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Enhancing wind turbine reliability: advanced monitoring to prevent unscheduled downtime

Electrical system failures cause around 40% of wind turbine faults.
High frequency data analysis can improve early detection and prevention. Talking to PES, Ping Liu, Chief Product Officer at WindESCo, discusses how advanced sensors and data sampling rates up to 100 kHz can capture irregularities, enabling predictive maintenance and reducing downtime and repair costs.

PES: Welcome Ping, let’s dive straight in. Electrical system failures account for about 40% of wind turbine faults. How can high frequency data analysis improve early detection and prevention of such failures?

Ping Liu: The market lacks robust solutions for the condition monitoring of electrical components. Traditional SCADA systems usually capture data at 10 minute intervals, but this sampling frequency often misses short-lived irregularities that can occur before electrical component failures. This limitation makes effective condition monitoring and predictive analysis very challenging.

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