been constantly evolving its radar-based systems to remain at the forefront of the energy industry. The company’s technology gauges live ocean data, including waves, currents, sea levels, and weather conditions, providing comprehensive real-time insights, as well as offering short-term predictions of waves and vessel motion.

Miros provides tailored, cloud-based solutions to clients, keeping them up to speed on the ever-changing environment offshore through IoT-enabled sensors, and crucially, the Sea-State-as-a-Service subscription model.

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