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LTi REEnergy acquires abakus solar AG as a major customer

LTi REEnergy is supplying central inverter stations for photovoltaic power plants in the South of England with output capacities totalling 18 MWp.

In abakus solar AG, LTi has acquired a major customer for realizing worldwide photovoltaic projects. Abakus solar AG is a leading, internationally active photovoltaics system house with extensive technical expertise ranging from small units through to megawatt-scale solar parks, and it has already placed orders for the UK (18 MW), South Africa, and the USA with LTi.

The photovoltaic parks near of Southampton in the South of England are pioneering projects for LTi in the British Isles. One particular challenge when implementing container stations for the UK was in designing for the 33-kV British medium voltage grid. PVmaster inverter stations are usually designed for typical supply voltages of 10 kV and 20 kV. The size of the transformer and the switchgear increase significantly in relation to the mains voltage. Despite the limited space, it was possible to implement an efficient space-saving solution by accommodating these components, the four central inverters, and the additional equipment in one 20-foot ISO container. This station is the most powerful that LTi REEnergy offers. In addition, an inverter station in a 40-foot ISO container has been designed specifically for each project, offering enough space for a higher-level switchgear system with circuit breakers, for example. This way it was possible to save an extra building in the individual photovoltaic power plants. In addition, LTi supports customers on such issues as tariff counts, substations, higher-level switchgear, park monitoring, or the power supplied for intrinsic consumption. The park has been planned in cooperation with the customer in order to ensure that the photovoltaic power plant is ideally designed.

The completion of the projects in the UK is planned for the 1st Quarter of 2013. Approximately 75,000 modules have been installed on the site of the three photovoltaic parks. Following commissioning, the new solar parks will supply approximately 15.8 million kWh of electricity a year in future, enough to supply around 4.370 households.

LTi REEnergy GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 18
59423 Unna
Tel.: +49 2303 779 0
Fax: +49 2303 779 397
E-Mail: pvmaster@lt-i.com


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